My husband died 10 days ago

I feel for you Louise the funeral does drain you.Have a relaxing day and have time to take it all in.Talk to us as we know what you are going through at this time xxxx

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The funeral is exhausting. I found the day after hell particularly as I nearly lost a freezer full of food. I spent most of the day howling like an animal but I think the emotional release helped. Rest and just go with the flow. Love. Sandra

heā€™s still with you as my husband is with me. Yes life will never be the same and every day is a struggle.
I didnā€™t even get out of bed yesterday- whatā€™s the point? I donā€™t want to be here anymore and everything is a struggle.
We just have to carry on with our partners in our heartsā€¦.all seems pointless but it seems thatā€™s all there is for us now. The emptiness just drags on hour by hour. They are in a better place but this is hell xx


Oh dear Flossy you are in a bad place at the moment keep talking to us and hopefully you will feel a bit better. Donā€™t get into staying in bed it wonā€™t help you at all go out in the garden or shopping or just a walk. Think of your darling husband and of all the wonderful things you did together he wouldnā€™t want you being like this. Lifeā€™s not fair I know that since I lost my husband but you have to carry on. Love Margaret xxxxxx


Thank you for your kind words- they help a lot because I know I need to ā€˜doā€™ things and that this isnā€™t helping. I was doing well until this week and now Iā€™m constantly in tears .
I do find comfort in knowing I can talk to you all and that you understand.
Feeling totally lost at the moment xx


Hi Flossy as Margaret23 says thereā€™s benefits to getting up and about. When I first lost my wife, after the funeral I just disappeared into my house for weeks. Literally shut the door and didnā€™t step over the threshold. Ordered everything on line and from local takeaways. It took me a time to realise that it wasnā€™t really doing me any good. I started to go out for half an hour, sometimes I had to force myself. Just being outdoors helped improve my mood, birds in the trees, clouds in the sky, sun on your face, it helped. The benefit I found the most unexpected was that it helped me to regain my confidence, albeit very slowly, I had done something that day. It also gave me a space away from our home where I could think about my wife and begin to process things, it seemed to be a much gentler place than I had expected. If I felt bad I just came home, I had tried and that for me was the important thing


My husband passed away nearly 8 months ago but I still cry everyday it doesnā€™t go away anything starts me off so donā€™t think you are on your own because youā€™re not. I really feel for you and hope I can help you in anyway by talking to you I will. Grief is a terrible thing to go through as you know days are different some better than others but still you feel as someone has ripped your heart out. Helping each other will I hope will get us through these difficult days to come. Love Margaret xxxxx


My thoughts too. We have to for our own sake.Getting out if for a short time is a step in the right direction. Xxxx


Thank you. Iā€™ve got up today and will go into the garden for a little while. Everything is overwhelming- gardening, housework etc. so Iā€™ll do one small thing every day . This is the most miserable time of my life and i know we all feel the pain of our loss. I think the hardest thing is realising Iā€™ll never see and hear him again.
What a dreadful journey weā€™re on .
Just saying how I feel does help xx


We are in the same place Flossy and we too feel the pain everyday. Try to do something today if just for a short time especially in the sunshine. Your husband will be with you every step of the way love xxxxxx


Thank you Margaret- Iā€™m going to go outside for a while and Iā€™ll talk to John while Iā€™m out there.
Itā€™s been worse the last few days.
Your support helps me so much- so glad and sad I found you all xx


Thatā€™s good news Flossy I am going into the garden now too so if I donā€™t respond donā€™t think Iā€™m being rude. Xxxxxx

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Thanks so much for your support xx

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You are very welcome Flossy. Xxxx

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Am just existing trying so hard exhausted as I try to sort so much out.


I feel the same but am still here.Obviously not got the bottle to end it

Donā€™t try to do too much sorting out just do one at a time. Itā€™s too much for you after the funeral xxxx

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I can relate to everything people have said. I dreaded going to bed because I knew Iā€™d have to get up in the morning. A woman I know lost her child and she said she cut cut herself off and hardly left the house for four years, ā€¦and now she runs a bereavement group. I wake up everyday wondering what way Iā€™ll feel today. And yes you are right whatā€™s the point, thatā€™s the struggle we have within ourselves trying to find a new point to our lives. I donā€™t want to run a bereavement group but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll find a new purpose eventually but I can only say that now after 1 year in. I wish you strength for each day.


Such a comfort- thank you xx

Itā€™s quite amazing that we are all different yet going through the same trauma of losing the person that we love.
There are days,even hours when I feel exactly as you do regarding ā€œwhy bother,ā€ but I have no answer to that question,and then next hour or day I manage to do something positive.
Today I woke up feeling pleased that for the last two days I hadnā€™t cried but on the way back from a dental appointment decided to do some food shopping,I walked through our front door and it hit me like a sledge hammer ā€¦ my wife isnā€™t here calling to me asking how I got on at the dentist,the tears came so thick and fast I actually thought I was having some kind of breakdown.
It isnā€™t easy for any of us and I know there isnā€™t a quick fix so what do we do ? We carry on each hour of each painful day believing that at some point it will become less; less lonely,less painful,less empty but hopefully more worth living.
Take care and know that we all understand and hope that by posting on here you will help us help you.