Opened the Wardrobe

Good … top right and you will see an envelope x

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I am trying to get on with my life in many ways which is what she said she would want me to do and have booked to go to Montreal next month to see our daughter and grandchildren!

She asked me if she could go to Thorpe Hall for respite care so I could get to Canada but I wouldn’t leave her in case something happened (which is exactly what happened) ……

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I lost my husband with dementia and bowel cancer in July 2023. I too wear his socks, dressing gown, warm jackets. His ashes are by my bedside and i talk to him night and morning. I kiss the lovely tube and tell him how much i still love and miss him. His clothes are still in the cupboard maybe i will make something of the shirts. My faith has kept me from going under also two wonderful daughters so i have been blessed 65 glorious married years, a lifetime.

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I lost my beautiful wife in October 23 to cancer of her bowl & liver 7weeks after diagnosis, every night & morning I have three photos I kiss and I her ashes in the place she used to sit

People advise me to give her clothes to charity what Ive decided to do is keep some for myself and give the rest to her grandchildren who are going to make cushions out of them. I think she would of liked that


Why do other people keep advising us on what we should do with our beloved things ? I am keeping my wife’s clothes as it means I still have a part of her here with me

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People have advice on everything until it happens to them. They may think they mean well but it can be way off what you need most of the time.
I too have my husbands remains I kiss the tube . Mine will be mixed with his one day . He knew that which helped a little to ease his distress of facing his death. He had such courage .

I wear a jacket of his every evening . I too have not touched his clothing . One day .
But I will always keep his coat and shoes visible where it’s always been. His dressing gown on the back of the bathroom door etc etc

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Pulling the duvet back after moving the mattress to straighten it up and there was her pyjamas where she had put and touched them for the last time.
That’ was me done and typing this brings it all back.

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18 months since Eve died. i haven’t opened the closet to sort out her clothes. Just can’t bring myself to do it yet. Maybe I never will. Her dressing gown still hangs on the back of the bedroom door. Just too many memories and too much pain of missing. I am so sorry for all of you who lost their love. No words of wisdom, I’m afraid, but a ton of empathy

Daft as it sounds I have super glued my wife’s shoes to the floor where she last took them off, as she would always say put your shoes tidy , I understand people try to help but until they feel the pain of losing your loved one they don’t truly understand the pain


Nice one Barry why not. I’m tempted to get Suzy a valentine card. Yes you hope friends will understand but also realise it’s not a broken leg that will get better in a few months. It’s a long haul of coping and management as best we can. Will they get fed up asking how are you and getting the same response of good days , although that means bette days , and bad days.
Sorry for your loss

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I think we all feel that pain and sense of loss, but the bereavement journey is different for each of us !

We don’t have to understand everyone’s reactions to grief, we just have empathy and respect each other’s feelings and decisions.

My family have been fantastic and especially my youngest daughter is local and especially supportive. Every day is a step along the journey, some days may be a step backwards but on the whole I’m moving forward.

I’m currently decorating the house room by room - choosing paint colours and wallpaper was above my pay grade but now I’m choosing them and thinking what she would have done !

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Absolutely get her a card ,I understand everyone’s journey is different but I am guessing the pain is all the same, I know none of us will ever forget our better half’s that’s a for sure

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It’s my family holding me together,especially the grandkids there love is on another level bless them , as for decorating I have a chip on paint work my wife always kept pointing it out and asked when am I going to do it but I have left it now just as a reminder

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I totally understand and agree with you

I wanted to spend time with her rather than decorating but planned to start after I retired (31/12/23) so now I’m getting it done ! Her bedroom and my office were decorated when we moved in …… I’m in no rush!

By family and especially my daughters and my grandchildren are amazing, likewise my big sister ! I’d be lost without them


Good you’ve got support


Bless you I know how you’re feeling I lost my wife to cancer in June last year. I to keep all of her clothes people tell me to get rid of them but they are a part of her. I take a photo of her to bed with me every night And say goodnight and good morning to her every day


Hi Bailey 2
So do i
I chatter to Paul all day every day
How do we cope…… 2 years for me in July
Where has the time gone
In one way it’s an absolute lifetime in another just like yesterday
Time stands still for no one
So frightening
I’m m utterly’lost’
Take care

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Hi unity man,just like you,it was a year that my andy passed away,i havent been able to do anythin with andy stuff,ive tried but its heart wrenchin,so just left it,but then my so called friends are telling me i should just get on with it,is it me or are they just clueless and heartless,