I totally agree. Nothing makes any sense. All the best people get taken first. And the worst people seem to rise to the top and get into power…
Thank you for the invitation, Reena.
I think the free Zoom sessions are only 40 minutes long?
Yes that’s why I will send another 30 mins
Let me know when you have received your invites. Ali your email is not working. Please resend to me. Thanks
Both received. Many thanks.
I had visitors over for lunch today. It was very kind of them to come, but I’m afraid I couldn’t hold much of a conversation with them, as I was constantly thinking of my Simon. When they left, I sat down and cried, and I have been sobbing on and off since. I can’t come to terms with the fact that we’ll never see him again.
Oh lovely… I get you and I think we are going to be like this for a long time. We ve cried this evening just thinking of my boy being on his own. So so sad and tragic … sending you hugs xx
I’ve cried for hours tonight
I’ve just private messaged you my email address.
Hi its 9 weeks for me, i have my son here with me i cuddle the urn and talk to him pictures in every room. I just cant believe i wont see him again, every day is a struggle, waves of tears flood in. I feel lost and afraid without him. My whole world just fell apart when he fell asleep. Sometimes i feel i am going crazy
Your not going crazy grief is awful, it’s six months since I lost my son and the waves iof grief are horrible. I very occasionally get glimpses of feeling ok but then it washes over me again. I think in time these glimpses will become longer but I think we’ll grieve for the rest of our lives. We aren’t supposed to lose our children. You will find comfort here as we are all in the same boat x
You do feel as if you are only one gojng through this but reading on here you know you’re not. It all just feels like a nightmare i want to wake up from though
It’s 12 weeks since I lost my beautiful Lauren.
Every day i feel like I’m waking into a nightmare.
I miss her so much and cry every day.
Today I had my first glimpse of a future. For 1 hour I had a conversation that didn’t make me cry or wail until the wave of grief came and threw me back into a drowning sea of tears.
Hugs to you and all the grieving parents
Sorry to hear about your son mum89. It’s 9 weeks today for my son too. Feels like yesterday we were talking and he was planning his trip… and it’s all the should haves and if I could just turn the clock back and redo things differently. Inside I just blame myself. The pain we are all going through is just unbelievable and unbearable. Sending you all all hugs xx
The thing is, with almost other situation in life, you can make changes, whether it be a bad marriage, a job or a house you don’t like or friends you don’t get on with any more. All these things can be changed. So it’s a shock to realise that in this one instance there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Death is so bl–dy final. And yet here I am, still trying to magically wish my son back into existence.
Thank you all for your comforting words my heart goes out to you guys too. Its said there is a reason for everything but im yet to kniw the reason my wonderful son fell asleep like he did.
I don’t often post but do read all your comments and it is good to know I am not alone in my struggle - so thanks from me too (my 28 year old son died from a brain tumour 28th Oct 24). We loved him so much, he truly was the kindest, bravest person. Diagnosed Jan 22 - we all knew rhis was likely to go one way, but fought on with love and hope. Xxxxx
Sending you a hug x
Would love to actually speak to some of you think it would help to hear an actual voice? X