Parting with their belongings

Big hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Woman-50 and Sarlyn
I too am blessed with that special friend. She has been by rock.
Hugs to you both and your special friends :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

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I lost my wife 8 months ago.
The timescale is yours and only yours . Do what you want, when you want. I still have her wash bag hanging up in the shower room. We will move on when we want and when we are ready and if we are not ready for another 5 years ……. So be it.
I’ve given a few things to family- but feel that , that is not giving her stuff away, but it stays within the family.
Go at your pace and don’t be told .
Often I’ll open the wardrobe - and then close it again.



Your words sum it all up, nobody knows how much heartache you have to cope with day in day out until they have gone through same. Everyone is there for you at the start and within a few weeks they start drindling away and expect you to move on. We too had all the plans and had been married since we were young teenagers, no one will ever take his place and living without him is unbearable most days. I function because I have to, but inside I am lost and think everyday another day without you is another day closer to being with you again :broken_heart:. They say it gets easier…yeah we will see. Much love to all :heart:


Hi Bekind
Well said
Says it all……

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I lost my husband in March last year I still have all his clothes and belongings, I’m still not ready. Do not listen to anybody else it’s up to you nobody knows what it’s like so please take your time.


How sad is it to see just your clothes on the washing line? :disappointed:


The saddest for me is not seeing his Mercedes outside, he loved his car


@Sarlyn , i had an emotional day on Friday clearing out his car to be sold. Found lots of bits and pieces that made me cry. Very sad.


When I wash the bedding I still wash two pillowcases always
Paul loved the feel of clean bedding
He used to say if we ever won the lottery he’d pay someone to wash the bedding daily
I’d gladly do it for him
Heart breaking


Hi Bess

If only we could have them back…I would gladly give up everything. The world is a lonely old place without our soulmates and personally I find it difficult to navigate my way through…but will do it as I know he would want me to keep going for the kids and grandkids…Sending hugs :hugs: :two_hearts::two_hearts:


Hi Bekind
Yes it’s just bloody awful…… I never ever thought Paul wouldn’t get through his treatment
Naive…… or my brain just didn’t want to go there
Paul always said
We’ve got a plan( treatment) we’ll get through it
What did he really think / was thinking
He wasn’t likely to say he was shit scared was he
All our soulmates shielded us
I could just cry all day and all night
Big hugs


I hear you Bess1 as we had a similar experience. We were only told the week before he died that the treatment hadn’t worked. He went through hell to stay alive and was gone within 5 months from initial diagnosis. Like you I think he knew as he couldn’t eat anything and had zero energy. After the bombshell that he was terminal he was too ill to come home and I stayed with him until he left us.

Look after yourself, everyone on here knows what you’re talking about and can relate with you. Today is a new day :two_hearts::two_hearts:


Morning Bekind
Thank you for your kind words and sharing a very similar experience …. Although Paul was home when he passed away but like you I stuck to him like glue

Yes another day
Bitter sweet…… it’s a beautiful sunny day
Paul ( as everyone) loved these kinda days

Take care


Oh yes I learned who my friends are, I did. One of my friend told me she could not attend the funeral because it was too early for her. 10:00 a.m. The other one said she was going on holiday to Italy. I saw her on jet ski FB pictures 2dys after the funeral. Life goes on


You are not depressed, you have a broken heart. I stopped taking them as well


I am very sorry for your loss, time as they say will heal us

Morning Hazel 4
Thank you for you replies
Yes friends……… one day it’ll come to them……
Just the other day one of these friends messaged me …. ‘What’s your plans for the summer?’
I replied simply ‘to try to survive’
But I know she won’t ‘get it’

And yes totally a broken heart
Can it ever be ‘mended’ I feel so alone life is just pointless I am just soldering on and existing no one hears my cry …… a lot
why should they …… they are living
Take care


Hi Bess1
Yes, so tired of those questions…are you going on holiday?!!
And when I say no, Why not?!!!
Sunny where I am…so just waiting for all those … “it’s sunny that will make you feel better” !!!
When someone says it to me today I’m going to smile :blush: and think of all of you who understand xxx

Love to you all
I hope you all have a reasonable a day as possible.:hugs::hugs::hugs:


Morning Hazel4

Some friend :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:…no one knows what it’s like until it happens to them. I also have so called friends who have said, “it’s fine your not that old to meet someone else” I was absolutely raging :triumph:…they then go on about someone who died in their 90s and how sad it is…I’m sorry if this offends anyone on here as I know age doesn’t matter, however, I have to really stop myself from saying…at least they got to that age and lived a good long life. My husband was robbed of his, myself, the kids and grandkids are left without their dad, papa and soulmate who we adored.
Our lives are all turned upside down when we lose our special person. Fk cancer :cancer:. Apologies I’m having a bad day xx