For a few years I had no faith due to various reasons and slowly I came round to believe in god. When my son passed I stopped for 2 days in believing in god and I became lonely and very sad I mean worst then I am. I had to believe in the god that took my son and is looking after him and my dad. It’s the only way. Trust me. I’m not saying pray all day. But a little pray will let be a little lighter xx promise
So sorry to hear you have had a rotten day. We are lucky to have such a loving family. They have driven over to visit us many times and have sent numerous supportive texts and phone calls. But there is only so much they can do, and once they have left, the grief descends once more. I have tried reading, watching TV, doing puzzles, but it all seems so pointless. On the other hand, I don’t want to go to bed and lie there thinking, so I’ll probably stay up late until I’m too tired to stay awake.
Oh lovely I get that. My family are close but I just don’t want to see them. I did that stayed up till late and wide awake in bed. I went through some clothes today and cried like a baby. Have to get the clothes together for the funeral. I’m taking Nytrol I think it’s called light sleeping tablets maybe you should try that just to sleep better. Xx
I have valium but not sure it does much. So horrible to have to sort out the clothes.
Oh really… what does that do? Well I put everything back where it was. I don’t think I can ever clear out his belongings. X
You can get drowsy antihistamine from your doctor which really helps me sleep x
Valium is supposed to calm you down and help you sleep. I have a jumper and hoodie that Simon always wore which I will keep forever, but I think one has to be practical about other things. I may give some items to a local homeless charity. I also have his glasses, his wallet and driving licence, and I find them almost more upsetting than the clothes. They will be kept in a box next to my bed forever.
Yes true for now it’s early to even go through. His wallet, chain , phone and shoes are in Thailand still. I just want it back. My baby is gone and I can’t get over this ever
Thank you I’ll try and see how I get on with what I have.
That must be so difficult and upsetting, to be so far away from where your dear son passed. I hope you will be able to get back his belongings soon. We are still trying to retrieve our son’s mobile phone from the police.
I cleared out one of my sons drawers ,and I put photos etc in,I also found a bible given to him when he was confirmed . The one thing my son said to me when he was in hospital I don’t want people crying over me. He was so kind,and loved life and people,I ask myself time and time again why.Cancer is so hard
Pest, your son was so brave to have said that, but it’s very hard to put that into practice, isn’t it, when you have lost a beloved child. I never knew it was possible to cry so much until Simon left us.
The police couldn’t find Ben’s phone - they didn’t look very hard, as it had fallen down the back of his bed ! ) - and I charged it up then didn’t know his swipe pattern. Ezra did though ( his son ) . I spent a long time going through things on there, he was signed into most things and hadn’t logged out. I don’t know what I was looking for, just clues I guess, I didn’t find anything to help me, except a selfie he’d taken of himself on the 4th October. Apart from a blurry one in a museum that I’d taken when we went out at the end of October, this is the most recent one I have of him. I used it as the ‘holding’ photo at the crematorium.
Well yes the police have his phone and I want it back!! It’s awful right. The thought of him there on his own when he passed and me here I can’t get over that. He is back but I can’t see him until the postmortem. I had to see him online .
Such a brave boy. That’s a good idea to do a drawer full of his personal items. Xx
We don’t know the password for our boy’s mobile, but are going to try some obvious numbers. I don’t want to pry into my son’s life but I just feel there might be some info there that will help us understand a bit more about what he was doing and feeling.
If you take it to a mobile shop. ,they should be able to unlock it for you.
The police told me it was very unlikely that would happen, as mobile providers have very strict rules.
I am glad your son is repatriated, but how awful to see him online. I didn’t know it was possible to do that.
That’s so sad… I don’t know Akhil password but hoping someone can access it here and I can find some clues x it’s hard right. There’s all these questions or you have thoughts going around in your head what if this that and should have etc. kids know everything good lad x