Missing you ❤️

I’ve been sat in the garden with some off the family today enjoying the sunshine .my Steve used to love sitting in the garden enjoying the sun it’s so hard doing the things we liked to do on my own :disappointed_relieved:


I am finding it so hard to do anything without him.

Big hugs x


It is very hard isn’t it he loved being in the sunshine and he loved having the grandkids round and I had the little great grandson running round the garden today steve never got a chance to see him walking there is so much that they will miss
Hugs back x


Totally agree xxx

My daughter had her first baby yesterday and I did alot of tears this morning knowing he wasn’t here ( well on earth) to celebrate with me .
Miss him so very much .


Another day to push through took my grandson to football my Chris used to take him … tonight I’m going to drive about looking for the northern lights… did anyone see them last night?


No I didn’t but keep looking for them tonight so fingers crossed

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Congratulations @Elite , I’m sure he’d be a proud grandad.

I didn’t see the Northern lights yesterday but I’m going to try again tonight, I think I may be too far south


I’m Dorset and loads of my friends took great shots last night… gutted I missed it…but also sad my Chris can’t see it with me :frowning:

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I’ve taken a few photos but doesnt really look much. Looked better through the camera. Like you I just wish Roger was here. We’d have probably walked to more open ground

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I saw them they looked better on the pics


Ooh lucky here’s my friends the other was taken by a professional photographer just up the road in Dorset


WOW !!
Stunning photos. Thank you for sharing them with us


I had that same feeling back in February when our youngest grandson was born, it was hard and a mixture of feelings. It was also a traumatic birth his head got stuck for quite some time and baby was stressed, when they eventually managed to get him out his body was limp and he had stopped breathing, midwives whisked him away to work on him and thankfully succeeded. I am convinced during that spell he was gone that he met his Granda and other family members because he is always really interested in looking at my fridge/freezer doors as they are full of photos of of our grandkids, his Granda and great grandparents on both sides and he always looks intently at the fotos of those who have all passed, and the ones of great grandparents are when they were young as are the fotos of myself and husband ! He is fascinated and even smiles when looking at them, true or not I get comfort from the thot he has met them on the other side xx


So sorry in my haste to relay my story I forgot to say many congratulations on the birth of your new grandchild, it will be hard for you & your family but it will ease in time, and the new baby is something to focus on to ease your pain xxx


Hi Georgi,
Tfanhs do much for kind words. Mum and baby doing well thank you.
We have to take comfort and note signs that those we love so much are still close and watching over us. Xx

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It sure does bring comfort to think they are near and can see the special things that are happening even if we cannot see them xxx

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Totally agree on the single part my friends are your single again now and in time will maybe meet someone to love :two_hearts: I was like are you insane I’m not interested only been 10 month and today would have been 4 years together i west both our engagement rings together and to me we are still engaged Shame we never got to walk down the aisle he passed suddenly but I will never forget him or what he done for my girls and myself xx


People can be insensitive luv im going away friday till sunday with 4 friends in one of their static caravan will be nice to get away but it hard putting a brave face on pretending i coping ok just so im not giving doom and gloom vibes out i dont want to spoil it for them , its been 18 months for me my husband unexpectedly died at age 59 been together all our Adult life from age 17 , lifes so hard without him all my friends have still got husband’s so i no longer fit in coupes box to be invited out , its mad because we can have our families and friends around us but yet still feel so lonely xx


That is how i feel when I’m with my family
Hope you have a lovely few days away