Missing you ❤️

Oh that’s awful and so upsetting for you
Is there anyone you can speak to about that… typical council not a thought for

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I do get invited out, but sometimes I decline due to my tired state since the bereavement. But I know I have to accept a lot of offers otherwise they will cease.
The only social media I do is this and Whattsap. I really cannot bear Facebook, Instagram, etc, its all so fake and I’m glad I don’t need to see any of it.


I agree with the fakeness of fb most of my neighbours are on it but it’s depressing me I live in a courtyard with 6 other houses and three of the houses all couples get together regularly and share there eating out parties ect… and I’m sat looking at it feeling lonely :cry: I’m 58 there all in there 80s having the time of there lives by the looks of it!
At least you get invites

I feel my life is at a standstill I do try and fill my days but who wants to sit day in day out on there own feeling your a burden…
I invited a couple over for dinner a few
Weeks ago… a couple my partner and I used to see a lot… it felt strange… I mentioned at a later date how strange it feels now it’s just me and they agreed they had the same thoughts but didn’t like to say anything… now there friendly with another couple and see them once a week… it’s so sad how things change don’t you think

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Why not come off it altogether? It’s liberating. If people want to contact you they can call round or phone. You’ll appear more mysterious!

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@Ilovehorses thats a real shame they are not the same age as you . I really hope you have some friends that ask you out . It’s not right at our age not to be out . I wish I lived near you xx


Ahh thankyou me too the eve and weekends are the worse… I have friends but there couples I never get invited but I’m always hearing that they have couples over they tell me! That’s what hurts… i do see friends during the day but I crave an eve out … I feel like a hamster on a wheel just going round and round the same thing day in and day out… I’ve joined a yoga class but a nice meal out or the pub for a drink would be nice…anyone else feel the same?

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I came off once for a month as one of my friends was awful to me I wrote this in a previous post I was packing up my Chris clothes put how emotional I felt whilst doing it on fb and she said it’s not all
About me! Needless to say she is no longer my friend… she’s never lost anyone still has her partner and mum and dad so no idea how I was feeling… during the time I was off fb only one person messaged to see how I was as I hadn’t been posting and that was my 80 year old neighbour

That’s what I mean, to me it’s full of gossipy noseyparkers and if they can’t find things out about you they won’t bother with you any more.
Someone suggested I join FB “to see what’s going on”. I’m really not interested. If I want to see what’s going in I make a phone call or drop by and visit someone. I certainly don’t want everyone knowing all about me unless I tell them in person.

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I hate being alone doing everything on my own my daughters tell me I have to get out and try but I say it’s no fun on your own .The only people that understand stand how you feel are those who are going through it. I don’t even get invited to any my daughters for dinner anymore feeling really sad and lonely all the time x


I very rarely got invited before to either my son or daughters my son keeps threatening to have me over but nothing…
I used to have such a close relationship with my son but two months before my partner passed he met a new girlfriend and I hardly see him… but that’s young love I guess and it’s not all about me I suppose… I told my kids to make the most of everyday with there partners and I’m encouraging them to go places to make memories…
I guess we need to push ourselves to get out and make new friends join classes ect…
as I can’t stand this staring at four walls every eve… during the day I get out and walk my doggie but I need adult convo

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I don’t think we can rely on our kids for our social life. When I’m away she misses me as we do things on her day off sometimes, but it wouldn’t happen if her boyfriend also had the day off, I know.
Steve and I were only a couple for 13 very intense months. I’m gradually remembering how I was single in the past, and I need to get back in that mindset. Be selfish. Try new things and most of all, go out of the house.

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It’s so hard to go make new friends when you have been married to someone for 41 years and known them since you were at school together. Life is just so sad now without him x


Hi @Pam14
Yes, it is so hard to make new friends these days
I have joined a few clubs.
Book club exercise club and volunteer, but it is hard when you only relied on each other for over 38 years +
Today, I volunteer at the shop, so at least out of house for a few hours
Take care


Yes I agree I was with Chris 33 years met when I was 24 I was in a very controlling marriage at the time and he saved me from that! We had a son and daughter together and it was just us then slowly we made couple friends… now alone once again…
Yes we had separate holidays sometimes with friends but most of the time we were together… I keep trying to convince myself I should be grateful to be here breathing the air the the silence and lack of companionship is awful


That is something I’ve been thinking of doing… I think slowly my friendship circles may change as being one person is totally different from being a couple…
Well done for taking that step

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I have joined a group one morning a week I guess I really need to push myself out off my comfort zone x

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That’s great that you have taken that step
I know in the back of my mind it’s something I need to do… I’ve joined yoga class and feel very relaxed after it but it’s not really something people talk at… I love art, walking, cycling and cooking so Mabe I should look into some clubs…

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We would have been doing so many fun and beautiful things together! This time each year we would have been discussing and planning our summer holiday together now I can’t even bring myself to think about it - so heartbreaking :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:
Take care everyone x


Couldn’t agree more :+1: