My son died aged 33

I only just about put my Will together . How do you ask your kids to do one when you do not expect them to go before you. How do you ask your kids for passwords to be noted before hand. Everything needs to be thought about for our other children here with us so that it is all noted. Heartbreaking all of it is.


Woke up looking a real mess this morning. Yesterday I suspected an abcess was developing in my mouth and this morning my cheek and under my eye was swollen. On top of my usual haggard appearance, I looked dreadful. I now have antibiotics - plus a root canal treatment to look forward to in a few weeks. I think itā€™s to do with getting run down over the last couple of months. Not that I care much about my health nowadays.


I feel the same , I donā€™t care if I live or not. Sounds awful but itā€™s true.


I know exactly what you mean. I had breast cancer 14 years ago. Mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment. Lauren was with me every step of the way. Every year I panicked when Iā€™ve had to have my mammogram on my remaining breast, but Lauren has been there to support me. I have got a mammogram on 19th February, day before my birthday. I am not worried because I donā€™t care. I know she would be livid with me for thinking this but I just want to be with Lauren. Iā€™ve promised my hubby I will not take my own life but if nature takes its course thatā€™s different.


Motherā€™s just need to be with their children and thatā€™s why we feel this way. I have to keep going for my daughter but itā€™s a big struggle x


Oh ladies itā€™s awful isnā€™t it feeling this way. Only if you could turn the clock back. I donā€™t have energy to even comb my hair!
Iā€™ve tried all day to try and access my son phone. The Apple support team called me and tried but we canā€™t do anything with his email and phone number as he must have kept an old one and nothing is working! Iā€™ll have to get a court order. Itā€™s really frustrating and I feel so deflated that itā€™s used up my energy.


The frustration will exhaust you, it will be causing so much heartache and pain not being able to access it


Hello, Reena. That must be so upsetting not being able to access your sonā€™s phone. I am no expert, but I just wondered if in going abroad, the settings were changed in some way?


Iā€™m trying to keep going for my son and daughter in law and hubby, but I donā€™t think they need me. My hubby and daughter in law have both got busy careers and my son has closed down to me I think because he doesnā€™t want to hurt me more. His partner is very supportive to him.

We were lucky with Laurenā€™s phone because even though she was very security conscious with her job, her hone and account passwords were all birthdates which we managed to get .
Would any of Akhils mates have known his passwords?


I completely understand why you want to access Akhilā€™s phone as I was the same with Benā€™s, however it told me nothing.
I desperately wanted a clue of some kind.
The one thing I was pleased about was a selfie heā€™d taken in October.


Bam, I know itā€™s difficult but you must make sure you go to the appointment.

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That was lucky with the birthdates. Iā€™m thinking my sonā€™s passwords might be a bit more difficult to guess.

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No they couldnā€™t access it neither. Just all too much for me

That is lucky Bam. No I asked them all no one knows. Maybe itā€™s just not meant to be as Akhil was private. Itā€™s just all too upsetting.

I have managed to pencil in scattering of his Ashes in Marchā€¦ with the day I have had I get a burst of energy and then it all goes. Are you the same ?
I need to admin my Will as Akhil was in that too. Unbelievable all this. I feel now that Iā€™m going backwards like you ladies were.

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Yes Reena, I can only do a couple of Ben related things in a week. Itā€™s all too much, too emotional and draining.
I think Iā€™ve done most of the paperwork, utilities etc but am now battling to get his pensions. Thereā€™s so many forms and proof of everything needed.
Constant emails and letters. I can only do it for so long and I need a break.
Today I had to make myself get out of bed at 10 oā€™clock, I got up and went for a long walk. It was grey and miserable and matched my mood. I didnā€™t feel any different when I came back and have spent all afternoon under a blanket very tearful.
Hoping tomorrow is a better day for us all.


I know what you mean xx sending you hugs. Itā€™s all too much. I need to do a walk but just canā€™t do it.

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Iā€™m lucky in that my husband has dealt with most of the paperwork. Finally today the trustees of my sonā€™s pension and life assurance have recognised us as beneficiaries, but itā€™s taken a long time. And I donā€™t want any of the money anyway. I feel guilty for taking what my son paid towards, when he was looking forward to a normal working life and a retirement at the end of it. I donā€™t want any of his money. It wonā€™t bring us any joy. I just want my son back.


I wanted to do the paperwork, for Ben and for me. Feels like Iā€™m doing something for him in a way. Fighting for what is his.


How are you today, ladies? I woke up feeling rubbish as usual. Dragged myself out of bed with great effort at 10. My eye was puffy because of the abcess, so I looked like Iā€™d been in a boxing match. Luckily the antibiotics are kicking in now. Iā€™ve been very tearful all morning but in private. Just now my husband came into the kitchen as I was weeping, said ā€˜Oh godā€™ in exasperation and went out again. He is a difficult character at the best of times. I am getting absolutely no emotional support from him at all. He is just holding his feelings in check by keeping busy, working in his garage, cleaning the car etc. I really donā€™t understand how he can be like that. My whole day is spent thinking about my son and mourning his loss. Everything else that I have to do comes second to that, and tears are always just below the surface. As Iā€™ve said before, thank goodness for this forum where we can let off some steam and get some sympathy.