My husband died 10 days ago

Definitely hibernating under the duvet at Christmas.

Maybe we should spend all Christmas talking to each other here then maybe we wouldnā€™t feel as lonely and can all cry together


@Pudding A good idea, we should try and arrange something.

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I would suggest one of starts a thread and then we can all join in. As I have said before I was an am a problem solver

Iā€™m so sorry for your devastating loss. Mine died 5 months ago and I can tell you it gets a little easier as long as you have support and talk to people. Make rituals and light candles or go to places you went to and spread ashes or say a few words- do whatever it takes to feel you are having some aspect of control. It hurts so so much and is so raw. It gets a little easier and bits of life help to grow around it but it will be a very tough rise. I sobbed my heart out yesterday and it is good to lean into that and sob when you need to. There is no fix or answer, all I can say from this much further in is it gets a little less raw and you might smile once in a while. Hang on in there. It will never go or be healed but we do grow our lives around the terrible wound a little.


Great idea to me xxxx

Such comforting words to cling onto.
Iā€™ve cried a rivet and the future looks so bleak.
Keep as positive as you are - youā€™ll be a tonic to us xxx


@Tony4 Hello Tony, sadly you find yourself here. Itā€™s a good place and weā€™re all in the same boat. How are you finding things at 5 months? It was a difficult time for me, the shock wore off and things started coming through in technicolour. Iā€™ve done much as youā€™ve suggested and it all helped, making rituals, a new me. You seem to be doing well, it would be good to hear about your journey to here.

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@Tony4 just seen your other post no need to reply

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I think like you, 5 months has hit a bit. People forget and therefore you feel alone but also things are not quite as raw everyday. It is a strange time but anything beats that first month ā€¦ I suppose it is just so hard knowing he will never come back and life is now to be navigated without him. Some days you just have to accept it and let the universe take it from you and other times I talk to him and just try to remember I was fortunate to have had a love many peoooe never find in their lives. I hope you are managing ok.


@Walan @Tony4 . Your posts give me hope. After 2 months I do have an occasional good day but it is good to know you can be so positive whilst still expressing pain.


We have to do what we feel like doing anytime of the day or night. The night is the worst for me as I think a lot of my husband and cry so much.

Hi Tony, you have said what we all going through at this moment in time. I lost my husband nearly 8 months ago and my heart is still heartbroken I still cry everyday and get anxiety when I go somewhere different. The pain is still raw and I donā€™t know when or if it will cease. Margaret

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Iā€™m only three weeks into this journey. I hope I am where you are in five months.

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Hi Margaret, like you I cry every day and night and usually when I donā€™t want to: shopping etc.
The pain is breathtaking and in my chest.
I donā€™t want to go anywhere new and stick to my routine such as it is.
I think everyone on here has had a love uniquely precious and can never be compared but we all have the pain in common.
Another bad night .


Just want to say on a positive note- youā€™re all brilliant, beautiful people and your support is something Iā€™ll never forget xxx


I think you have to be this type of person to join this site so back at you as they say


i had a bad night last night woke up in the early hours crying then slept a bit only to dream that i was having a cuddle with my lovley husband then awoke to find it was a dream.feel devestated again today carnt go on much longer its only 2 weeks today but it seems like much longer. what is the point


Time is weird at this stage. For me it feels like yesterday and forever since I last saw him. I ask for info and a company will give the standard 7 - 10 days. I think why hasnā€™t it come and then realise it has only been 3. You have to keep going. So much has to be done at this stage. Live minute by minute. It is all you can do. I hope you feel better but have a good cry. Do not try to hold it in. Thinking of you. Xx. Sandra

So sad for us. Nights are worst but the days are long too. Canā€™t be bothered either and all seems pointless but we have to keep going.
Everyone says it will get a little easier but it never does!
Every day is a struggle and although it seems point- our loved ones would want us to try and that seems all we can do - try to keep going
Sending love xxx