Missing you ❤️

That is such a wonderful idea

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What a lovely idea I wish I had thought of that I still have a few of his mugs left so I shall do just that if I break one again


Hi sorry for your loss i haven’t bothered with counselling I tried but had no luck and their is a long waiting list I rode the storm with no help I lost my beloved fiancé suddenly last July he was 51 he lived life to the full as he was a DJ loved his music :musical_note: no one knew he was dying etc i break down every day so I understand your pain


The first anniversary of my angel’s passing yesterday I couldn’t bear to be home last night so went to Paris with my girlfriend to stay the night. We spent the day walking the streets in the rain, it helped a little to be away and change of scenery definitely helped release stress although I constantly felt so sad deep inside throughout the day mainly felt sorry that he was missing what I was seeing. I was feeling sad that he was not walking beside me the way it used to be as we always travelled together everywhere throughout our 37 years together - just the two of us! Sadly somehow I ended up spending the night crying in bed missing my angel so much :broken_heart:. Today is the beginning of the second year and I hope very much that I will be able to cope a little, just a little better than the first year :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:one can only hope that it will get better someday :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
Best wishes to all x


Hi @Angel1309
Sending virtual hig and love to you.
My 1st year of his passing is 8th June 2024 cant say im looking forward to that day either not sure what i’ll do but cant bare to be at home where he died.
Take care
Lynne Xx


@Angel1309 :cry::heart:
Believe in 2 months it will be 1 year only seems like yesterday… our 34 th anniversary would have been this May I’m already thinking what or how can I fill my time… I don’t want to be sat at home…

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Sending hugs to you and I’m sure like me you are glad that day has passed, good you were with a friend on the actual day, I’m not sure there is anything we can do to distract us from the actual day, I hope you are feeling better today xxx
I never slept much Monday & Tuesday nights emotional and crying a lot but come Wednesday I was so calm it was raining here so we waited till later in the day to go visit the grave, myself, my daughter and grandchildren, it felt good to be there as it always does for me and after we went for supper to the same hotel we went to after the funeral last yr and I felt he would have approved x
So the build up and dread of the 1st anniversary were for us far worse than the actual day itself xxx

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Thats how I feel it only seems like yesterday, how can it be a year, its all still so fresh in our minds xx
Having just experienced it 2 days ago I hope on your day you have that same calmness I felt on the actual day tho for 2 days before it I was an emotional wreck with no sleep, its hard but you will get through it with the help of family & friends, one of my friends has been such a great support for me xxx


Thankyou for your kind thoughts… I too hope I will be okay… I’ve booked to go away with all my kids and there partners but we return home on the day of his passing…I thought distraction would help…
Today I’ve been in a better place I took myself to the bbc gardeners world show… I love being surrounded by beautiful flowers I took away a few inspirational ideas
One of them was making a small pond I used my mums old brass Jam making bowl


Hi Lynne
Received, thank you & sending back hug & love.
I hope you will get through the day with peace and love whatever you do :two_hearts:
Sending big hugs & strength :heart_hands: :two_hearts:xx

I know, it feels like ages sometimes and other times it feels like yesterday!
I hope you will get through the day with peace and love whatever you may choose to do.
Sending hugs and strength :hugs: :orange_heart:

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Thank you
Hope you have a good weekend
Its always harder during the weekends
Take care

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Hugs received thank you :pray:. Yes, a little relief that day has passed and now trying to focus on rebuilding the new life alone although the deep sadness is still there if not more :broken_heart: somehow just can’t get over the constant feeling sorry…sorry that he is missing out on all the things that I am seeing or experiencing…sorry that he is missing out on what life has to offer…sorry that his life ended the way that it did :sob: :sob:
I went to the grave the day before and again today chatting to him about my trip on the day and how I was missing him so much and spending the night crying on the hotel bed :sob: Every trip to the cemetery so far has been so comforting and every time he came into my dream I woke up feeling loved again - feeling his love makes me feel alive.
Best wishes xxx :heart_hands:


A few days ago I received a message from my online counsellor suggesting that I could make a garden memorial to honour my angel and I did just that; I wrote his name and loving messages to him along the flower bed walls and also on the four corners of the garden table - it works wonders! Whenever I am in the garden I feel his love when I am sitting at the table I feel he is sitting beside me I feel so loved - sounds crazy but I truly feel that, sorry guys I am going on a bit :pray:
Take care everyone xx


That is so lovely x

Hi @ Angel1309
It is good that you still have dreams of him.
The stong connection energy never goes away.
I have only had my husband return on 1st Jan this year in a dream but i know he is close by.
Living this new live without them is taking some time to get used to but we have too go on.
Take care

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Beautiful idea x

I’m going to get a proper ( not cheap catalogue style but long lasting commercial style ) bench in our garden with a memorial plaque , will raise a glass to my wife many times this summer sat there listening to both our favourite tunes , will even put up with the looks from the neighbours when I play her tunes ( loudly now as I don’t give a f ) :wink:


I know its so hard living without them,but we have no choice, this is the hand we have been dealt and we just need to navigate it the best we can.
So happy for you that he comes to you in your dreams, I have only experienced that once in the very beginning and it was a gd experience,
Its been a long, lonely day today but weekends can be like that, hopefully weather will be nicer tomorrow and I can put my airpods on and go for a long walk,some days its hard to motivate myself to do anything x
Take care xx


Thank you :pray: :heart: