Missing you ❤️

Beautiful picture and treasured memories glad you have a safe place now


Thinking of you & sending big hugs :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Wow hope you have fun as you can x

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@Martin2 that’s a great move . I hope you can get to some nice trips to the coast for some fresh air walks with your lovely dogs


Well done… I have a memory of caravanning as a
Kid in the new forest… my Chris and I bought one about ten years ago we got as far as Dorchester and our car
Engine blew up then the caravan sat in the back of our garden whilst the kids used it as a playhouse :crazy_face:
I was wondering weather to buy a camper and go on trips with my doggie just a small one… just a thought…


:cry::broken_heart: it’s tough alright


Thinking of you…
when I collected mine I was quite surprised how heavy they were … I’m not quite sure what I expected… I spent the car journey home chatting away to him… they were a comfort for the first few months…


This one I got has a motor mover. Yaa makes life so much easier thinking about. Though I still be alone there what am I doing

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Well done you, that will get you out and about, enjoy your weekend adventures with your dogs , they will love it xx


@Ilovehorses . I feel your pain . My husband always painted the fence and the decking and shed . The wind has broke some fences the decking and shed are rotting and need replacing. The fence is covered in cat scratches. Hardly saw that when he was here . I feel so useless without him


Sending hugs xx


I’m away with family it’s not the same as being with Steve .i wished I had more confidence with driving so I could go away but as you say you would still be on your own it’s so rubbish isn’t it x


Our lawnmower is in the shed , my wife’s funeral is on Friday and she’s coming home before we go to the crematorium, so me and my daughter wanted to do the back garden for her ( as she will come in through the back patio doors ) . My wife had put the key to the shed somewhere and we have no idea where , couldnt find it so I had to break into my own shed , in floods of tears because I couldn’t ask her where the bloody key was .


So sorry for everones loss. I’m fairly new to this, only 61/2 weeks and since the funeral it seems like my grief has started all over agsin. I made a promise to my husband, he wanted me to go on and live my life, but I don’t know how to. I miss him so so much and the heartbreak just doesn’t seem to be easing. I’m trying to take one step at a time, filling my days with things to do or places to go. But I still have to return to my empty, lonely home. He’s not here and I don’t want to be.
I’ve found this forum to be a help because I can write down how I’m feeling and no one will judge, no one will say I should be getting over it. I never will but I hope in time to learn to live with it


This amazing forum certainly helps enormously I don’t know how I would have managed so far without sharing my thoughts and traumatic experiences here.
Thank you to everyone who read and responded :pray:


I had the celebrant visit today to sit down and plan for the funeral which is next week and they were brilliant but I was a mess. She was professional enough at the end to say we should consider my resilience, particularly when having to leave my wife behind. I acknowledged that today that felt like a very real risk but I would focus on that on the week ahead. However, in the safety of this forum she is bloody right to raise it. My son is a key player either in distracting me or providing support (or both) but also that this is about my wife and celebrating her life not my grief so I’m hoping the combination help.


:broken_heart: I had no idea you could bring your loved ones home before a
Cremation… I didn’t like the thought of my partner lying there
for weeks before the funeral…I did go and see him a few times and play his favourite music to him.
I hope you managed to get the garden nice…
I had to break the padlock off of the shed as my partner had the number also.
Sending strength for


I too feel a bit useless but I’ve had a go at
Painting the fence and the jet washing was strangely therapeutic… next job I’ve asked my son in law to help replace some damage decking boards… have you a neighbour or anyone who would be willing to help you ?


We requested it through the funeral director as when she was in hospital all she wanted to do was come home , so she will do , if only for half an hour .


It’s so hard going through all this stuff isn’t it… luckily for me my partner knew which music he wanted and my daughter took over the video and photos for the service…
A good friend volunteered to do a eulogy and all our
Children wrote something in the hymn book we
Chose a celebration of his life and added poems rather than traditional hymns because he wasn’t religious…My grandson drew a picture of boats as he loved them… The whole service was dealt with really well I stayed strong until the end… and I was
Proud of my children…I made the flowers for his coffin from our garden and my daughter made her flowers following a tube video…