Missing you ❤️

I can’t believe that Steve died. We were totally in love with each other and inseparable. We couldn’t sleep without each other. It isnt like a break-up, I’ll never bump into him in town, and we’ll never have the chance to get back together. He is gone and I’m heartbroken. I wonder if he would be reacting like this, I think he probably would.


@SadGirlfriend I think about if roles were reversed and in some ways I wouldn’t want her to go through the pain that I face everyday. This is my first Easter without her and whilst Easter wasn’t the biggest event in the house I missed her even more today because of the little things she would’ve done. I am however dreading Christmas and already thinking with my son that we need a plan - be it going overseas or something.


No, I wouldn’t wish this suffering on anyone, either. Sometimes I think I need to try a bit harder and not to be such a misery, but I think he would feel the same as I do because of how we were with each other.
I also think about Christmas. My dog will be 15 by then, if she is still with me then good, but I plan to close up my house and clear off for a long time once she’s gone, too. I really can’t bear this.


This is my first Easter on my own we always went away for a few days at Easter .My family don’t bother and don’t understand how I feel or they don’t really care send hugs to all


Like wise tina and me always went away First Easter on me own came down boat to clean witch I did now heading back home to empty house


It’s 10 months for me too and not getting any easier.


Hi @Pam14
Yes im on my own too for my 1st Easter last year he was here with me.
Now just me no family and friends have their own families to look after.
It really is lonely when you were just used to being a couple you just had each other.
Trying to make new friends and do more but it us hard in your 60’s.
I have been for walk today and now back to empty house. Life really is so hard now.
Take care
Lynne x


It’s very hard even cooking is hard for one nothing is enjoyable anymore it’s like you get up there’s a bit in the middle and you go to bed
I used to love going to the sea with him and walking along the seafront


HI @Pam14
Yes life has now certainly changed.
Unless you have lost a partner you just dont get it.
I feel i just exist survive not our choices but now the new normal
I hope your easter has not been too stressful
Take care
Lynne x


Yes it does not get any better
10 months on for me
Soon be the anniversary 1 year cant say im looking forward to that day
Lynne x


I agree it’s nice to be able to cook for someone and they appreciate it! My angel loved my cooking and was always excited to taste whatever I experimented with new recipes - no more of that pleasure now :sob:
Spent first Easter alone gardening, sadly :persevere:
Hope everyone was okay x


Sending big hugs X


Sending big hugs & strength X


It’s 11 months for me and still feel like yesterday :sob:


We usually went away for a weekend break around this time each year but last year we didn’t as we stayed home and started planning for our semi- retirement which was to commence in Jan.2024!
It never happened devastatingly :sob: :sob: :sob:


It’s 10 months for me too . It doesn’t get easier no matter what I do to try and occupy my mind . It is such a loss when you were so close . I feel so sorry for everyone on here


Is it to early for bed living like this can’t be good for the mind I try to be positive an think positive but kick in the teeth an I go backwards not sure how Tina would have copped probably not well that’s the first bank holiday almost out of the way hope your all doing a little better

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Two bits of toast an early to bed see what today brings looks dry out. Need to go shopping take care all

Hi @Martin2
Morning i hope your day goes well.
Another holiday easter monday
Dont want to get out of bed this morning.
It s going to be one of these days.
Hopefully motivate myself to get dressed and go out later.
Take care


I don’t want to get up either ,sometimes don’t see the point .Trying to keep yourself going every day is really hard it’s just so lonely x