Missing you ❤️

Hi Lynne, sadly he hasn’t come in to my dreams in the past few weeks but I would like to believe he’s still around watching over and guiding me somehow :crossed_fingers:hate to think he’s left me for good this time :broken_heart:. Yes life without our beloved is not what we want but we have to just keep marching on.
Sending love, hugs and strength to everyone, take care xx

Yes, I couldn’t agree more and I’m so thankful :pray:

Great idea & good on you, who cares what the neighbours might think :person_shrugging:t3: (their problem)

He hasn’t come into my dreams lately :weary: but I still hope he’s around :crossed_fingers:. Life is now hard without our soulmates but we have to keep going and hope that it will get less painful someday somehow :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:. The problem these days is there’s too much time and not enough to do and someone to do it with so no joy - not really living but only existing day by day :disappointed_relieved: weekends are the hardest I agree :weary:
Take care & best wishes xxx

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Hi @ Angel1309
Yes weekends are hard to get through.
But the knowledge that our partners are watching over us gives me hope for the future now.
Life will never be the same and missing them never goes away but hope that we will see them in the future helps.
I had 38 years together with my partner more than half my life so that i am so grateful for.
Take care
Lynne Xx


Hi Lynne
I totally agree with you word by word…me too I spent 37 years with my angel more than anyone else in my life and I feel so blessed to have had those wonderful years and will cherish them for as long as I live.
:heart: :heart_hands:
Big hugs xx


Sending hugs and strength :two_hearts:
Take care
Lynne x


I feel you’re pain , i lost my husband 3 weeks and one day ago in tragic circumstances. I feel so lonely and empty. Everyone says take one day at a time. I know this through my own training with dealing with death in my job. But nothing prepares you for this hole left in your life. The feeling of waking up every day to feel as if he is still with you and then remembering he has gone ! Its like a big black hole and you cant get out ! :heart:


Those early days are the hardest, I won’t pretend it gets easier, (1st anniversary of losing my husband was last week) it ls just you learn to live with grief a bit better, I still shed tears every day, I still get that feeling in the pit of my stomach when I look at a foto of him, that overwhelming realisation that I won’t see him walk thru the door again.
I hope you have friends & family around you in those early days & wks because that helps ease the emptiness, take advantage of that because it does help xxx
This forum has been a great comfort to me over the last year, I don’t always comment but I go on it every day, You realise the thoughts & things you are feeling are normal we all have them xxx
Take care & we are all here anytime you need us xxx


Thank you ! That is so appreciated and kind. I’m so sorry for your loss. The funeral is next week and im dreading how I’m going to get through it. I think it will be the realisation that hes gone and its final! That will be so hard. As at this time my mind plays tricks, as if hes going to walk through the door. Even our dog keeps looking out for him. :heart:


I fully understand about the funeral. I too was dreading it but it turned out to be the most perfect day. The next day was harder.
I’m 10 1/2 weeks in now, and still think he’ll come through the door, that someone has made a huge mistake.
But I also feel that maybe I am starting to accept it. The heartbreak and pain are still there but I’m not crying so much today. Then again tomorrow could be so different.
I hope you have support to help you out of the pit you find yourself in. You will find support on this forum, we all understand, we’re going through it too.

Take care
Sending love and hugs


I’m nearly 7 months in I’m still finding it very hard getting up in the morning without him and going to bed at night
Spending so many hours on my own and I to still sometimes thinks he will come back but I know he can’t .
I break my heart most days still but I think at least he’s not in pain now I miss him so very much
Sending hugs to all x

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Hi @Pam14 I’m like you with bed. When my husband first died (it’s now two years) I used to stay up watching rubbish television till three or four in the morning. I couldn’t go to bed sometimes and would more or often sleep on the sofa. I now try to get to bed a bit earlier but still find it hard. Getting up is a different matter. I have to drag myself out of bed. Can’t see the point getting up as no one to share the day with. I also spend a lot of time on my own and trying to find new things to do is a nightmare. Sorry not been much help.x


I find myself go to bed and putting the tv on to go to sleep to .i find it very hard to motivate myself most days it’s in the week that’s worse I do see family on Saturday or Sunday But in the week the days are so long and I haven’t got a very good attention span at the moment I start something and can’t finish it
This new life without them is very hard even if you try and take one day at a time x


The build up to the funeral can be the hardest time, I was lucky my husband had the time to make his wishes known for his funeral which included no service, no announcement in the local paper amongst other things, we went one step further and only 12 of us who were there were with him throughout his 5 month journey with cancer & instead of a funeral tea we went for a family meal to a hotel he had chosen, I’m sure he would’ve approved! It was amazing and I have to say it made such a difference on the day for me and my family it was just so special xxx
Last wk on the 1st anniversary after visiting my husband’s grave we went to the same hotel for a meal, again it felt special tho I had 2 sleepless nights prior to the day and lots of tears but I was calm on the day xxx
I hope you will find some comfort next week with support from your friends & family xxx

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I thank you all for kind words and thoughts. My heart goes out to all to know you are suffering or suffered the pain i am initially going through now. It’s good to know were all in the same club of grief ! Not one we want to be but all the same are. Big hugs to you all xx


Received thank you :heart:xx

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@Angel1309 I fully understand you going away . I am unable to stay home either. I’m off to Tenerife.

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Hi N8658,
Thank you for kind words to the group . Of course, the same back to you. Xx

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I hope you have a wonderful time in Tenerife as you can.
Take care xx

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