Missing you ❤️

It is not an easy path. Our whole lives have changed. I still cant believe i will never see him again. My heart is broken forever.


It is hard I have to push myself every day I have my grandson today it’s the first time since steve past it will be hard .But I have to remember it is hard for him aswell
Hopefully he will make me smile today x


Hi @ pam14
Hopefully your grandson will cheer up your day.
Life on our own is so hard like ypu and others here dont ever think we get over it we just survive exist in this new world
Take care
Lynne Xx :two_hearts:


I “we” have 10 year old twin granddaughters that absolutely adored their grandad and I have them after school one day a week and sometimes at the weekend. They really do cheer me up and lift my spirits . They are a real blessing. Take care every one. Ann x


Sending you hugs x

I go to bed early too every night as soon as I finish my dinner I am in my bed either reading or watching TV on my IPad usually around 6-7 pm, then fall asleep around 10-11 then up again at around 3 am that’s when all these thoughts start to run through my head keeping me awake until morning- how exhausting!
I wear his T-shirt to sleep every night, his fleece jacket to keep me warm around the house and his scarf around my neck when I am out. A lot of his clothes were given to the grand kids whatever fits them - I’ve kept the rest and have planned to put all his stuff in a special box in one corner of the wardrobe along with the outfit he wore on his last day :broken_heart:
We are in the same boat indeed and only we know exactly what we are going through and how we really feel each and every day.
Take good care everyone x


I’m so glad I found this forum , just to know it’s not just me feeling like I do ( horrible everyone here is going through the suffering I am ) .
I was the one who always stayed up late , wanting to watch just one more episode of whatever we were watching , now I’m saying goodnight to the kids as they watch tv as I just want to go to bed for a brief respite from the gut wrenching emptiness I’ve felt everyday since she died.


Even though my grandaughters cheer me up I still miss my darling husband as much now as when I lost him nearly 10 months ago. I am only half a person and cry myself to sleep most nights. Ann x


Hi @ AnnieG1
I know how you feel.
I miss my husband after 10 months and he was only 63 and i quess i always will
I feel down today as not well full of cold and have chest infection. I misd him looking after me and spoiling me now have to do everything on my own just not the same. He helped me through my cancer scare and treatment 3 years ago and now i have to face follow up appointments on my own. I still dont understand why he is gone and i hope sometime i will get an answer.
Take care
Lynne x


So sorry for your loss. Please keep sharing on this amazing forum we are all here to share and support one another as we understand what each of us are going through.
Take care x


Hi @ Galaxy75 it’s awful isn’t it more so when you don’t feel well and are poorly. I hope you feel better asap. The last 5 years of my husband’s life I was his full time carer so when I was poorly he couldn’t help me but at least he was here for me. Sending hugs. Ann x

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Take care of yourself it’s not nice when you are not well or you have to go to hospital on your own x


Wishing you a speedy recovery :pray:
Please take care xx

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Just like to say thankyou all as we go through all we go through the long days the dark nights an it begins again .i ask my self would tina coped better if i was the one to go first . Be honest no is the answer we are one a unit a now im half unit people say life goes on .it does I reply .but in my head i thinking your not were I am are you. .what I’m trying to say thankyou all for reading and your comments and yes we are all on that travel xxx who Noe’s were an what will be xx


Sorry your feeling rotten and unwell sending healing hugs x

@AnnieG1 :mending_heart:

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No your not alone with your feelings
This is a great forum.
I wish I had known about it when I lost my mum and dad over 20 years ago…
Losing our sole mates is so hard.


Yes @Ilovehorses it is terrible losing our soulmates . The pain is never going to go I feel


I had a really bad night last night crying my eyes out
Today I’ve got my grandson again so took him down the lakes to play in the park .It was horrible without Steve we used to love taking him to the park together and having a laugh .I so miss holding Steve’s hand when ever we went out for a walk I keep putting my hand out but he’s not there anymore


It’s so very hard isn’t it . When I have my grandsons ,they are such a joy , but tainted with sadness . Their granda should be here watching them grow , he is missing out on so much , also they are missing out not having their granda in their lives . Especially the oldest one , he was 8 when my husband died . They were best friends . So sad for all of us x