Missing you ❤️

My husband was buried as he had expressed in his will but I have chosen to be cremated so I have asked for my ashes to be scattered over his grave so we will get to be together when that time comes.
Best wishes everyone x


I think in all honesty I had become so focused on getting my wife home but after reading the comments on here I’ve suddenly realised, I’ll be talking about my wife with the Funeral Director staff as we go through the paperwork and suddenly I’ll be given a small box - that hadn’t occurred to me, talking about a person to receiving a box. I think tomorrow is going to be far tougher than I naively assumed it would be,…


@KMCG i hope everything goe[quote=“Angel1309, post:1, topic:76418, full:true”]
I lost my dearest husband 6 months and 4 days today. It sometime feels like only yesterday and sometime feels like a long time ago! One thing that remains the same is that every second, minute, hour of everyday I miss our chats, our laughters and everything that we used to do together - I feel so happy reflecting on those moments but at the same time - I also feel deeply sad underneath: The two feelings seem to, somehow, go hands in hands every time :heart::broken_heart:
I feel so empty and lonely without him by my side- no one I can ask ‘what should we do?’ ‘What do you think darling?’ Or ‘shall we?’ Feeling of loneliness is so overwhelming!

s well tomorrow.and you dont find it too hard. Please dont go alone.
I will be thinking of you
Big hugs
Take care


I’m sorry, i don’t know what I’ve just posted, hit a wrong button somewhere. I didn’t even write most of it.
I was just trying to say, I hope everything goes well tomorrow, and you don’t find it too hard
Please take someone with you if you can
I shall be thinking of you
big hugs
Take care


@KMCG it will all pass in a blur . In your mind you are saying it can’t be real . It’s such a nightmare but I am sure you will make her proud


Hi @Liro don’t worry you hadn’t said anything triggering I think it was just one of this sudden realisations.

Thanks all for your kind messages and hearts, I’ll do my best for her but jeez the pain points keep rolling in!


@Ilovehorses I had a much better Sunday, thank you. With the weather being better I got our campervan (Roberta/Bobby) out from under her cover but failed to get her started on Saturday, finally managed it Sunday and took her for a battery charging drive before walking the dogs, had a couple of phone calls and a walk to the pub.
Didn’t really see anyone but overall a much better day, now I don’t usually work on a Monday but might do if the weather is as bad a predicted.

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I lost my husband 6 months ago today I cry everyday and wish I could have him back
I’m finding it it really lonely :disappointed:


Hi @Pam14.
I’m the same although I’m only 8 weeks in.
I feel for you and wonder if there’s ever an end to this horrendous struggle.
Love and hugs

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Thinking of you today.
Hope all goes well
Love and hugs

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Hey I’m glad you had a bit of a better day…me too I took the dog out for a
Long walk, mowed the lawn and carried on reading my book on overcoming grief…
I had the intention of starting my morning sat in the garden closing my eyes and listening to the bird song. But my hay fever had other ideas… I’ve booked to go to the cinema tonight…


Hi @Liro
Try not to beat yourself up about things you wish you had asked… It’s not a
Subject I guess any of us want to discuss… I think my Chris knew deep down something wasn’t right as he kept telling me he wouldn’t out live his dad and I just dismissed it as his dad was 101… he kept telling me when I eventually die I want my ashes spread at the top of a hill overlooking the sea about 2 miles from us… I walk there a lot we used to love it there… he also showed me where all the bills, savings pensions ect… where so I knew where to access them… he really did think of everything and put it in place for me… he was an amazing friend and partner for 33’years and I love and miss him so much


You do what’s right for you …I collected my Chris ashes myself… I didn’t really know what to expect or how I would react…I was okay just shocked the ashes were so heavy…
The funeral directors had kindly put a small amount into a pouch for me as they knew I wanted a ring made…
I spoke to him on the drive home…
I remember pulling up outside our house and breaking down the realisation and thoughts of his life amounted to him in a box…a few neighbours commented your bringing him home where he belongs…
He sits in the bedroom with me… a kind of shrine surrounds him with a few of his favourite bits… photos. His football tickets…
I chat to him will be thinking of you…


That’s a lovely idea I’ve asked my kids to scatter me in the same place… but I’m tempted to just keep his ashes and get the kids to put us together and scatter us when they feel ready…it’s a difficult decision.
Hope your okay today


Hi Pam, I feel the same and it will be a year on 1st May since I lost him, I was awake till after 3am this morning, its just so hard :cry:

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Be thinking of you today, hope you can have someone with you x

I personally think it’s a wonderful idea for both your ashes to be scattered together when the time comes :two_hearts:
I’m feeling so lonely these days maybe because the first anniversary of his passing is approaching fast (2nd May). What happened that day hour by hour has been playing on my mind non-stop in the past weeks so I have been quite wobbly lately :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:
Hope you are okay - please take care x


I wasn’t allowed to attend my Steve funeral or even go and sit with him for a while his daughter has all his stuff apart from my own personal belongings and his ashes which she don’t want to part with all I have is memories 9 months already and feels like yesterday when I was told he was gone when I’d only spoke to him half hour on the phone the same evening I remember my piercing scream saying no Steven not my angel so sad don’t think I’ll ever get over losing my DJ but my life has to go on x

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Ahh these wobbly moments come from nowhere don’t they… I found myself having one yesterday when my GS was over he said he felt odd at mine since his grandad passed and didnt want to stay over anymore
It was really upsetting I guess because I can see his grandad in him

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I feel your pain, as you know mine is May 1st, 2moro is my 67th birthday and I keep seeing him lying there in & out of consciousness but he manage to say ‘happy birthday” at one point, breaks my heart to think of that day, but this week its all I can think of, the day I officially became a pensioner :cry::cry: