Morning & Night

good morning, bit of a hit and miss day yesterday, so here’s hoping for an improvement today.

at least no rain so far so off to take Ada for her walk before giving her a bath, which she will need if we venture on to the field

hope today is an improvement on yesterday and tomorrow is an improvement on today


11.11 a very powerful angel number sequence


Good morning all - another very wet day today - so no gardening, I don’t think I will ever get the bulbs planted. I do not envy you your cold day today Silverlady - I am a cold mortal anyway so the heating is on this morning, Need to clear the fridge of all the things I did not cook again and do some housework, shopping and washing - but so far have done nothing… I know it is colder as the cat has taken up his winter position of sleeping on the back of the sofa near the radiator. Hope your little dog is better. My long term plan is to get a dog when I retire in a couple of years - not sure how the cat will take to that…

Hi Trisha I am bloody freezing tell your cat to move over lol. Dog bit better , like you I buy food don’t cook it but I am trying to be better, I cook the food in batches freeze it and take it out in the morning before work, then I ignore it pmsl no seriously try to eat it. Like you I am struggling to motivator myself today but the house is cold I have the builder in repairing a ceiling etc from a flood but dust cold n pooing dog do not make you want to move lol if the builders didn’t get the wrong idea I would have a duvet day !

Hi Silverlady - promise yourself an afternoon nap under the duvet as soon as the builder goes … glad dog a little better. xx

Poor dog I have a cold keep sneezing she’s running away lol builders still here shouldn’t complain things are getting down which in turns ticks something if the to do list!

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Good Day to All - It’s +5C and very gray with promises of snow so most of the day will be indoors. My two cats are out one door and in the other. I need to get some winter repairs done, but the promised assistance is not showing up- ah well, I refuse to let it upset my apple cart. I’m going to knit, and clean house and force some healthy food into myself, and think as positive as I can…

Good Morning everyone. Think today might be going to be one of those shit days. I woke early and couldn’t get back to sleep. So here I am about to bore you all with my woe’s. Looks as though I might be walking the dogs in the rain again as I did yesterday. So no allotment or long walk in the countryside if we get the rain that is forecast, will be fed up as I hate having to stay in. Think I’m going to have one of those ‘I feel sorry for myself days’.
Bumped into an old friend yesterday that haven’t seen for ages (one of those that never got in touch). He said “Sorry to hear about poor old Brian” The three of us used to do a lot together, yet I haven’t clapped eyes on him since losing Brian, not a word, although he’s pushed things through my door. He made Brian’s death sound so trivial, Probably me being sensitive but he upset me. He said the last time he saw Brian he wasn’t walking very well and he wondered why I wasn’t with him helping. Brian was determined and very independent and didn’t want a fuss. I informed this ‘friend’ that I was aware of things and always at the end of a phone if Brian needed me. Brian had told me that if he needed help he would ask for it. So I gave him as much space as possible until he couldn’t help himself and then I stepped in at all times. Now I feel guilty, did people think I was leaving him to struggle alone. Such simple things can trigger a reaction.
My home that gives me comfort usually has suddenly become cold and uninviting, can’t quite put my finger on it. Hark at me already this morning and I haven’t got dressed yet. Dread to think what the rest of the day is going to be like, but will make an effort as I do everyday.
Love Pat xx

good morning Pat, good morning all, have similar feelings about today as you do Pat, had them yesterday too. woke with the thought of another day of the same. feel I need interaction with another human, see an occasional dog walker, field far too.muddy with all this torrential rain, so it’s walks along the pavements. anyway going to make a concerted effort to make progress today however small.

hope today is an improvement on yesterday and tomorrow is an improvement on today

Jen ☆

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Good morning from SW London. Rained all night here too -so the pots I was going to move from back garden to front are far too heavy to shft. Coughed most of the night - not sure if I need something from a doctor. Anyway up now due to a cat that’s bowl is probably empty. Apart from having my nails done at 12 30 I intend to do very little today. Think a nice milky coffee and a toasted bagel may cheer me up. xx

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Hi again from the Isle of Wight. Sorry for my moaning this morning, actually didn’t have as bad a day as I thought. I did manage a walk with the dogs but I stayed local in case of a downpour. Called in at the allotments and managed to lop down a couple of bushes and pick my dinner before the rains came, so we got wet again. Decided to catch the bus to town and have a walk around, just in case I lapsed into a weepy mood. I met up with a fellow dog walker on the bus who didn’t know how to get to her destination so I walked with her and showed her the way. Being a short walk from Lidl’s I went there for some flowers for Brian. Met an allotment member there and chatted and then came home with another lady that I chat to when I see her. So all in all not a bad day. Took dogs for a walk this evening and it was sunny, so kept myself busy all day. Now watching Pride and Predudice. Were women really so pathetic in those days, but I rather like Colin Firth.
Let’s hope for a decent day tomorrow in more ways than one.
Pat xx

