Opened the Wardrobe

I keep going through the same experience. It is heartbreaking every single time i try

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I too panic when things go wrong and then burst into tears mind they are never ever far away
Just emphasises we are alone and our loved one watched our backs…… now no one does


Yeh they did watch our back. But the other day i cant remember what happened but i really felt my husband was my guardian angel, guiding me along. I really did. I miss his guidance so much do you ? X

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Yes Debs I know what you mean
Sometimes I can hear Paul telling / advising what I could do

He so was my go to…… and my voice of reason……
Yep miss that!


Also my contact to ring instantly something went wrong and got to say vice versa

Miss that


It is beautiful. Something to always treasure.


Hi all, get the tactless bit so well.
Mostly I think people just don’t think before they open their mouths
Weekend just gone, someone posted on our work WhatsApp… (And to put it in context… I work for a small charity… And only 9 people in the chat, and two of them are married)
" Happy Valentine’s weekend everyone"

Needless to say I’m the only widow.
Felt completely isolated and my feelings ignored .

On Wednesday, I’ll be putting our cards up… We used the same ones every year…

Love and hugs to you all :heart::hugs:

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Oh no !! People just don’t think do they !!! God i hope im.ok … im trying not to think about it !! Think i will cos my husband was never too fussed about it in latter years tbh xx

I always trimmed up I liked to make the best of these things . I always got flowers and a card from him . I have a candle holder with little love hearts cut out . I will light it and send him all my love as usual

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Good on you. I dont blame you. Its nice. I liked valentines day it was him. He said it was too commercialised … but always made a nice meal for us with a bottle of wine - oh how my life has changed. I live more like a student these days … just grabbing stuff to eat … ive got a bit better at making stuff but its not the same is it … x

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Will be my first valentine’s day without my partner
Going to put a card on her headstone with flowers
She had some dried roses hanging in the boiler cupboard, that only noticed a couple of months after she died when I opened cupboard to check the boiler, which was a tough moment.
You kind of handle day to day with a routine but when something catches you off guard - all comes rushing back :disappointed:
Been petrified to touch them as they’re so dry and delicate, but finally have cast them in resin mould - sort of valentine’s day symbolic gift I guess

Was a delicate task and only one chance - if it went tits up, that would have been her last bouquet of roses I destroyed
Strange how things like that suddenly now become most important thing in life, when it wouldn’t have warranted a second glance previously


Dear @MemoriesOfUs
Well done! For having the courage to try to do something with them, and the skill to do it.
I’m sure your lovely wife was guiding you, and is very proud of you

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I made a couple of resin moulds to put at her grave, and made absolute mess of first few attempts, which were just fake flowers and a photo, so not end of world - this would have been a catastrophe if it had gone wrong

I never did anything like that for her when she was alive when she would’ve appreciated it :disappointed:.
Just take things for granted


Yes you are right we did take everything for granted
Thought it would never end……
Then crash …… it all crashed down


@MemoriesOfUs What a beautiful thoughtful tribute for valentine’s day . I agree life got in the way when our partners were here with us , We now know how much more we would of liked to do to show how much we loved them . But I’m sure we thought we had a lot longer with them . I wish I had told my husband more how much I love him , even though I know he knew . Also what a privilege and honour to have shared my life with him , And how happy I was he had chose me . Sending you and everyone on this site love and strength , to help get through valentines day . Big huggs x


@Broken2222 I feel the same - you have to go through this just to realise how deeply etched that person was into your every fibre

I’m sure we all feel it, but so much more I wish I’d have said and done - just have a different perspective on things once you lose that person

Very morbid quote, but very apt


I would buy flowers for my wife randomly as a surprise because she loved them and deserved them not just at Xmas and birthdays. She was a monkey though and usually left for someone else to unwrap and put in a vase for her even before she was poorly and unable to do so.

Her final flowers were Lillies (her favourite) and red roses because of my love for her.

Such a shame she never got to see them …


@Cat_fan I wish I had done more often - she also loved flowers
Always seemed a waste of money and apart from special occasions, I only occasionally bought her flowers if she was feeling a bit down
Wish I had far more now


I never really liked cut flowers , I preferred to see them in the garden , my husband often said I was just awkward, he had to think of other ways to suprise me , and he often did . When he died I got loads of flowers sent to me . My sitting room was full . My son said his dad would of found that funny . I asked for donations at his funeral , instead of flowers , I donated the money to a charity called Daft As A Brush . What helps transport people to the hospitals for cancer treatment , free of charge , they were the only ones that really helped us .
My husband’s ashes were scattered at the garden of remembrance , when I go there I always take two red roses one for husband and one for me . X


I know … we all have regrets :frowning: i wish i had done more to show my love too but its part of grieving isn’t it … the what ifs … truth is that they were probably just really happy we were there zx