Missing you ❤️

I know how you feel, the days are very long and some people just fade into the past, don’t know if its a case of they can’t deal with a grieving person, but its very hard on that grieving person. Stick with this forum they have seen me through the last 13 months and thank goodness for them, take care everyone xx


That last look from my husband seconds before he passed told my he definitely did not want to leave me and our kids & grandkids and I know he wouldve wanted to meet our newest grandson born since he passed,
But we can’t keep torturing ourselves with the what ifs and why’s, its not what my husband would have wanted and I’m sure thats the same for all of us on here be it a husband or wife you have lost xxx


I found first few months people had more compaction for grief but as months went by it was asif i should be over my grief,its
19 months for me i talk to his photo every day miss him so much


My husband was always a better cook than me and once retired he did all the cooking as unlike me he enjoyed cooking and the shopping for ingredients too. I do some cooking but not a lot, it seems pointless putting in effort just for one x

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Thats what I use a lot my air fryer, quick and easy, not much effort, my oven only gets used when family visit xx

Yes it does feel like people think you should move on but how hard would that be when you have been with your partner for 47 years its like losing half of yourself, I find the only people who understand are my close family and a friend who is in same position as she lost her husband the month after I lost mine. There are also people who have kept their distance completely cause I don’t think they know how to react !
People are strange right enough xxx


We all are going through the same sad, empty and lonely journey and we share, read and support one another always.
I too find myself waiting for phone calls and text messages most days sadly but I try to distract myself by reading (books about grief) most of the time and it seems to help a bit.
Please take care :hugs: :hugs:


My friend told me grief is mine and mine alone! Not sure why she said that but come to think of it - it must be true as I grief alone most days :broken_heart:. I talk to his photo too every morning afternoon and night for the past 14 months - it’s so comforting to feel he’s still around listening :heart:


Same here - air fry is so quick, easy and cost effective - most useful when cooking for one :+1:


The first thing I bought after losing my husband was an air fryer.
Now everything goes in the airfryer. (Except boiled eggs, gave up with them)
Its quick and easy.
And I can’t be bothered with anything more than that

I send my husband a message every night and morning and I talk to him in hope that he can hear me

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Me too bought soon after his passing as couldn’t be bother to spend time cooking on the stove or in the oven - it’s proven to be one of the best decisions so far! Love it and use it everyday!


I don’t know how relevant or not this is but here goes,some people believe when a person dies a loved one comes to carry them away,I gave Alexa access to my photo album containing over 300 pics and it scrolls daily through them my wife’s photo sits alongside it,I was talking to her and saying I hope someone lovely carried you away,that instant her dads picture appeared followed by my mum both who loved her dearly,as I only have three pics of each of them I found it strange.


Hi @Angel1309
Think i will get an air fryer too just a small one dont have a lot of space in my kitchen

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I’d like to think his soul is still around, whether it’s true or not - it makes me feel I’m still loved so that’s all that matters to me - his love helps keep me going for the past 14 months and without it I would probably lose the will to live. This may sound crazy to some but I can’t help the way I feel.


I feel the same way :heart:


My kitchen is small but I got a twin drawer. It means I can cook everything at once


Wow, that is strange!

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I know,I think my scepticism has had a serious rebalance.

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Hi Lynne
I think it’s a great idea! Hope it will please you the way it does me.
Take care x