Mom has gone

In disney world right now. There are several stores that just sell fun socks. I nearly just bought a pair for my dad. The brain is so strange at adjusting. I am 6 months out. The first three were so painful, there is no scale to describe it, i barely ate. Now, the days are more bearable, but there are huge downswings. My best guess is that the brain scars over the pain, and like a thin eggshell, it breaks open here and there. I honestly did not think there would be a ray of sunshine, even just 1 month ago. Somehow there is, your mind gets more peaceful as time wears on, it must protect itself. Perhaps that is why I almost bought socks, the brain wants to forget the pain and push it far down. Please enjoy all of your families - everyone here is blessed to live wonderful lives with great caring people around you. We will prevail through this.

You echo my thoughts. My dad looked 50 but was 77. His mom was mid 90’s, and so we expected the same for him. Unfortunately, his dad and all of his uncles on that side, none lived past 80. We just didnt think he was going to follow that lineage because his numbers were so good from the doctor, no meds, he was living life like he always did. I have come to realize that he maxed out life the best you can - healthy til the end, no regrets. Honestly, no one wants a prolonged many years illness. Its just that the ones left behind that have it rough.

My mum was 84 and for 80 of them she was healthy so to have her that long and healthy I was lucky the last 4 years was rough I think we all want our parents forever no matter what, year not nice today waking up and she isn’t here I used to wait till she got up then open our presents together I miss that open them on own now can’t believe it’s 2 years but have to try especially for my brother who so misses mum ,hope you all get through the day with your loved ones it’s hard but each Xmas gets bit easier best wishes jage

I actually purchases my deceased Mum a Xmas gift. I know it’s illogical, but I’ve done it this year. It cost very little. My partner has just gone to put flowers by a tree planted in the name of his parents, Sending love to all. x

Wishing you an ok day jage xx

Whatever you feel you need to do daffy, we all react differently. Wishing you an ok day xx

I know elldubs,

I feel so cheated but at least mum was healthy and happy right up till she died. All she thought was wrong with her was a blocked artery which was being fixed. If she knew she had a bad heart and other things she would have been very upset and probably given up on life x

For me, I can sum up the day in one word. I find it strange. I wish you all well today and my thoughts are with you all.
I think my mum was cheated on this day too. I also think I would say that even if it had been another 10 years. 46 years with her and it still wasn’t enough time to say to her and do all the things with her that I wanted to…
Shaun x

Well it’s here. My heart hurts. Not long go and it will be over.

I know joules.
And it does feel strange shaun. Very strange.
I just keep wondering where she is x

Yea all do what you have to do to get through the day soon b over thanks to everyone best wishes

Hi Cheryl,
What you said is true. Your mom felt good physically and mentally. My mom says if my dad knew he had something that could be so sudden he would have been a wreck. Hope you and your family find some joy today. Ell

Hi Daffy
What did you do with her gift? I think its a great idea that you did it. Ell

Hi Tracy
I also struggle with the same - seeing my mom without my dad is so difficult. Our anniversaries are the same week. My mom and I wound up going to a spa together for a change of scenery that week. She gave us a card with just her on it. We gave nothing because we didnt know what to do. Going to the spa was a good idea, but strange and sad too. Ell

I’ll be glad when the day is over too. I had one too many drinks so now got a slight headache. Like quite a few of us on here, I believe my Mum could have been here today, but just a chain of events happened which was too much for her body.
I miss her.

Mum loved camels, but only had one small statue in the house. I found a delightful one, which I have no doubt Mum would have loved.
I know buying something is illogical, but I’m glad I did it.

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Glad day nearly over hope every year gets easier did enjoy being with family but now home missing mum being here ,I did enjoy it more than last year so time does make things easier thinking of you all

I agree daffy. My sister said to me, why are you angry mum died?
She wasnt murdered or run over by a bus. S
Her body let her down.
I suppose she is right and you are too. A chain of events led to our mums not being here. I still think she is going to walk in and sat it was all a mistake.
Now she hasnt appeared today, it’s just another verification that she has gone

Just relaxing now with a coffee after eating and drinking too much. Didn’t get a card, a call or any message from mum today. Didn’t see her either. Must be true then but hard to accept that this is the way it is now. I could almost feel a little peeved that she didn’t bother but of course that’s ridiculous. Hope that makes sense.
We are staying with my wife’s stepmother and she presented us with a watercolour painting that she had done of the last photo I took of mum sat on the beach less than 48 hours before she died. It was a very poignant photo and I featured it on the back of the funeral service sheet which is where she got it from. It’s a lovely painting but I didn’t expect it so it was very difficult to hold it together when I saw it! I’m not sure I can frame it and hang it at home any time soon. Maybe in time I can, not sure.
Well, on to tomorrow then. The beginning of January is going to be another strange day and yet another milestone.

The paintings sounds lovely. I can imagine it was a very emotional moment receiving it. I’m sure one day, it will give pleasure.
I feared my partner would do something with photos of Mum but he didn’t thankfully. It was just us two together and he did raise a toast to missing loved ones and he mention a Mum by name. I held it together just about.
I have got Xmas cards out from me to Mum from a previous year. I’ve tried to make her present in some respects. I’ve sat where Mum sat for half the day. I suppose that’s one way to not look at her seat.
It’s 11 weeks. I don’t think it has sunk in fully. Today, has been ok, but I am so very, very glad it is over. I did my upmost not to cry my heart out. I drank too much too.
I don’t want to deal with anything. I just want to hide. Even a telephone call from a friend or relative feels too much.