Missing you ❤️

The hardest part for me is getting out of bed in the morning, all that goes through my head is another long, lonely day without my husband, its so very hard and listening to others further along in this journey these feelings remain with you xxx


It is hard getting out off bed in the morning thinking about what you can do all day and I’m finding the days longer and longer
Thinking of you x


It would be so easy to roll over and stay in bed. So I force myself to get up, get washed and dressed and then try and get out every day. Even if its just to the local shops.
I can’t see a lot of point in anything really but I know somehow I’ve got to make a new life, one I didn’t want, I was quite happy with the old one. I owe it to my husband , he wanted me to carry on.
Its just so very hard, but somehow, someday I must do it.

Big hugs to everyone


I can totally identify with all you said - being positive is the way forward :+1:
Best wishes to everyone x


Thankyou @Angel1309
The support and understanding on this forum is amazing.
Its certainly helping me. I know I’m not alone and what I’m feeling is normal

Love and hugs


You’re very welcome @Liro we all here are in the same boat and we share and support one another through our sad and lonely journey. I don’t know how I would have been able to cope so far without this wonderful forum. So thank you all for sharing and reading - best wishes to everyone :two_hearts:
Sending love and hugs back :heart::hugs:


Bank holiday weekend started with a relaxing swim and tranquil yoga session in the morning - came the afternoon sadness and loneliness suddenly crept up on me now sitting on the bed feeling so empty dreading about tomorrow, Sunday and Monday knowing what’s to come - 3 more days of emptiness, sadness and loneliness. I hate this lonely life without my angel here by my side :broken_heart:.
Best wishes to all xx


Hi @Angel1309
Yes, these days hit us hard.
Sorry, no two days the same, and weekends and nights are extremely hard. We can only keep ourselves busy and get through the days best we can
Take care
Lynne x

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Weekends can be so hard and long weekends even harder, I am struggling to get through any days this week as I haven’t been sleeping great !
This grief journey is a tough one to navigate for us all but we will survive because our husband’s would want us too !
Hang in there everyone and we will get through this with each other’s help xxx


Sending a big hug x

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Hi All,
Loving the support and care everyone gives each other.
Thinking of you all this bank holiday.
Take care and big hugs. Xx


Hi Lynne, yes we can only try our best I agree - hard but we have no choice sadly.
Take good care xx

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I haven’t been sleeping well either and constantly thinking about him missing him so badly :broken_heart:. It’s comforting to think that our beloved would want us to carry on and I have promised myself to try carrying on living for both of us the way we used to.
Thank you for your kind words xx


Big hugs to everyone xx​:hugs::hugs:


I keep telling myself that but its so hard,im away with 4 friends Friday till this afternoon for my 60th birthday , im sat ere they all still asleep its been a nice weekend but at same time its hard when they constantly talk about their husband’s and their plans im happy for them but i sit in silence trying not to get upset , will i ever be happy again ? The happy me has died along with my husband x


You can only take one day at a time and hope one day happiness will happen again for you. Like everyone on here, take one day at a time. There is no magic cure for this grief, just take comfort and support from your friends and everyone here. As we know what you’re going through and how hard the journey of grief is. :hugs: xx


You can be so alone and feeling so lonely and you can be surrounded by people and yet still feeling so lonely - it happens to me all the time sadly. We can only try take each day as it comes, even take one breath at a time if we have to.
Hopefully one day we will be able to adjust to the new normal living life with our beloved not physically but in our memories forever :heart:.
Best wishes to everyone xx


My daughter has come over from new Zealand with my granddaughter for a few weeks But it’s so hard with out my steve hes missing out on so much and it’s not the same without him.:disappointed_relieved:


Our daughter was pregnant with our first grandchild when my husband died unexpectedly. He knew it was a girl but never got to meet her. My daughter also gave birth early because of losing her dad. He was so looking forward to being a grandad. It breaks my heart.


Life so cruel sometimes i question if God exists if so why does he let awful heartbreaking things happen to good happy people, my husband died unexpectedly our 3rd granchild due in july wish he was ere to enjoy her , shes having a few complications something to do with blood not flowing as it should through cord mummy to be scan twice a week worried sick about mummy and baby and my son ,