Opened the Wardrobe

I have my wife’s coats hanging up in the cupboard i also have a memory box with all of her favourite things .I don’t look at th very often but I will never part with them

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Same … not even moved his coats … one day i will but not yet :frowning: when its the right time we will know … thats what i think anyway xx


And if it’s never the right time so be it


Hi @Bess1
… Or the right thing just to leave everything where it is
… And as @UnityMan says it’s nobody else’s business,

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My dad passed last August. Myself & my daughter are still sorting through his things, deciding what to keep, donate, & dispose of. I often cry when going through his things. It is really hard. I will never come to terms with my parents no longer being here, just learn how to live with the loss.

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I remember how that felt . A strange term for this but I felt orphaned and now head of the family . You take on the advice, guiding , what might they say if they were here for you to ask them.
Our parents are always inside of us because we share their DNA and so it passes on.
As well of course our hearts and minds .

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I often hear Paul advising what to do
Or I know him inside out I’d know what he’d say …… either way he’s with me
Having a really bad day today
Stuff at home going wrong when this happens it just pushes ( might add doesn’t have to push too far) and I’m a wreck
Tears the lot
Reality is shit
And this with the king all on the radio just reminds me ( again it’s never gone)
If he’s had treatment Paul from biopsy to 1st immunotherapy was 7 weeks………

I so miss Paul was her


Nobody knows what it feels like like me your wife was the biggest part of your life. I think it’s a great thing what you’ve done and if it gives you comfort then that’s good enough. I carry a little china guardian angel everywhere with me I named it after my beautiful wife Sylvia so she’ll always be with me

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Hi Bailey 2
Yes Paul will always be with me but it’s so lonely without him……
Cancer is just bloody awful Paul had lung cancer stopped smoking 1994………

King has had his first treatment already
Paul had his biopsy 23/12/21
1st treatment 7 weeks later
But cancer suspected mid november then
Saw first dr 9/12/21

Listening to radio/ news just brings it all back ( got to say it wasn’t that far away anyway)

Take care

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So I was feeling low and some solar lights on my windowsill flashed at me . I’m sure he was there as I was tearful and missing him so painfully. I will listen to some music in bed it can be soothing . Doing things as a first are so hard to deal with …here comes valentines we used to celebrate it so beautifully

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Yeh somebody reminded me other day it was valentines day soon … i had forgotten … honestly i had - in this strange twilight world we now live in - where we are in the world but our heart isnt half the time … hope you are ok ? Sometimes it all feels like a dream because i dunno bout u i hes near anyway cos i suppose in our hearts they are … x


@Deb5 i do feel in a dreamlike state . I feel he is not far away sometimes . I am filling my time so much I forgot to wash my uniform top but luckily the diet started January meant I could get in the other smaller one I had . It’s so hard for us all . Glad I can talk to you xxx

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I know it’s so hard you take care to

Dreamlike numb state……
Hate it

Yes folks here understand I have very very few ‘friends ‘ that do
Even my best sister in law on Saturday said
‘Paul wouldn’t want you like this’

I know he wouldn’t and by gum I am trying
Obviously not hard enough
My heart is totally utterly broken


I was trying to forget about valentines but that’s a bit naive of me given how commercial and ‘in your face’ it is ! So I decided I will buy some red roses for her and put them next to her photos !


People keep saying to me Roger would want you to do this or that, or not to be sad. How do they know???

It drives me mad. I don’t know what he’d want so how do they. Actually we did have “the talk”, but that’s private, not for them.

Sorry rant over.


It has taken me nearly two years to sort out and take my late wife’s clothes etc to the local hospice charity shop. She died on February 8th 2022 and I had decided that I would try to sort out my life after finally getting all the legal stuff connected to her death settled. Bagged up the contents of her wardrobe and got to the drop off point and couldn’t bear to part with them so I returned home and tried the next day. A young man unloaded them for me whilst I stood in tears in the street. Not my best day but I am now feeling better. Just don’t rush things, it is for you and you only to decide how you progress.

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Exactly - do it in your own time and don’t let anyone push you into doing it before !

My sister in law was rooting through my wife’s room while I was in hospital with her and she was in her last few days !

I won’t let her in the house again - ever, she thinks she’s entitled to her sisters stuff ! I just can’t imagine why she’s behaving like it …… my wife was raised by the same parents in the same house just 2 years apart and would never behave in such a way ! She disliked her sisters behaviour

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Does anyone else ever feel guilty for moving forward after their loved one has passed. My wife told me to move on with my life if anything happened to her but I still feel guilty living without her


It took me almost 3 years before I could bring myself to take my late partners clothes out the wardrobe.
Even then then I only put them i storage boxes that are now on top of the wardrobes.
All his shaving gear and toiletries are still in the bathroom cabinet as they were when he passed 4 and a half years ago.
I know he isnt coming back, but I just cant bear his things not being there💔
Its all a day at a time and we all move and grieve at our own pace.x