Mom has gone

You know what Daffy people think after few weeks your ok it’s so horrible the same with my birthday every one puts have happy birthday which it isn’t people just don’t think so wrapped up in own stuff think you will join in no matter what the day after my mum died I was given birthday card I threw it in the bin I’m sure you will get more no matter what every thing is crap for you I’m so sorry just have to get through it best you can thinking of you love jage

I am unsure how to post a new post. I just want the world & my family to know. That I am over my grief being pushed back. I am over all decisions to do with mum being made without my in put


I don’t care about the money or the will. iDONT care

What I care about is being included with Teagarden to the ashes. I HAVE A SAY. I am her only daughter. I want time alone I. Her home before you lot put it on the market

I need to be validated.

Rant over. J xx

I did make a comment in the end. Apparently, there are “no depressing Xmas cards in the shops”. He says he did well because the card says partner. He’s suggested crossing out the line, which is harsh on the card.
The truth is I’m alone in my grief, except for having good and compassionate company on here. I’m ready to get Xmas out of the way.

Justine, I think to post a few topic you click open draft on the main forum page then a subheading.

I’m ready too daffy. I’m so tired of trying to pretend to be happy for everyone’s sake. I used to love Xmas. Never thought I would count down the days for it to be over.I’m going back home tomorrow although it’s no longer my home. It’s not even the house or town I grew up in. It’s just where mum lived for the last 14 years. I’m Staying with family. Seeing friends too but I’m dreading it and wishing it would be over. I’ve got far too much on my plate coming up. I suspect I will have an overload at some point. It won’t be pretty.

We did our food shopping today in sainsburys and Johnny Mathis came on. Of course it did. I cried through the whole thing. My partner said you’ve got to get through this cheryl.its xmas and people are happy. The shops play xmas music and you have to cope with it.
I didng say anything. I just resigned myself to accepting that I’m alone with my pain. They dont get it, they never will.
The 2nd jan cant come quickly enough x

I’ve had several outbursts today jooles. I’ve just done 2 nights shifts and I have decided to stay awake today to go back to bed at a decent time tonight.
I’m tired, I miss my mum, I’m sick of xmas already and i miss my mum.
I will he thinking of you, daffy, justine, shaun and others I chat to on this forum alot over the next few days.
Cheryl x

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Hi all
Just to say hang in there, it’s almost over. Christmas these days is very false and fake. The true meaning is lost to so many. Nobody though can take our memories away and we have to learn now to treasure those memories because our parents gave them to us to hold on to tightly knowing one day they would leave us behind. Hold on to the love not the pain and embrace it. We cannot bring them back but we can continue their legacy and remember them with all what Christmas meant to them and that was “us” Christmas to them was about seeing us happy. Whatever you are doing Christmas day remember to focus on what they valued about Christmas and with strength and determination honour that. Push your grief aside and celebrate their life and love. Blessings to you all

When our parents lost their parents they didn’t have counselling, bereavement forums or the luxury of expressing their grief or feelings they just got on with it because they had to focus on the motto “life continues” and it carry’s on. I love this attitude because our parents put life before death and this is how I will honour my dad. His life meant so much more than his death. We dwell too much on grief and our emotions (my opinion) and my dad spent his entire life teaching me how to deal with what life throws at me not to just focus on pain and heartbreak but that life is precious and to be celebrated not mourned and that I was so blessed to have had such an amazing teacher of life

This is last time I’ll be on for a few days. I’ll be thinking of you all. At least we are not alone. Thinking of our beloved ones who are dancing in heaven.

If anyone is on their own Christmas Day and it all get’s too much and you need a chat. I will be checking in


I dont know if you will see this message but I hope you have an ok time over the next few days. I’m sure there will be some tears but hopefully some fun too.
It will be a different xmas from now on, that’s for sure but I like to think they arent over because we probably have 30 more years of life and our mums really wouldn’t want us to be unhappy for them all.
Speak soon.
Cheryl x

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I’m in the car now. I have already cried twice this morning. Will try and pop on when I can. Same to you Cheryl. Lyn love your positivity. Hope we all have “an ok” time. X

I cried yesterday doing the food shopping. It was awful, but in the evening my sister and her family popped round for a takeaway and a board game and we had a nice evening.
Just hoping to get through as I’m sure you are.
Speak soon x

Iv been watching your messages and it’s sad and lovely that we are all here, sad as we’ve lost our beautiful moms but lovely that we all support each other because as people have said no one understands your pain, they seem to think you need to get over it ( that’s never going to happen ) last night I sat and watched how to train your dragon 2 with the kids, I remember watching the first one with my mom, I had to leave the room the pain was something I can’t even discribe but know all you will understand, this is my first Christmas and my mom will have been gone 13 weeks Wednesday, I dreading that day and I know you all are to, my dads coming for dinner I’m dreading that also as my mom and dad never went anywhere without each other , hope the day goes quick for you all but above all else be kind to yourselves xxx

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Tracy my mum and dad never went anywhere without each other. Dreading him walk through the door alone on Xmas day. No mum behind him carrying all the pressies and her tin of chocolates. No big hugs and tutting at my dad because he keeps borrowing her reading glasses. I know that pain you have Tracy. I have every day and it even more so right now in the car driving up the M25 towards all my memories to mum and dads house.

It must be s mom thing big hugs and tutting lol, I get your pain, we can do this xxx

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I am thinking of you all over Xmas even now 2 years on Xmas is rubbish without mum I am going to cousins with brother will b nice but not same b glad to get home Xmas night all your pain is horrible last Xmas was my first was horrible thinking of me and mum doing roast together all them years just get through next few days if you want to cry do it we all know what everyone is going through reading all your posts just how I was last year awful I found a letter about mum today it wasn’t good be thinking of you all over holiday love jage

Yes, somehow all us must try to remain healthly whilst grieving.
I hope we all find a moment or an hour plus where we enjoy ourself and switch off from this awful sadness and pain.

What’s the traffic like jooles?
I just walked to my local Tesco and I’m so pleased I did.
There are cars queuing to get into the car park.its chaos x