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Toasted Bagel !!! can do better than that I treated myself to a pack of Chocolate Eclairs. Not my usual diet but so what. I fancied a treat to cheer myself up but won’t be making a habit of it.
Hope your cold soon gets better. I wouldn’t bother with the doctor if they are anything like ours. Three weeks wait for an appointment. I take a high dose of Vitamin C,+ selenium and zinc along with plenty of fruit and veg and haven’t had a cold for years. (say I as I touch wood)
Take care

Good Day to All…It’s 11am in beautiful BC - rained all night and it’s getting darker by the minute…so far it’s not the white stuff! It’s about +5. Yesterday afternoon there was a local post on Facebook. There was a fire not far from here, and the man lost everything. I got motivated so fast I hardly believed myself. Rounded up Che’s winter clothes and a few “special to me” things, hopped in my car and drove right over there…cried most of the way of course His son lives on the property so he had a place to stay but as he said “I can truly say I have nothing but the clothes on my back.” I wouldn’t donate those few items as I really wanted to give them to someone in true need, and this man was that person. I told him I had suffered a loss too, and we hugged. My whole being just wanted to give this man comfort. It was just so right…

Bidding everyone a peaceful night. Rained all day here - still feeling grim - think I may have a chest infection so just in case it does not clear have booked a dr’s appointment for Thursday - if I feel better I can cancel it. We can book on line and could have had one tomorrow - but not with a doctor I like . Have not done much apart from get my nails done - and even that was an effort. Now watching Antiques Road show and wondering if any of the family bits may be worth something - don’t think so but you never know. Mind you if they were could I sell them ? Probably something I don’t have to worry about. xx

What a wonderful and inspiring story. I bet it made you feel better. I am now wishing that I had kept back some of Brian’s clothes and donated them to the homeless or similar. You are a special person.
Pat xxx

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Hi Trisha. I didn’t know what to do with Brian’s musical instruments, I had no idea of their value. I sent them to Auction but felt so guilty and wondered if I should have been doing this, would he like it, they meant so much to him. I am now pleased that I did make this decision as the other option was to go back into the loft and now they are being used again I was also pleasantly surprised at their value. The man who bought his best guitar that he had used on stage for years sent me a lovely photo of it after he had brought it back to pristine condition. I have that photo next to one of Brian playing it on stage. So I now don’t regret letting them go. Nothing terrible has happened since they went so I presume I’m not being cursed for my actions. I do still have his keyboard and have considered learning to play it myself. Just a thought!!!
Pat xxx

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Hi Pat

As our son is also a talented musician the guitars and other musical equipment is his as far as I am concerned. Not sure if he will keep them all - but there are other musicians that Gary inspired and taught and we have thought of giving them one. (At last count he had 14) For the time being though they remain in the music room. When James comes over he restrings them and plays them and depending on who is also here they also play - it is nice and the only music I can listen to - probably just because it is James playing.

I agree that was such a nice thing to do of Heather. I refused to take Gary’s clothes to the charity shops - I did not want to go in and see them there so understand completely about the trainer. Instead Gary was a great supporter of the homeless he never passed them by - and gave to the Salvation army - so I took all Gary’s clothes, and shoes to the homeless drop in centre - a lovely lady by the name of Angel was over the moon and it is good to think of one of those people living on the street having a good quality warm coat. I still have a few of his favourite things of course. I wear his socks most of the time if my feet are cold - which they are most of the time. He used to say have you got my socks on again !! Warm memories of the special person he was. On that note I really must go to bed so will wish you all sweet dreams.
Trisha xx

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Morning all sorry been in bed with a cold. Hope all are well, another day another day at work another headache!

morning everyone, hope you feel well again soon Silverlady.

had a dreadful day yesterday, looking towards a better day today.

hope today is an improvement on yesterday and tomorrow is an improvement on today

Jen ☆

hoping for an early night, Ada permitting so install his you all a night God bless and have pleasant dreams as is possible.

hope today was an improvement on yesterday and tomorrow is an improvement on today

Jen ☆