My life is very quite most off the time I spend six days out off the seven on my own and don’t speak to anyone unless I go to the shop
It is a very lonely life that most off us live without are soulmates
But I guess we have to stay strong for are selves x
I still say we a lot. I can’t help it.
In my brain we will always be we and us
Sending hugs x
Yes I still a speak as if he’s still here.
I’m still a part of we - not sure that will ever change.
Sending hugs xx
I was like that when my husband died, I did not want to face the reality of it all, it was too heartbreaking , so I threw myself into things just to get out of the house and to ve with people,mostly my family and grandchildren ,I look after my youngest 2 days a week which I love .
I have a couple of good friends and my sister and I are really close , she lost her husband 3 years before I lost mine , so we are in the same boat so’s to speak.
But, the lonliness is always there ,that ine constant in your life , the one you knew wouldd be there for you through thick and thin .
It’s a lot different this year, I think it all caught up with me , I am now on anti depressants, and trying to live without him but its horrible , I miss him so much.
My youngest grand child starts school in September , so I am going to have a lot more time on my hands , I know I will have to do something , I am retired , 70 , next year , but a young minded 70, though my joints are getting worst , suffer from osteoarthritis, that came from me working all my life, nursing, childminding , working with the elderly , then working with learning disabilities.
I don’t drive, and live in a village , so.depend on my family or friends to take me out , or use the bus.
So finding it really hard at the moment on what I will have to do with my life now that i am on my own, the loneliness is a killer
Thanks for listening, and thank you for this group, it has helped me a lot in my moments of despair.
Love to all of us walking this lonely road without our loved ones xo
I know how you feel,I lost my wife just over eight weeks ago,and since then it’s been like walking through a London smog with no idea where ime going,I used to love cooking for us but now I don’t see the point,it’s mostly one person ready meals,I know it’s not healthy but at the moment I can’t turn it around.sending you virtual hugs.
I know how you feel about cooking.
I’ve never been super healthy, but now its just one junk meal after another.
Which is probably why I’m putting on weight
Yes me too csnt cook for one and sdd try to batch food but it went in the bin too.
1year on and now going into year 2 still dont cook ready meals or toast. Making food and eating on your own just cant get used to. I can eat when out with others but not always possible.
Take care everyone
My batch cooking not been a big success either. Only the lasagne.
But thats all gone now and I can’t be bothered to make another
I’ve just bought an air fryer to see if that motivates me it’s so hard sitting eating on your own looking at the space where your partner used to be and he always did the washing up
I hope it do get a bit easier in time x
Hi @Pam14 I’m like you. I spend most of my time on my own. Where I live is very quiet and if anything happened to me I’m sure no one would notice. I hate the loneliness. My husband did most of the cooking (it was always lovely) but I, like so many on here don’t cook. It’s not that I can’t but just don’t see the point for one. I’ve only had a bowl of cornflakes today and probably won’t eat much more if anything this evening. I wish some of us lived nearer to each other as it would be lovely to meet up. Anyway, you take care.x
I have one,these days just get used for chips and heating up ready meals,I cannot sit at the table it’s too painful,my “meals” are taken on a lap tray.
Yes we all feel the same about cooking and eating alone
Maybe we need to set up meal clubs if we stay in same areas would be good to just not eat alone these days
Tskr care everyone
Hi @Ron11 I eat my meals on my knee and watch the television. I did try sitting at the table but it just wasn’t right.
There is food in the fridge and cupboards that only my husband ate. Tomorrow I intend to chuck stuff out and take anything still in date to the food bank. Nuts, seeds, dried fruit and granola. And low calorie drinks. He was always so health conscious, not that it made any difference.
The freezer has meals I made for three. I eat baby portions, if at all. Once thawed it is no good. I am ashamed to say that I am always throwing food away now and that was always a pet hate.
Toast or cheese and biscuits is what I have when I am on my own. I will have to do better, all my clothes are too big now and it’s only been 4 weeks since he died.
I used to be a confident sort of bloke,would tackle anything (except diy) now I find myself second guessing all my decisions,I can’t go to the supermarket any more,I was coming home with food my wife liked but I didn’t,so much has gone to the food bank,now I shop online and have to double and triple check it all.
I did the same, emptied the cupboard of all the healthy foods my loved one ate.
I hate going to the store for shopping, passing by all the foods I would have bought and now don’t gets me so upset, so I also shop online.
I find I double check everything, I don’t trust myself, I double check I have locked doors and closed windows, I double check I have everything i need before I go out.
Alas, I still do stupid things, like put vegetable peelings in the fridge instead of the bin, I even locked myself out of the house in my own back garden without my phone on me.
This is all after a year, a year has passed since she was brutally taken from us, and I still can’t focus, but I have put weight on because I snack in the evenings maybe because I have no one to talk to anymore.
I still ask myself how the hell am I going to move forward, I feel so…‘stuck’, I can’t have her back, and I can’t bear the future without her. I guess I have no choice.
Hi @pgw69
Yes, 1 year on for me going into year 2.
Still feel stuck in Groundhog Day. thought it would get better but still feel the loss asci did last year.
Life is not what we wanted and without them around lonely.
Take care everyone
I know what you mean,I lock up around nine leaving the patio door unlocked so the dog can go out for her last wee of the day,find myself going round again checking every door and window even on my car.
Ive really pushed myself last few days jetwashed drive painted decking which we made together had a tears in my eyes while painting but also thinking of the fun and joking around while making it , i do feel a sense of achievement and iknow my husband would be pleased with me , its been 19 months some days i get by ok some days im a sobbing wreck putting brave face on for family and friends but im still taking one day at a time
I know how you feel, the days are very long and some people just fade into the past, don’t know if its a case of they can’t deal with a grieving person, but its very hard on that grieving person. Stick with this forum they have seen me through the last 13 months and thank goodness for them, take care everyone xx