New Year's Eve

Sorry about typos above ! Lol … just noticed x

No weather dont help your mood does it ? But you know waited for rain to stop and walked down to canal in dark with my torch and took my puppy lucy at 7pm. It was lovely. Just go out even if with umbrella or waterproofs xx

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I would love to go on holiday, but I’ve never been on my own, since hubby passed it’s the first time of me living alone, we married at 20 so always been together to do things.


Hi @Mary.Mac
Me too going on holiday holds no pleasure.
We always went together for 35 years so alone first time will be hard. I am planning a small trip fro. Edinburgh to Belfast for few days to see how i cope.

Take care

Lynne x

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The same … met my husband at 23 and went everywhere with him . We only a few times went on separate holidays , stag do… hen do. xx

I met Paul when I was 17
I went away to college home every fortnight….
Finished college married rest history
We did everything together……
I’ve no interest in holidays now enthusiasm totally gone
No enthusiasm for anything …….


Hi @ Bess1
So sorry you feel this way
I didnt want to do anything when my husband passed away but now i will be strong and do the things we would have done together. Life is too short :broken_heart:
Lynne Xx

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My wife and I were together 25 years and married 23 years, our last holiday was Austria in September 2019 before her health took a downturn in the pandemic and her terminal diagnosis in May 21.

She always researched, booked and sorted holidays …… I’m booking flights to see my daughter and grandchildren in Montreal in March so that’s a good thing as I know what to expect and haven’t seen the little ones in 15 months!

Hopefully I can get to Iceland in June with my photography mates


Thanks Jay and Bess xxx

Hi Both
i I know you are both right and Paul would’ve wanted me to ‘have a life’
I just find it incredibly hard and at this moment in time I just can’t

Maybe one day


I would find it too difficult to go away by myself, i can’t go into a restaurant and eat by myself, my daughters tell me if I did it once it would be okay, they would go into a bar and have a drink while waiting on friends to arrive again something I couldn’t do I’m just a different generation. I am trying to move forward and meet people, going to go along to rock choir group and local walking group. If my anxiety allows me to go.

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I am in rock choir in Edinburgh
Lynne x

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I’m going to go along to the one in Fife

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Just take small manageable steps to gain confidence. I do think this is generally more difficult for ladies.

I have spent 20 years working overseas in Russia, SEA & EMEA regions and so this doesn’t worry me as it was the norm but I can see it can be very difficult, I don’t enjoy drinking or dining alone but I have little choice in that now most of the time.

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Hi @Mary.Mac
Might see you at one of the performances
Hope you enjoy

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Have always had a Costa by myself ……. Went with Paul when he was with me
I still do that sometimes but I couldn’t go for a meal myself …….

Eating alone at home is enough for me folks enjoying themselves in a restaurant would just tip me over the edge

That’s just me


Yes that’s how I feel, find it difficult seeing other couples enjoying themselves, which off course they should be, but knowing it’s something I will never have again is so difficult, we loved going out for meals.

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Hi Galaxy75

I’ve still to go for a trial session, once they hear me sing they will throw me out, might need some singing lessons from my daughter first :see_no_evil:

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Well you could not be any worse than me.
Trying to keep busy as i retired in 2021 when had treatment for ovarian cancer.
Had 2 operations in 2021 now just 3 months monitoring for 10 years to 2031.
Did some part time work last week but as my husband passed away in June i just stopped. I also did some volunteering for
Macmillan but i couldnt do anything for the last 8 months as still grieving myself.
I spent christmas and new year 1st time on my own promised next year i would go away somewhere but guess i will still spend it alone. This is our new life now do strange without them.
Lynne Xx

I retired 2022 so hubby and me could enjoy some time away, but wasn’t to be his deteriorated slowly, we managed days out which was lovely. Last year one of my daughters bought a soft play, do I have kept busy helping out, but still have to go home to an empty house. I’m lucky to have 3 daughters who all live close to me, I sometimes stay with my youngest as she is on her own with 2 children.
As you say our lives will never be the same, we had planned for years what travel we would do when we retired but hubby never made it that far.