I too have to push myself to do things
I’m always thinking I’m going to do that tomorrow and never do it
Now I’m not having my grandson it’s even less for me to get up for x
I think we all need a push into doing things , no zest for life everythingis effort. Xxx
Hi Jo.
I agree you have to make an effort to keep things going,
I do get a little fed up of people saying “you have to get out of your comfort zone”
Quite frankly I don’t want to,we have enough on fighting battles we never wanted without going out searching for more.
I hope you’re feeling better.
Love Ron x.
Hiya Ron yep I get the same things said to me. What do they want us to do? I try every day , but they dont understand how hard it is. Hugs Jo xxx
George73 it’s a nightmare and i really feel your pain and it’s horrible what we are going through and i was with my husband 16 years and married nearly 5 and the pain and i have no confidence anyway and my husband and bestie made me feel better about myself and losing so many people is hard. You were married alone time and it must be hard for you and it’s hard to move forward and to try and do anything. Hope your having a better day. Take care
What a beautiful thing to do xx
I find lighting the candles helps me.
I hope it brings some comfort xx
I keep promising myself I won’t post any more because I know I’ve repeated myself so many times.
Then - why do the tears flow every morning?
Why does everything seem so pointless?
Now this is going to sound really stupid - Bill loved Jammy Dodger biscuits and I find I can’t open a new packet because he’s not here to have them with his coffee.
Earlier in the year we bought some solar powered figures to go in the garden. Because the weather wasn’t good they were ready to go out but didn’t actually get put out. I have now put them back in their boxes to go into the loft. More tears because he’ll never see them. Is it just me.
It’s because I loved him so much and wanted to share everything with him and now I can’t - it’s heartbreaking
Sorry, I’m repeating myself again. Just ignore me and I’ll try and pull myself together.
It’s 11 weeks this week since the love of my life passed away and I miss him more and more every day.
Harriet everything seems so hard I know , it was 13 weeks yesterday since i lost Gra, everyday I struggle with even the simplist of things.
I want to show him how well his rose bushes floweed how many plums we got on his tree, he was the gardner not me.
I think all we are going through is normal.only others who are walking this path truly understand.
Hugs Jo xxx
Dear Harriet,
It may not seem like it but it is early days for us.
It is not stupid with the Jammy Dodgers, by the way my husband loved them as well.
I went out in the garden and there were some apples ready to be picked.
If my husband were still here, he would have made a crumble with them.
However, I couldn’t bring myself to make one, too emotional.
So I gave the apples to a friend, who was pleased with them and said
she would use them ……… in a crumble.
We understand.
Take care,
Rose xx
Nothing is too silly or stupid to say. If something hurts you, the chances are that the same thing hurts somebody else here.
My husband died in May, we had just fed the roses, 150 of them. We had bought a wisteria and a magnolia tree but not planted them. Now I look out of the window and the summer has gone, the roses are starting to go to sleep. And he missed them, a whole season has passed. To other people I am stating the bleeding obvious. But it is more meaningful than that for me.
He was in the middle of several diy jobs and his tools are where he left them. I have disposed of certain items that even some people here have commented on, but I cannot move his tools. We all walk our own path, avoid what hurts, take comfort where we can.
So, please don’t think you are being stupid, please don’t apologise or feel you post too often. We are here to listen and send support. We know what you are going through, because we are going through it with you. Xx
Thank to everyone. Sending my love and hugs to you all