Opened the Wardrobe

Hi yes I have three different photos I kiss morning and night and I put her dressing gown round me and think it’s her arm hugging me
These people who say get rid of there stuff have no clue in my opinion


Your partners personal possessions and your connection to them are very personal.
My wife’s clothes are still in her wardrobe after almost 3 months and i will deal with them in my own time not based on anybody else’s opinions. I think i will identify some special items that remind me of her to keep when that time comes.

Her jewellery is in the safe socked away - my youngest daughter is getting married this year and i suggested she and her sister look at Elissa’s jewellery some time and choose something special for her big day to make her feel that Elissa is with us in some form on her special day.

I still have her wedding rings in the safe where they will stay until i am ready to look at them. I would rather see one of my girls wearing them than sitting in a safe.

I guess its a little different as a guy wearing his wife clothes is viewed somewhat differently than the converse … she was often borrowing my hoodies or T shirts and i liked that she did that to see her feeling warm and safe - I know she would be doing that now if the situation were reversed.

I still have my wedding ring on, have never taken that off since the day we married but it was a difficult moment when the nurse suggested i removed her engagement and wedding rings in hospital after she lost consciousness (i refused to remove them while she was conscious as I knew how much they meant to her ) but her finger swere much thinner and hey were likely to get lost.

I feel like il never be able to sort his stuff out,as im struggling to come to terms with his passing,i have my wedding ring on and it wont be removed,and wen he passed andy had his ring on,can i just ask,if your oain hits you in waves,or it that just me.

You’re so lucky to be able to wear something of your husband’s. My husband was 6’4” and I am 5’ on a good day! I’ll leave you to work out how I would look in his clothes. I have a scarf of his but obviously it has to be washed so his smell has long gone. I have kept his aftershave (which I loved) and I dab a bit on now and again. Trouble is, it sets me off, so I have to be careful when I do that.
Life is so hard when we have been so happy, and then it’s all taken away, but somehow we plod on.
Today would have been our 58th Wedding Anniversary. I’d so love him to be here for it.


I find early morning and late evening the worst. However ridiculous things can set me off during the day. Went to the local garden centre and could’nt go in the cafe where we used to get coffee and cake…to many memories. Her cup in the cupboard, just stupid things.


I certainly feel my grief is more like a constant veil though there are certain triggers (Valentines day I have been dreading) though thinking as i type, i may buy her some red roses and put them next to her photo). Certain songs make me feel sad, but at the same time they also remind me of our happier times.

On Saturday I was decorating and put a playlist of our music that we used to listen to when we were first together - Simply Red, Tina Turner, Gabrielle etc

Sometimes we we put that on while doing jobs, sometimes just to cuddle up on the sofa …

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Not stupid things at all
It’s ‘love’ things


Haha i could just picture that - When i worked overseas my wife and daughters would use my T shirts as nightwear for comfort. I lost a few T shirts and a couple of hoodies that way


Thank you Bess. I have kept a fleecy jacket of his so maybe I’ll give that a go, although it will be like a coat on me as I’m so small. Perhaps I’ll turn the sleeves up as at the moment, they are making me look like an orangutan!
Well, it’s exactly 58years to the minute since I walked down the aisle to his lovely smile and said, ‘I do’. Where did those wonderful years go? Hugs, Ann x


All we can do is be thankful and happy for the good years we had together and try to do things to remember happier times / events in our lives …

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Yes that’s so true but…… are we ever ready to be left alone
I just our life back
Sadly harsh reality hits so bloody hard!
And life’s not at all fair


No life isn’t fair - we can’t control what happens only how we respond to it! My wife was a beautiful person in every sense! She was an English teacher before she did her MA in special needs.

Her passion or literature and the arts and especially Shakespeare was something I loved about her

A Scottish friend of mine pointed me to a poem by Thomas Campbell

To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die

Those words are the basis of my own coping strategy…… it may not work for everyone but it helps me


Hi @AnnR
I am lucky. I’m tiny too 5ft, almost
8 stone ( on a good day!) size 8/10 … But my lovely husband was little too. Only about 5ft 6. And thin.
I wear his tee shirts, jumpers, jackets etc. they are a bit baggy but I don’t mind that. I’ve even worn some trousers, just turn the bottoms up, and wear a belt!
It’s so comforting.
And I do appreciate how lucky I am to be able to do it.
Lots of love and hugs to you :heart::hugs:

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Sorry , forgot to say, Happy Anniversary xxxxxx

Its true … they live in our hearts and of those who loved them … they wont be forgotten because of that …xx


Take whatever comfort you can from these small things for the small things are often the most important !

I’m not really a jewellery person- all I wear is my wedding ring and for a guy - wearing my wife’s clothes is not an option :joy::rofl: except perhaps a couple of T Shirts that could be either !

I keep her around me in my home and always in my heart


Dear @Cat_fan
Thank you for your lovely reply :blush:

wear what you want and can, T shirts are good! :blush:

The other nice part for me is I still feel like I’m washing ‘our’ clothes together, and hanging them to dry, and I iron his clothes like I’m still doing it for him… Not me xxx


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…one thing I know is whatever happens it is nobody else’s business…:heart:


I still have all my Frances clothes and handbags. I have passed on bits of jewellery to the children but cannot bear to part with the rest, her smell is still on them want to hang on till that fades. Maybe will be strong enough next year.

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Spot in there … x