My husband died 10 days ago

Oh Micker, you understand so well because you have the same pain.
I did tackle a bit of gardening today and no tears until I came indoors.
We have a sad, hard journey but I do find so much comfort from you and I don’t feel quite so lonely knowing that people understand.
I wish you didn’t understand because it would mean you weren’t experiencing this pain.
Thank you for giving me a little motivation to do something- yes, it actually helps!
Love and light xx


How did it go today Flossy did it help doing something hope it did. Was thinking of you as I was doing the garden. I broke down in tears today just thinking how my husband Terry use to help me in the garden he wasn’t a gardener but he helped as much as he could bless him. Do hope you were alright love Margaret xxxxxx


A special lady- thank you.
Yes, I did feel better to do something .
I put some slate down and John used to wander down and say ‘ do you want a cuppa floss?’ My Knick name . I’m really touched hay you though of me when you have so much pain of your own.
I do feel incredibly lonely but I don’t really want anyone round . This forum really helps me because there’s genuine caring people like you.
I wish we didn’t have to go through this - it’s unbelievable really.
Thanks for your support when we’re all hurting.


We hurt together Flossy all the pain you are feeling we are too. Talking to each other is helping all of us I’m sure. Days are different for all of us some bearable some not. It’s sometimes I think it has never happened and is just a dream and then it hits you and the emotions come and you can’t control yourself. Hope tomorrow is a good day for us all love Margaret xxxxxx

Hope you get a peaceful night and that we will all eventually have better days.
I’ll do something tomorrow even if it’s just getting the hoover out . Thank you for making me see that crying all day in bed is not what they’d want us to do xxxx


Hope you do too. You have done so well today Flossy your husband would be so proud of you. Keep talking to us all it helps you and us too. Good night Flossy speak to you tomorrow xxxxxx

Well done you. :grinning:

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Hi Flossy how’s you day going today been thinking how you are getting through the day.I thought it was till a friend was complaining about her husband having to make Sunday dinner for him and I thought you have a husband to cook for I don’t.The tears started and I couldn’t stop.People don’t realise how lucky they are to be together not like us struggling everyday without our loved ones. Sending love Margaret xxxx

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I started watching countdown. We always watched it together. The grief just washed over me and I can’t stop crying. If he was out I would record it and we would watch it together later. Every day is like a really miserable Groundhog Day. Hope everyone is doing better than me today xx


@Pudding. After seven months I still can’t listen to the radio because in the early days when I did, something was always playing which upset me. Same with tv, I have to be very careful not to watch anything we watched together,
I don’t have a life now, it’s just a miserable existence, get through the day as best I can.
Went to a meeting this morning, could hardly concentrate with my brain fog.
Day not going that well. Mobile ‘phone company stitching me up, so have to go to the bank.
Oh yes, it’s dreaded Saturday tomorrow.
Sorry, very negative post.


Reflects my feeling today. Yes dreaded Saturday tomorrow. Sorry mobile phone company stitching you up. Mine charged me twice the first month but did refund me.

Xx sandra

@Pudding. Really feel so down this afternoon, crying like a tap full on. Have read a few posts here lately and they are still feeling the same after two years! I cannot imagine coping.
Rosemary xx

Me too. Crying most of the afternoon. Spent an hour online with a grief counsellor on a site called much loved. Helped me calm down but still not good. If you haven’t tried it give it a go. It helps me. Xx. Sandra

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@Pudding Thanks, will give it a go.

Thanks Margaret- i have a brother with a brain injury who lives alone 25 miles away on the coast and I took him for his dental appointment and shopping. I bring his washing home every week and take it back the next. He’s 62 and I’ve had him since he was 17 . Sadly it’s a front lobal injury and he isn’t a very nice person. I really wish I didn’t have the responsibility. He had no social skills or empathy- not much company :blush:
I’m home now and I totally understand how thoughtless people are. I’m so sorry they upset you….it’s very hard. My best friend’s partner asked if I would like to go on tinder 3 days after John died because he said I had to move on!!! We’re not friends now because she lied and said he didn’t mean now- maybe later!! So I lost my best friend as well ( my choice)
It’s so kind that you think of me when you have so much pain - how long have you been on your own? I’m 70 in November and we were going to do something…. I get the feeling you’re still young? Xxx

Glad you got out today Flossy that’s good but not an outing you needed really. I have been without my Husband Terry for nearly 8 months and I still think I am in a dream.He was a lovely man kind thoughtful and so loving like your husband. Miss him so much everyday is a struggle but you have to push yourself don’t you ? I’m glad I am talking to people like you in the same situation it helps doesn’t it?im pleased you are going out it’s hard but please keep it up love Margaret xxxx

I’m not young Flossy I am 75 been married for 54 years so no spring chicken. I met Terry when I was 16 married at 20 so I was lucky to have Terry for all this time. Xxxx

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@MargaretP23 I have been without my dear husband for seven months and, like you miss him more every day, He too was a lovely man, gentle and kind. Although he suffered from cancer for quite sometime, he never complained and was more concerned about me,
I still have times when I don’t believe I won’t see him again. My life is a struggle and is more of an existence. I still cry a lot, but it’s supposed to ease tension.
We had such a wonderful life together, I have my memories to keep me sane.
Best wishes, Rosemary xx

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Oh we were blessed really to have had them for so long ., and you’re right , we do have to push ourselves- 8 months is still very raw and I’ve been4 months next week.
I can’t say how lovely it is that I’ve found so many caring people who understand- just wish you didn’t!
I do find this so helpful- feel I’m not giving much back though. ….
So encouraging when everything seems lost.
Thank you all xxxx

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It is lovely for all of us to have caring people that we can talk to about our partners and what we are going through without them. Thank you too all of you love Margaret xxxxx