Missing you ❤️

That is how i’ m feeling lost and alone. Cant funtion proberly sonce losing my husband 5 weeks ago. Everything seems pointless! I hate my life now, its so empty.Big hugs


What you have said about your life now just about sums up the way I feel.x


Yes everything seems pointless, life is empty with no direction - just existing day after day :broken_heart:


That’s exactly what it is an existence and its so so hard to get up in a morning knowing your facing another day of just existing with nothing to look forward to and the one person you would talk to about feelings like that is not here to listen :cry:


@Georgi Sitting in the garden in the sunny and beautiful afternoon listening to my playlist then suddenly the song that we played at the burial “Jealous of the Angels” started playing - here I go again I’m so heartbroken and in pieces every time this song comes up :sob: so empty, so lonely and so deeply sad and broken :broken_heart:
Everyday I dread the next day knowing it’s going to be another empty and pointless day…forever :broken_heart:
Take care everyone xx


Me too trying to keep it together today but not managing crying again.
I know its all part of healing but just now im in pieces bo reason today just one of thesr down days.
Take care


Yeh I always find Sundays are the hardest days to be alone & grieving xxx
We will all get through this together, we have to as we have no choice but this forum helps knowing your not the only one grieving xxx


It’s the silence that gets you and the feeling of despair at times. The grief just keeps coming when you least expect it. This journey is so hard and im only 5 weeks in. I miss him so much. When will all this stop ! :broken_heart: :face_exhaling:


Bless you all its so hard but 5 weeks is so raw , hopefully you got family and friends by your side , just take one day at a time sweetheart thats all we can do , i spoke to people whos lost partners for alot of years they tell me you never stop griving but you learen to live along side of it , 18 months on and i can be having a ok day then grief its just like a bolt of lightning it hits you again and again ! I find spiritual church a comfort my husband and grandparents have came forward with messages for me somethings no one chould have known , let your tears flow luv dont try to hold back sending hugs


I agree with you, I lost my Phil 8 months ago. Yesterday my older grandson went out to buy his prom suit - his Grandad would have been so proud of him as he grows into a young man. I had the back yard jet washed recently and it looks so good now - something Phil meant to do but never got round to due to his ill health. Every time I sit out there I think of him pottering around his plants and another sadness fills me up. So many things are happening and he should be here to see them unfold.


This is my Sunday


That really sums up how I feel. He should be here, he deserves to be here experiencing so many things.

Big hug,

Rose x


Bless you i know what you mean it was my 60th birthday last week i came down stairs that morning my daugher had trimmed diningroom up in happy 60th birthday my tears started running down my cheeks i said thankyou its made me feel emotional and hugged her … my hubby should be ere we got a new baby granddaughter due to be born in 8 weeks time , im excited to cuddle and spoil her but at same time i know ill feel so emotional her Grandad no longer ere to share , ive just got home from cemetery had a talk and tears with him x


Sending love and hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xx


Yes we will get through this together :crossed_fingers:
Take care everyone xx


Please try taking one day at a time
Sending hugs and strength :hugs::hugs:xx


Ditto ditto xx


I find it very hard taking one day at a time you can’t help but think off what the future holds because at the moment it looks pretty rubbish
I want to scream at the despair and the loneliness it’s like you are just dragging yourself along to get though must days I feel totally heart broken and it’s been 7 months will it ever get any easier


I know exactly how you feel. Everything seems pointless and the future looks bleak, not that i can even think about a future without my husband. :face_exhaling:


I agree it’s hard taking one day at a time although I often find it helps to just focus on today and go with the flow and try not to think about tomorrow because I know it’ll only make me feel worse knowing it’s not going to be a better day than today so I might as well take it all in today- tomorrow is another matter when it comes. May not make much sense but seems to have helped so far - it’s been almost 13 months now :disappointed_relieved: This is the new normal for us all - sad and lonely life and we have no choice but to carry on the best we can :crossed_fingers:
Take care xx