Mom has gone

Morning all. Well that’s that day done. Love that painting Shaun. Wishing you all a peaceful day. I went to a church and lit a candle. Said “well that’s it she’s really gone”. My first Xmas I have ever spent without her. And bloody facebook this morning. “You have a friend anniversary with your mum”. 7 years ago today we bought her an iPad and signed her up to Facebook.
My heart is heavy today. Reality slapping me in the face again

Yes joules they really are gone.
If mum didnt make xmas, it means she is really gone and it’s so hard to accept.
I hate facebook but I cant bring myself to come off because I wont be able to see mums profile. Even though I can’t bring myself to anyway if that makes sense? X

Shaun your painting of your mum is lovely wow I would love one of my mum like that I hope one day you can hang it up with pride and look at it wow jage

Lovely painting. Your Mum appears to be appreciating nature.

Year I didn’t go on any big night’s out for over a year I was the same it turns you into a recluse sometimes you just don’t want to enjoy yourself but it will come in time jage

I feel worse today than I did yesterday. But it was so busy yesterday I didn’t have time to think. Also drank a little too much and slept for an hour in the afternoon. Then went to bed early. Everyone stayed up playing games. I want to

That sounds like how I spent my day. Too much to drink and then slept in the afternoon. I held it together, but today I’ve burst in to tears twice.
The loss of Mum is still sinking in. I spoke to distant relatives today and just kept in positive, so as not to change the tone. It’s just so unnatural, pretending all is well.
A friend has asked to meet up sometime. I just want to hibernate for long time.

I’ve cried alot today daffy.
I think it’s because its nearly over and we have got through a whole Christmas without them

Even though i drank a bit yesterday, I think I was still carrying a great deal of stress. It keeps dawning on me that this grief, is going to be a part of my life for a very, very long time.
Somehow, we must all try and keep healthy.

Nearly finished thank god, just leaving my mom and dads where we all meet every Boxing Day, not sad bloody angry she’s not here, to see all her children and grandchildren, mom loved this time of year, just new year to get through and then the first of everything else this year, sending love to you all xxx

I’m also angry but my partner and sister cant understand why. They say that mum wasnt murdered and she didnt get run over by a bus, so why be angry. Her body gave up that’s all.
But that isnt all. I’ve hated xmas and I am angry.actually x

We all react different from what I can see I have 2 sisters and 1 brother, I’m angry today, my one sister is still numb, my other sister cries all the time and out brother has locked himself away from us ( not in a nasty way but he can pretend it hasn’t happened ) were a really close family but we’re all dealing with mom so different which is ok, Iv cried but I’m sooooo bloody angry that she’s not here, we’re allowed to be this is our mom we want her back and it’s so wrong she’s not here with us, so why shouldn’t we be mad xxx

I know tracy, I fully agree.
I got through xmas day with just a few tears but boxing day was awful x

You know what this year I cried more than last year think the longer without mum the more I miss her ,my anger as gone just so sad that she is not here , I think we will always feel sad on holidays because all our lovely mum’s were such a big part of it I can now look at photos and smile the road of grief is so bumpy I was so lost for a long time I’m hoping 2020 can be a better year a new house and new job will make things lot better just to let you all know things do get better the missing never goes but life does improve slowly you start to enjoy things again and I can talk about my mum and laugh now ,and go out and not feel guilty i enjoyed my holiday this year first time properly I can sit in her chair and feel ok I send my thoughts and wishes to you all jage

I wasn’t good yesterday either. It keeps dawning on me that she’s not going to come home, which results in tears.
I am in denial and not at the same time. It could have all be very different.
I’m also getting unwell. It feels like its taking a toll on my body. I’ll start some tai chi in the New Year to see if it helps at all. I’m tired.

Thanks jage.
You give me hope because I cant sustain this sadness.
Like daffy, I’m getting ill with it and am determined to get fit and healthy in the new year x

I agree thank you for telling us that it does get better, today I’m exhausted, would love to sleep again up at 6.30 cleaning , I look like shit and I feel like shit ( sorry ) but it’s the truth, it upsets me that mom would really hate to see me like this but it’s just hard to fight the deep hurt and sadness inside, my dad was broken last night to see him breaking I front of his kids, grandkids and great grandkids was awful, I’m in pain I can’t imagine how he feels, mom was his world xxx

Oh tracy,
It’s awful isnt it. It doesnt get worse than this. Keep your chin up as hard as it may be.
Cheryl x

I think I was the same last year I was worse on boxing Day I think getting through Xmas day without our mum’s dawn
S on you and reality hits that they weren’t there on that day ,did for me you realise that Xmas will never be the same it is so different for me going to other family when always been with mum it’s like making new life with mum not in it it’s hard but life is hard and you do adjust you have to thinking of you all jage

I woke this morning and I decided that I was going to do my upmost to stay healthy over the next few days leading up to New Year. The reason, grief is making me feel physically unwell.
However, it didn’t take a lot to start me off. Ive still got some Peruvian lilies still flowering from Mums funeral in mid November. I got upset because I want them to last until New Year. They might. And then it was something else which was rather illogical which got me going. I’m coming up to 12 weeks.
I can comprehend why grief could give a person a meltdown.
My partner insisted that I wear one of Mums scarves, when I got terribly upset. He thinks and perhaps hopes it will provide some comfort.
I can only try to not make myself ill, but tears roll in when they want to. I keep waking up several times a night.
It doesn’t take much to set me off crying. Time will heal this.