Missing you ❤️

We have a great grandson he was just under one when steve died but we have loads of photos of them together it’s so sad they won’t see them grow up x


Hi @Pam14
Me too my great grandson was 1 year just 2 weeks after my husband died.
So sad he wont be here to see him growing up. He loved him so much all i can do is show photos and keep his memory alive.
Sending hugs and :two_hearts:
Take care
Lynne Xx


They are a joy to be around when you can Steve loved all the grandchildren we loved going on holiday with them al when we could But sometimes when I’m with them I miss Steve even more it hurts to think he won’t see them anymore xx


Hi @Pam14
Yes it brings it home to you.
My daughter is in Australia has been for 13 years miss the grandchildren although we say them the year my husband passed away. Hopefully go back this year but without him will feel so strange but live goes on and i have to be strong and go to see them.
Take care
Lynne :heart:


I feel ya pain took me years to get over losing my parent and step parents but mainly my mum met my angel 3 years ago then last July he was taken from me suddenly every time I cry my heart hurt more I can’t take this pain any longer life can be so cruel I’m fine when out for a few hours but as soon a I’m home the tears come thick and fast I keep saying I’m sorry and wanna see him never got time to say goodbye because of his family :sob::sob::sob::sob:


I’m so sorry life can be so cruel


Hi @Eveybabes
Sending you virtual hugs and :heart:
Take care
Lynne Xx


And you Lynne always here to chat to anyone

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My oldest daughter lives in New Zealand she’s been there 24 years I have 5 grand children over there I don’t fly so haven’t seen them for a few years…Bit sad she didn’t make it over for the funeral But she’s coming for a visit next month x


That’s a shame so sorry to hear


Weekend all most here take away Fri going to say did not enjoy it Chinese serve me self right. Beats having a bowl of cornflakes the joys not. Trying to be happy a strong .failing miserable hope you all doing a little better take care of yourselves


Hi @ Martin2
Another weekend to look forward to and its wet wet wet snow and storm to come :upside_down_face:
Feeling sorry for myself full of cold cant be bothered today.
Will just have some soup and early night
same as every other night groundhog day.
Hope you manage a nice weekend we survive somehow
Take Care


It’s horrible. Thinking going to bed seems my new life to be honest I have tried but thought flood back no one understands like us that on here they say nice words but that does not make up the emotional feelings x you have a good weekend stay warm typical start of spring

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We all grief differently I have good support friends and my fiancé auntie but still not the same


Same here Martin , seem to spend the days just looking forward to going to bed


Hope you feel better soon sending hugs x

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It is horrible I hate going to bed and I hate getting up in the mornings .its Steve’s birthday next week so that’s going to be a hard day to get though
Sending hugs


Mine tomorrow Pam 63 feel like 103 night it’s bed time. I’m cold


Hi @Martin2
Its strange how we seem to age without out partners. My husbands birthday thus month he would be 64.
My birthday last October without him I was 66 but feel older
I do hope you gave a nice birthday with family and friends tomorrow
Take care


Yeah, but when we meet them again we’ll be our best age