Missing you ❤️

My husband planted some dwarf fruit trees just before he passed away.
They are on large planters and have just stsrted to bud. He loved the garden growing veg fruit flowers everything. It was his escape from his work.
So sad he’s not here to see everything in the spring. Dont know much about gardening but learning quickly hopefully it will be my sanctuary escape.
Take care


Gardening was Rogers escape during lockdown, he was shielding so the first one was 4 months. I’ve always loved gardening, but I’m a lot older now and I don’t know how much I’ll be able to do on my own. But I’ll try


I left our house after my wife died. We both loved the house so much and my wife said she always felt safe there My wife died traumatically in the house. I had to leave it was so hard but my wife was the heart of the house and it wasn’t the same house without her. I now feel guilty and regularly think what my wife would say to me whether she would be annoyed with me or not ill never know it’s horrible


Thats so sad. That you have to leave your home. Your wife won’t be annoyed with you. She’ll know the turmoil you’re in,

I don’t know how I feel, at first I thought that I’d want to move but people kept saying give it a year. I still don’t know, but its only been 6 1/2 weeks. Its just so lonely without him, I cry most of the time. I miss him so much.
I’ve even been thinking of getting a dog for company, someone to be here when I come home, but thats a reflex reaction and one I need to think of carefully.


It’s been 9 months for me it still feels so raw


I know I’m new to this weird club we’re in and I’ve an awful long way to go. But this forum does help, to know so many people are here to help each other through
I cant imagine I’ll ever find a time where I dont feel so bad


Eve everyone I’m enjoying hearing all about your lovely gardens…My partner planted a beautiful pink rhododendron we chose together in May he really loved sitting in the garden watching me planting out and tending to it… and he did all the fence painting and patio cleaning… I got the jet wash out yesterday and had a go such hard work! I’m not looking forward to painting the decking but these jobs have to be done… I get so tearful sitting in the garden… I think he would be so proud of what I have achieved both inside and outside of the house…I find it hard to call it a home now…and spend a lot of time trying to keep busy outside the house by going on long walks, meeting friends… I’ve just joined an eve yoga class as I’m not sleeping great…
I don’t like this lonely life :cry:


It’s really early days for you lm nearly 6 months in it’s really hard it’s my late husband’s birthday
tomorrow that’s going to be hard for me .im going to get all my first out off the way before I make my mind up about moving we lived in are house for 35 years and have lots of memories here x


:broken_heart: I passed my first partners birthday 3
Months after he passed it was tough… I lit a candle and made
Sure I kept busy… I have our
Anniversary as a first in May…
thinking of you :kissing_heart:


I agree with all that @Liro said…
Be kind to yourself too we have all been through huge trauma thoughts are with you

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Weather the same here its miserable, suits how we are all feeling just now x


I had my husband’s birthday on 4th Jan and what would’ve been our 48th anniversary on 15th Jan it was a tough month with also coming into the first new year without him x
Have the next ‘first’ on May 1st marking a year since he passed, it doesn’t get easier thats for sure. My birthday on 23rd April this will bring a memory of him bedridden and in and out of sleep but he still managed to wish me happy birthday, wont get that this year :cry::cry:


Just got me self this can’t bear looking at the 4walls got to get out me an 3dogs going to give me self something to look forward to weekends if the weather is good


Well done @Martin2. Get off in that and try and enjoy it. Your dogs must be a great comfort.


Just had the phone call. Rogers ashes are ready for collection. Now I’m in bits again.


@Bailey2 so sorry , it’s nearly eleven months for me too . Nothing gets easier . The longing for him is so painful


@Martin2 Well done you. We had caravans since our youngest was born and then changed to a motor home when we retired. Such happy memories. I’m sure you will enjoy getting out and about in it. take care,

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I found it very hard getting my husbands ashes but at least I got him back home
Sending hugs x


Thankyou. I’m going to my sisters for a couple of weeks. Think I’ll collect him after. Dont want to leave him home alone


Hi @Martin2 well done you. I know how hard it is but I hope you get out and about in your new purchase. I’m sure the dogs will love it.

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