Missing you ❤️

It’s hard I no get you self up make nice cup of tea. And little steps we all try an help you through here

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Morning all today I’m crying a lot my mum passed away 15 years ago to dreadful skin cancer… I’ve had a chat to her this morning and into my head popped buy yourself a bunch of my favourite flowers :rose: she loved roses and iris so I’m going to try and get some today… I’m wearing her favourite perfume youth dew…
It’s that much harder today it must be because my Chris passed 8 months ago
Wishing you all a better day :kissing_heart:


@Jol like you I’m no longer afraid to die as I see it simply as a gateway to my wife. Whether it is or not, hardly worth worrying about - it’s ultimately what I place my faith in that matters. I should add that doesn’t mean I’m seeking that outcome, more that I’m not scared by it.


Hi Hazell,
I too lost my husband last May, married 47 years. I took ill health retirement in Aug 2022 due to various issues with arthritis and migraines, which have all flared up again since losing my husband last May to cancer. The migraine’s especially have come back with a vengeance!
Wake up in the morning hoping it will be a pain free day, but the stresses of being a widow & living alone take their toll, add missing your husband too and most days are not pain free xx
We just have to hope it will get a bit easier in time but how much time I have no idea xxx
Take care and yes go for early retirement, stresses of being a widow are enough without adding work into the equation!
Though I know some people on here are happy to go to work for the distraction, guess it depends on the job you do also xxx
Take care everyone, one day at a time xx


I’ve started saying to friends please don’t stop asking me how I am.
My response won’t change but it’s the fact you asked shows you care.

It helps being on here

Thinking of you


I just say “You don’t want to know”, or “Don’t ask”.
They understand and realise that they’ve asked a silly question.
More often people hug me and say nothing, which means a lot more.


Feel better managed to put Tina ashes in a safe place from a cardboard box into urn taken me 4 months feel better if it makes sense

Inside coop box when I opened it to find two cards with tina finger prints xx now going to get a frame god miss Tina x hope you can visit me again babes soon in my dream x


That’s a lovely display for your memories.
I put Steve’s (well used) drumsticks, tuning keys, and photo on the hall table which he gave me. His slippers and boots are underneath, his drumming stool next to it.


Nice memories. That’s all we have now memories trying little by little it’s hard though very xx put tina bike in diner room not as if I’m ever going to sit at the table. That’s my next room to tidy never stops

Tina with the muppet crash helmet bless made my day that ride


Lovely photos and a nice memory display…I’ve got a corner in the bedroom with his ashes some crystals and of course his football stuff…
I’ve just planted a memory tree full of blossom I’ve always wanted something pretty to look at whilst thinking of my Chris my mum and dad…


That’s good idea. Think I’ll do same in garden for tina


Our friends sent me some roses in memory of Roger. There were 5. My daughter and my best friend had one each and I’ve planted the others in pots, in case I move, then I can take them with me. Its a lovely tangible reminder of our love.


That will be lovely Martin the blossom smelt amazing too :slight_smile:


What’s it called will go to garden centre this week

What a lovely idea… I don’t think I will ever move from here unless I have too we don’t know what the future holds do we
Take care

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That’s so lovely x

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I will have a look on the label tomorrow tucked up in bed now writing my shopping list… I can’t believe how much I spend on food considering it’s just me…

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Ilovehorses. Thankyou
I dont know if I will move but I’m not getting any younger and its how long I can manage the large garden.


@KMCG oh yes I have no plans to leave until
It’s my time . It’s just my belief that on that day my Andrew will be there to take me with him


Morning everyone
Me too, no plans on moving yet.
But where i stay is quite isolated and transport not great and i dont drive. The garden is too big to handle. I have a gardener starting this week to help me.
My neighbours are all in their 70 and 80’s but all have their partners.
I am the only widow and youngest at 66 and living on my own everyone else still have their partners around.
Once i find travelling harder or issues with motility i may have to rethink to move closer to accessing public transport.
Wishing everyone a good week ahead
Take care
Lynne x