Missing you ❤️

Two months today.
My life has changed so much. This time last year I was working Monday to Friday, had my yoga and other hobbies, and of course my lovely boyfriend. Now I have none of those things. Can’t face yoga since he went, not working and I haven’t seen anyone since Friday morning. But I’m not ready to actually do anything, scary really.


That’s it Pam so lonely kids say why don’t you do something go down the boat go do the garden go for a bike ride xx don’t they understand why dad don’t you come round here have dinner and a catch up .im 62 almost 63 sat guess what ill still be here on me own


Hi @ Pam14
Im up now but weather here in Scotland is dry but very cold.
Easter Monday so bus service sunday timetable
I will force myself to go out otherwise like others here wont see anyone all week.
I volunteer for Macmillan planning to do shift on Friday 1st one since my husband died 10 months ago not sure how it will go but give it a try. At least see people on Friday.
The new norm is not what i want but it is now what i have. On your own it is too hard at the moment.
Take care


All I can do is go for a walk Steve was the one that drove everywhere .we went out every day right up to the day before he died. I really lost without him x

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Hopefully will find something to do I can walk down to the lakes by me x

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Hi @Pam14
I dont drive my husband was my driver
So finding getting about by public transport something i have to plan to get places.
I miss him so much its the not having someone to talk to mo more laughs hugs etc.
His birthday is thus month another 1st he will be 64.
Lynne x


My husband would off been 67 this month x

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Hi @Pam14
Too young to be gone from our lives.
We all had plans retirement holidays times together. Now on my own doesn’t hold much joy or pleasure.
Almost 1 year on now not sure i can cope with another 20+ if we are living to our 80’s
Going to visit my mum who is 88 and in care home has dementia but no other illness. She has forgotten my husband but still recognises me.
Life has a habit of throwing curveballs to try me.


My mum has just turned 91 she blind and deaf and lives on her own she is an inspiration. She lost my dad 4 years ago x


I totally agree it doesn’t get any easier sadly :cry:
Take care everyone x

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I go to bed early as well, as soon as I finish my dinner up to the bedroom and put on TV for background noise and eventually fall asleep just to wake again in the middle of the night - lonely life :sob:
Take care x


Easter Monday today so not working! Not often that I feel contented being at home - so thankful for the sunny weather, sitting in my garden trying to make the most of peaceful time at home that I rarely have in the past 11 months.
Hope & pray that this will last forever so I don’t have to rush out to pound the streets of London just to avoid being empty and lonely.
Take care x


@Pam14 sending a virtual hug…
I managed a walk today I’m now sat in my garden listening to the birds I found one nesting… nature is a wonderful thing :slight_smile:


At 2 months I was in a total daze and didn’t want to face reality I still don’t at 8 months
Don’t put any pressure on yourself we all deal with this terrible situation at different paces… most of my first months were spent sorting through paperwork setting up bill payments… on the phone to anyone that would talk to me… I didn’t want to leave the house… I did push myself on a weekend away and ended up in hospital with broken heart syndrome… only now I am starting in baby steps to plan getting my health back on track… I really need to start yoga… be kind to yourself :mending_heart:


Soak up that vitamin D it will
Do us good I’m sat in my garden also listening to the birds… x

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@Galaxy75 im not looking forward to the date either . I hope I can go away for it . It is so hard isn’t it

It’s raining here now so no walk for me this afternoon .But my daughter came so that was a surprise x

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Thank you. I don’t have anything to do re admin as I wasn’t NOK, but I was heavily involved in the funeral arrangements. That’s all behind us now.
I took myself on a city break after the funeral, 6 weeks later. I took the train as I’d crashed my car 6 days after he died and wrote it off. It did work as in my heart stopped hurting so much and my stomach upset stopped for a while.
I read about broken heart syndrome; what happened to you?

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Yes we all need to be kind to ourselves no one really understands what we are going through except us here going through the same sad journey together x


Nature is so beautiful isn’t it ?