My husband died 10 days ago

I live in Thanet. Moved here 6 years ago when my grandchild was born. I used to live near Sheffield.

South Somerset for me

I felt the same at that point. It will take a while to find moments of okay ness, then a little bit of better than okā€¦. It gets a little better. You must love moment to moment for now. It is all your mind and body can handle. Tears will come, the pain is awful, then all the emotions of fear, guilt, stress,
Depression and then numbness and on and on until the waves become a bit less frequent. They still hit and hurt like hell, but not quite as frequent so you have relief inbetween and can adjust slightly more. Hang on in there. There is hope.

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Iā€™m just bruised and sore thank you.

Feel your pain lost my adult son suddenly and my husband recently. Hearbroken and just exusting at the moment. I reminded myself how I tried to cope before. I use to think if my late son was aware of how distressed I was he may not be able to rest in peace. Love seems to deepen for the ones we have lost and maybe we should extend some of that love and comfort (on their behalf to our self) otherwise we will remain tortured abd paralysed. Hope I am not voming over as psttonising - like yourselves I am trying to survive, grt through each day and find some light at tge end of the tunnel x


Tony4 youā€™re such an inspiration and youā€™re wordā€™s certainly give me a bit of hope.
Iā€™m just totally broken and itā€™s so hard to see a future . Weā€™re all floundering and looking for something that can never happen.
Thanks for telling us that it will get a bit easier xx

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It will. For now just cling to any bit of floating wreckage and allow the waves to come over. Grief is utterly horrific but it sort of tells you what you need to do which is just let it do itā€™s thing. Trust the process and try to keep yourself fed, watered and I find writing my feelings and thoughts down in a journal really really helps. I write letters to him and tell him how Iā€™m feeling. It feels like it is going somewhere then. I texted him too. My best friend has really let me down having been really good at first and I felt very alone and sobbed my heart out last week but I also wrote a list of life lessons that he gave me and thought through what he would have said to me. They are still in our hearts and minds so use all of that to help you. Thereā€™s no escaping it is just an awful awful experience but it does get a little easier.


hello margaret

@Lizfar can completely identify with how youā€™re feeling - I lost my Mum April 18th and everything is so raw. Some days I feel like I donā€™t want to live anymore, but I know itā€™s not what Mum would have wanted. I myself struggle with depression and Iā€™m a mental health nurse - youā€™d think weā€™d be better equipped to go through trauma and grief, but weā€™re only human after all :pray:t3: often I feel the more you love someone the harder you grieve. Iā€™m trying new ways to look at Mumā€™s death - like she chose when she went, that her body wasnā€™t sustainable to life anymore. Grief is rearing itā€™s ugly head in the strangest places, and I want to go through it and do it, but I realise I have no control over it. The best I can do is be kind and gentle with myself. I wish you all the love and pray this time becomes easier for you :pray:t3::heart::om::yin_yang::deciduous_tree::dove:


Thank you. I also write my thoughts and our journey and text John. I feel like Iā€™m clinging onto your words and willing the pain to ease off a little.
Amazing how much sadness and despair that we can endure.
Im sorry so many people are suffering but Iā€™m glad we can talk xx


Hi, I lost my partner Christine 10 weeks since and have found great comfort in this group, I am trying to rebuild my life the best I can but itā€™s tough and am taking things day by day and sometimes by the hour. I have had to leave our family home due to the house being in probate, all very complex and distressing. Iā€™ve found myself a lovely flat and know Christine is here with me, the place has a lovely aura about it, I was really struggling in our home but I am finding peace here but it canā€™t replace what I have lost.
I hope you can move forward step by step and you and your son can support each other through these dark times


Hi Roma how are you today?x

Where do you live ? Xx

I have just moved from Accrington to Gt.Harwood

Do you like it there? Wherever you go your wife will always be with you by your side. Xx

So sorry for your loss I feel for you. Keep talking to all of us Iā€™m sure it will help you through these difficult days ahead. Xxx

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Thanks Margaret :pray:t3: it was cathartic. Had my 8th counselling session today. Iā€™m so glad that communities like this exist, and we are all here for one another. Iā€™ve become estranged from my sisters since we lost mum and thatā€™s been difficult

I really like it, itā€™s peaceful and I feel Christine here with me, it has a lovely aura about it. I was struggling at home too be honest :cry: I still miss her so much but this has a different feeling about it, if that makes sense xx


I am delighted for you. Lovely to hear something nice. It is most important that you feel Christine with you, as she always will be.
Best wishes xx

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Total sense. Homes always have their own personality. You know what is right as soon as you walk in. A lot needed to be done to our bungalow but we knew it was right as soon as we walked in. New kitchen, bathroom, boiler, double glazing, roof on conservatory, lights, sliding doors.