Missing you ❤️

God moves in mysterious ways just find comfort your angel will always be near I lost my angel last July 2023 suddenly he was only 51 we didn’t even have time to get married


@Eveybabes my scenario is exactly the same as yours only my Baz was 59. We had planned to get married but didn’t have the opportunity :broken_heart::broken_heart: xxx


I’m so sorry for your loss as well xx it breaks my heart I’ll never see my angel again he also left behind a 16 and 27 year old daughters from previous marriages we didn’t have none together since covid 2020 my life hasn’t been the same I’ve lost a few close friends etc but my fiancé was the ultimate heart breaker I’ve been poorly since his birthday last nov I hope you find some sort of peace knowing your angel will always be with you they say grief is love with no place to go just take one day at a time have a blessed day


@Eveybabes yes life has been awful since Covid hasn’t it . Sadly I lost my mum in January 2021 (15th) but this was to be expected. She had Alzheimer’s and whilst she is much missed and loved by all of us , after a 15 year struggle she was released from her suffering.
As you say losing our partners is the real heartbreak here . Mine died unexpectedly and very suddenly 2 years and 1 day to my mum’s anniversary (16th January 2023) and to say I am heartbroken by his loss is an understatement. We had been together ( for the second time ) for 20 years and he was my life . We had no children together but he was a brilliant stepdad to my son who’s now 30. The whole thing is so unbelievably sad it makes me question what life is all about . My son recently became a first time dad with his wife and I’m so utterly broken that Baz will never get to meet his grandson . Because he would definitely have been his granddad . We were getting married this year . You take care xxx


Really helpful to read some of the commentary on here, jeez we are all suffering in similar ways! When I take the dog out for his final walk of the night I put my ear pods in and listen to a video my wife made when we were last on holiday a few years ago and listen to her voice. If I’m honest I’m not sure if this is ultimately a hinderance to moving forward or, it’s not a comfort more a want, a need to hear her. I read the advice about moving forward and that it’s what your partner would’ve wanted, but, I’m not convinced it’s what I want - living life through distractions doesn’t seem fulfilling. Ultimately it’s early days, I’m only just entering week 3 since her passing but goodness it’s feels like day one. Best wishes to all for this Easter Weekend in getting some form of peace. Kevin.


I feel the same,lost my husband 7 months ago.The house is so silent without him. I feel so empty without him,I cry every day,and keep seeing him suffering with terminal cancer. I looked after him at home,until we couldn’t manage and he had to go into a hospice and he died three days later.I do understand the loneliness. I hope you will feel a bit better soon.


So sorry for your loss, it will be 1 year on May 1st since I lost my husband to cancer, I do wonder if I will ever feel the same again, its so hard,evenings and Sundays are the worst. We were married 47 yrs and I find living alone really hard. But we just have to keep going till its our turn to go and be with our spouses again!
Lean on your family they will be there for you xx


Hi @ Georgi
Like yourself it is coming up to 10 months since my husband died suddenly and unexpectedly we were married 35 years.
I find living alone hard and weekends evenings are worst. Unfortunately font have family to help out so find that extremely hard to. I guess now takecine day at a time these days.
Lynne x


It is very hard being on your own all the time I lost my husband 5 months ago and all one off my daughters say is I have to get on with it . I don’t get much support from them . But as you say we have to try and do the best we can take care


I don’t think any of us really want to carry on life without our partners… distraction stops me from feeling the pain and realisation of never seeing him again… when kind people ask how I am how I really am feeling. I break down… :frowning:
We all know deep down we can’t live forever but it’s come too soon for us I expected to grow old with my Chris . I can’t bring myself to listen to his voice it’s too much to bear…I think we do try to hang onto every thread of them, we don’t want to believe there gone… My partner was my best friend, confident, husband to be of 33 wonderful years I don’t think we will ever come to terms with it… like you I don’t want to…I just try to live a day at a time in the hope that one day I will be able to smile again…


Here goes been quiet for a week. And weekend here bank holiday sitting here what to do. Don’t like it Loads to do but what’s the point hope you and all on here are doing a little better


It’s horrible it’s Easter me and Steve always went away for Easter now I’m just sat here on my own .probably won’t see anyone all weekend it’s so hard


Hi @Pam14
Feeling same way to.
This is my 1st easter without my husbsnd and i too will spend it alone and wont see anyone too.
It’s hard being on your own now. For me its been 10months still have his birthday in April coming up.
Sending hugs and :heart:
Take care and message me anytime here to listen :two_hearts:
Lynne Xx


It’s my husband’s birthday on the 10th April
He would off been 67 :heart:


Hi Pam yep my first my tina 15.12.23 just lost same as you all my birthday 6.4 Alone. Might go out to shops just look don’t need anything but just to get out. Best I do house work first. Shopping last week a talking out load. Thought I said this in my head over pizza topping .lady next me said take the pineapple one just looked at here a she said you was talking to your self said sorry must be going mad. Ummm to be honest I’m talking a lot around house hopping tina will answer as I’m writing this tear falling no that she won’t xx


Hi @ Pam14
My husband would have been 64 on 27th April .
Lynne x


Hi Martin it’s so hard getting though all the normal days but special days are really hard without your special person .i to talk to my husband and I write to him
Take care


Thanks Pam it’s not just me then 63 closing in few days always went out tina said birthday are special it’s your day. This time next week it be my first no card no cuddle no out x x


I could have wrote that. I’ll be going to the football today. I don’t get the same pleasure but it will pass the time.


Hello Pam galaxy. This will be the second Easter without my husband he would have been 68. Like you will be spending the long weekend on my own as no children Hope that weather improves and you find some happiness Diane :heart: