New Year's Eve

What a lovely message of hope.
I feel overwhelmed by grief, i just want to be with my husband who died on the 7th October. I have never experienced pain like it. Cant think of tomorrow…i keep saying spring is coming but Mike wont be and i still cant believe hes not here.
I have two lovely children truly wonderful friends but the grief is so powerful :cry:


Deb 5
I feel exactly like that! Whats the point to anything. My hubby would be saying get up and enjoy life! All i can feel is pain, though not all the time. I keep thinking every day that goes by hes further away but then i think every day that goes by im a day nearer to being back with him.
Its just the worst pain :cry:


My hubby of 45 years passed away on 19th Dec 2022, he did have cancer, but went downhill so quickly, he had kept pretty well since diagnosis in 2019, my dad passed away 14/12/22 so last year was a blur, not a day goes by I don’t think about my hubby or dad, Life is lonely now, but although my heart is broken I am trying hard to move forward a bit. I have all his clothes still in same place he kept them, his dressing gowns hangs at his side of the bed where it will always be, except when I find it comforting to cuddle. Life will always be lonely without my love and will miss holding hands and being told I was loved daily but I still tell him. I just think another day cliser to us being together again.
I wish you all a Happy New Year for 2024 and we will take a day at a time and our loved ones will always be by our side and in our hearts :heart:


It is its an awful ache in your heart isnt it ?;i miss him all the time , everyday. Im just a year into this and honestly xmas has been truly awful for me. Worse than last year i was in shock and i had only just lost him a week before xmas. I have found that this year it has taken me right back there again. But had some lovely messages from ladies on here. Thanks you ladies. You keep me going with your love and care xx


16th december 2022 for me ! Same - not moved his clothes ! Cant !! Not moved any of his stuff - hurts too much :frowning: i cuddle his special pillow at night and pretend im leaning on him !! I was moving forward but xmas has taken me backwards ! Its taken all my steength to get through … but i have got by with a little help from my friends on here and my sister been in touch too xxx


Your husband would want you to find some peace and relief from your pain and grief just as you would want him to be at eternal peace and pain free.

I’m so pleased to hear that you have lovely family and friends around you, Let your family close and let them help you just as you want to be there for them.

Thinking of you

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Hi All
We are all thinking the same
Share the same feelings
Feel the deep rooted grief
And just trying to survive

We know our others half’s would want us to ‘have a life’

My answer…… my life was with Paul
I want him and my life back

Cruel so cruel


Yes…lonely lonely heart. :sleepy:

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I did go out a lot in the early days just after Mike died but suddenly become a bit hermit like.
Mike was poorly for a very long time, i think my body just wants to do nothing. But so very lonely.


Yes I dont go out it hurts too much
Paul’s belongings are here clothes everything
I feel close to him at home
I sleep with his Rab coat and wear his dress gown

Totally heartbreaking

Hugs to all


Could not of put my feelings and thought in any other way. Thank you. I find the NY harder than having Christmas with out my husband, only three months since he passed. No time is good but these short days and miserable weather certainly not helping me. People back to their normal routines and I just don’t know what to do with myself. Xx


Teddy 1
Its just so awful isnt it? My hubby died also 3 months ago and im finding it harder the longer it goes on. You are so right about the weather!
I too dont know what to do with myself.
I think my biggest wish would be that in each city, town or village there were local support groups where you could just meet up with peoole for a cuppa, chat or walk.
All this online business might suit a lot of people but for me there is nothing like face to face.
I hope your pain eases. Sending virtual hug.


Its a year January 3rd since my husband died suddenly, when part of me died too, I no longer want to do or go anywhere it’s an uphill battle just to leave the house I loved him so much, a whole year without him I am tired and exhausted trying to carry on and for what?


Dear Lyn, I understand and feel how you are feeling. It is indeed a whole new page and feels daunting and lonely. In March 2023, I planted some bulbs in the garden, in memory of my loved one who had passed in February. I now find myself looking in the garden and hoping one day to see the new shoots which will grow and bring new life that I can watch as I remember the good times spent together in the garden. We never forget, just life has a way of pulling us forward. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I send you a hug and comfort in these difficult days. x


Yes Lin22

Totally agree …… for what
A mundane no interest existence

You and me both


Yes this year has been so hard, I find it hard to think it’s been just over a year, but time went so fast, then I think to myself if time keeps going fast I’ll be side him sooner. I think people around well my brothers mostly think I should just be getting on with my life now and never mention his name or ask if I’m doing okay. If it wasn’t for my daughters I don’t know if I would still be here, but them and my grandchildren get me through each day and they always make sure I’m okay. At Christmas they bought me special gifts that hubby always bought me every year, my perfume, moisturiser, slippers and chocolates a said he wouldn’t want me to be without them


Hi Mary.Mac
How thoughtful of your family for the presents ….

Yes I miss cards off Paul he never forgot my birthday Christmas card and wedding anniversary……. I always received flowers delivered by the florist on our wedding anniversary…… not once did he forget

I so miss him
He completely watched my back from the day we met

I’m broken


Oh i dintbthinknots ginevfsst but itbhas been hard … itl has in a way but not in others ! Ive hadcl 3 holidays ! Dunno why ? Just had to get away ! Felt this awful compulsion to escape from it all ! Xx

They are so thoughtful for my birthday and anniversary they sent flowers with his name on the card, they say he asked them always to make sure I got these to show how much he loved me :heart:


Aw … how lovely xxxc