Missing you ❤️

We were ‘one’ as we did everything together, we were inseparable, only apart when we both went to work at our offices. Now I lost, yes, ‘the other half’ - we didn’t just lose our beloved- we lost our whole world. Life will never be the same again :broken_heart:, so alone, so sad, so lonely and so empty without ‘the other half’.
Take care everyone xx


Hi @Angel1309
Yes life will never be the same now.
This new normal we are all having to do now is strange.
I hate the silence the quiet the eating alone the going to sleep (When you can sleep)wake up repeat.
I dont know how much time it will take but currently not dealing well most days.
Each day is a new day but not one i currently enjoy living in.
Take care
Lynne x


@Angel1309 I agree completely that life will never be the same without our beloved. I understand and feel your pain. I no longer feel whole, half of me is missing. My husband was my whole world and I his. We didn’t need anyone else. So the loneliness, sadness, pain, emptiness becomes unbeatable. I don’t know how long this will last. I will always love my Tony forever. He will always be in my heart. At the moment I cannot think about tomorrow. I can only live/exist from day to day and hope that each day is more tolerable the the last and that one day I will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Sending you love and big hugs. xx


Lots of hugs and love :heart: to everyone hoing through these days.
Lynne x


You all put into words how I’m feeling too.

Hugs and love to everyone


Hi all
It pains me deeply to realise that life will never be the same again. I am missing him so terribly every single second, minute of every day. Everything I do each day I wish he would be here doing it together the way it used to be. When I get in the car on the driver’s seat, I think he should be sitting here and I on the passenger’s seat. Pushing the shopping trolley on Saturdays thinking he should be pushing it as I shop. I could go on….
I find so much comfort talking to him about everything that I do as if we were doing it together. I wear his T-shirt as my pyjamas, his fleece jacket in the house to keep me warm, feeling like he is hugging me at all times :heart:.
Please do take care everyone
Big hugs xx


Hi @Angel1309
You have just written everyhing that i am feeling today.
I miss him so much cant believe it has been 6 months since my life changed :broken_heart:
I too look around and think he should still be here we had no warning indication whst hsppened.
I too speak to him have his t shirt for bed and his waterproof for garden. Still cant part eith lots of things.
Not sure about the house cause he died here but happy memories too just dont know anymore.
Sending hugs
Take Care
Lynne x


I told him today that from now on, I will live my life for both of us, doing everything for both of us just like the way it used to be - forever!
I hope that committing to living for both of us will help make this new sad, empty and lonely life more meaningful from tomorrow and thereafter :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
Take care everyone xx


Hi Lynne
We are going through pretty much the same! It’s been 6.5 months since my life’s changed - also completely unexpectedly. Sadly my husband had a heart attack while walking and fell to the ground near his office.
We get comfort from wearing his clothes - I thought I was crazy at first but now I’ve realised it’s just the way we grieve. It is very comforting to feel his presence!
I totally share your pain and hope one day it will get better for us all :crossed_fingers:
Please do take care
Big hugs
Toyah xx


Hi Toyah
Sending hugs too
I think because it was so quick suddent the trauma he collapsed behind bathroom door and i could not get in to try to do CPR he was only 63
we were in Australia from Dec-Feb then in april for his 63 birthday then on 8th June 23 all over no illness just so sudden.
Dont think i will ever forget that day no matter how much time goes by. Unfortunately no one understands that pain unless they have gone through it and i would not wish anone that pain.
Take care
Lynne x


That’s a good plan

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Hi Lynne
I can’t imagine what you must’ve gone through the moment that happened and you couldn’t do anything to help him. Heart condition is not something we can detect like cold or flu symptoms- sadly it’s so sudden. My Sean was only 61 living life so happily joking around being himself then boom he’s gone. The voice of the police woman who rang to tell me that Sean had passed away is still ringing in my ear these days. I am so sorry that I wasn’t there by his side and I am more devastated to think he must have been so alone and lonely suffering in his last moments - that thought and sorrow will stay with me forever :broken_heart:
It’s true that no one will understand deeply the pain we are going through unless they are going it themselves.
I hope that you can take some comfort that at least your husband had a chance to enjoy and celebrate his birthday. I try to remind myself all the time about all the good times we had together and be grateful that we’ve had so much fun and happiness in our 37 blissful years together. It’s doesn’t lessen the heartache and pain in anyway but it helps give me the reason to keep going and be strong for the both us.
Please take good care of yourself
Big hugs
Toyah xx


I’m keeping my fingers crossed x


Ts so bad that so many lost our partners so quick and without a chance to say anything . It kills me I was away when it happened . Would I have noticed anything in the two days before . I don’t think I could have saved him . It’s so hard to live without him but I am living for him . That’s all I can do


I’ve questioned myself ever since “what could I have done to save him?” My counsellor tells me to be kind to myself for the sake of my mental wellbeing! Nothing we could have done- it’s out of our control!
I couldn’t agree more, the best we can all do is living for him, with the precious memories of him.


I ask myself the same thing everyday. Why did I not notice what he was thinking to do to himself. We had breakfast and he was in an odd mood. Not focused on his orange juice or spoon. Like he was gone already. Then he gave me a hug and said enjoy your day , I work from home I went into my office. Then at 11 made us a coffee then found him in the garage. Why why why


@Sososad so sorry for your loss. I am going through hell at the moment but it must be so much harder for you to cope. I can only send you a virtual hug and say stay safe and take care. Empty words really but wish I could help more. Xx


Hi @ sososad
Like yourself i ask myself same questions why why why.
It has been 6 months now since he went tk suddenly unexpectedly no illness.
He just went into bathroom to get ready collapsed behind door. Trauma of not being able to open door waiting on ambulance and fire brigade to get to him.
Something i wont ever forget now no matter how many months years go by
Take care


Christine died in my arms at home. I relive this every day.

My heart goes out to you all.


Heartbreaking, it’s something you never get over, how can we, loosing our loved ones is the last thing we could imagine. I’m just glad I was there to give some comfort . Love to you all x :broken_heart: