New Year's Eve

How sweet! What smart little jackets!

Thank you . We were visiting Phil’s tree, just planted on the 27 December, at the memorial gardens of the crematorium :deciduous_tree: :pray::two_hearts:


Thank you for these words🙏

Thank you @JerryH
They are real cuties @Cathphil , they just melt my heart😍


My little guardian angels in fluffy white coats :white_heart::white_heart:


Bet they are cuties

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Do you put his name in cards … aw bless you … never thought of that … :frowning: god its so hard to know what to do innit - felt a bit weird doing that ! My family hsve been really bad handling all this you know … they just with it - theyre all in denial really and they dont get it how hard it is ether - i think they just think it happens to somebody else … ;(

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Aw bless are his ashes there too ? By.the tree cos that would be a really good idea wouldnt it ? Honestly i cant deal with any of that yet ! My husbands ashes are in my lounge under his picture ! Youre so brave xx


No his ashes are at home, in his box in sideboard in our front room.
The crematorium people were lovely, and understood that we are all different in how we deal with things.
As it’s a tree, up to 4 lots of ashes can be put in ground with the tree won’t need that many, but will be in my will that when I go my ashes and Phil’s ashes will be put with the tree together.
I could even leave a space on the plaque I’ve had made for my name to be added, when my time comes.

And yes some of my family and friends think it’s weird me writing Phil’s names in cards, but others understand.
I usually put his name in brackets.

Bless you :pray::heart:


Took me a while to deal with it…over a year.
In fact it was on the anniversary of his funeral. I went back to the crematorium, and had a walk around the memorial gardens, and thought how beautiful it was, and do decided id like to a plant a tree for Phil.

Everything in our own time for all these things xxxx


@JerryH Just beautiful. My mum used to breed Siamese cats.x

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@Cathphil Regarding cards I just cant sign my darlings name but for family and close friends I put a little heart in the corner somewhere with his name in it. Works for me and they love it. Best wishes. Ann x


That’s lovely :heart:

Hi @VillaBoy22, have you heard of ‘borrow my dog’ or ‘the cinnamon trust’ though not sure how that would fit in with your work commitments, just a thought. Dooku is a stunner and must be a good help to you. Take care x

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Like you, this is my first Christmas and new Year without my beautiful wife! Christmas was easier in many ways, spending time with my family and spoiling our grandchildren and lots of hugs and kisses.

New Year was harder as the reality is it’s my first year without her.

My wife passed away on 14/11/23 and her funeral was 11/12/23 - I didn’t send any cards, partly because of the timing but also because I hadn’t worked out how I should sign them, sounds silly I know …… maybe next year

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New Years Eve was a quiet one home alone with my furry friend - I didn’t watch any of the NY celebrations as I didn’t need to be reminded of that. NY day was fun at my sisters house which we have always done for 20 years and longer, we all raised a glass for her to remember.

Although Elissa passed away on 14/11 she is no longer in pain or suffering or all of that turmoil. She is all around me in my home and forever in my heart. I like to come home, lock the door and be here.


@Cat_fan so sorry for your loss. Its not silly. I didnt send christmas cards this year only gave them to close friends and family as I couldnt bear to sign just my name but on the cards I did give I put a little heart in a corner with my husbands initial (or Dad, Grandad) and kisses under. They all seemed to love it. just my way of keeping him with us. Take care. Ann xx

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Morning All
We made it……

Christmas cards I didn’t send any last year gave to MacMillan did the same this year
Like you I cannot bear to just sign my name or receive one just to me neither
Any cards I send birthday or whatever folks know my writing and I just put

Hate it


A lot of people are going away from Christmas cards and that makes sense for the environment and for the charities that we donate to!

My aunt died 8 years ago and my uncle (80) still puts her name on Christmas cards etc

For Elissa’s collection we raised almost £2000 which is split between 50/50 Sue Ryder (Thorpe Hall), Peterborough and MacMillan as they have both been amazing and we wanted to donate to then so they can support others the same way.