My 2nd bereavement session whent very well .she said be kind to yourself during this sad part of your life.and just relax take it 1 day after another. Small steps do not hurry yourself.
Me too, something has to change, they are not the ones picking up the pieces afterwards .
I too miss him everyday.
Hiya how you feeling today ,good i 2nd bereavement session whent well .but still not able to cope with the loss of my wife. Xx
Forget Sue Ryder (seems odd given that I’m in here so much) but they were useless . The hospice didn’t even ring me back after losing my wife. Most counselling services seem to have at least a 6 month’s waiting list. I’ve had to take a gamble on going private. Had 3 sessions so far - not convinced yet.
,my 2nd session went well told me a few things.just be kind yo yourself. You are going through one of the hardest thing you will ever go through. Just take it nice and slow .there is no hurry .x
Thanks for your reply im glad it went well, thats all we can do x
Thats awful they didnt call you maybe going private is the answer i just thought it would be more appropriate as uts bereavement counseling x
It does need to change sadly i dont think it will x
I am thinking of having bereavement counselling through my Doctors. Would welcome people comments on their experiences and whether it’s helpful. I realise there will be difference of opinion
I self referred to Talking therapies, waited 6months,frustrating.
I have been for 3 sessions, 3rd today.
In a way its a ‘safe’ space to vent,cry get emotional without burdening your friends and families-sometimes easier to let things out to someone impartial.
Is it helpful?, i honestly know yet( on nhs you get 6-8 sessions so clearly not long enough) but i feel rung out afterwards but somewhat lighter i guess.
It can’t do any harm to try it ,is what i feel.
My private one is with a bereavement specialist… became a counsellor after going through it all herself.
Unfortunately i work for the nhs i have telephone contact with the talking therapy services in my role, so would know of the staff there is one talking therapy service called better help which you have to pay for i might look into that service
I will definitely look into this thank you feel i need an outlet where i can be open
Today I did a bit of shopping and saw a couple talking about their shopping.
It brought back memories of how it was when we went shopping together.
How different it is now.
Also that thought came into mind, how come you two get to stay together when we couldn’t.
I know that feeling too well. I saw a couple arguing over something trivial today and had to fight back the urge to tell them to stop being stupid and enjoy their time together!
Im having bereavement counselling with the hospice where my husband passed away.
Ive had one session and my second appointment tomorrow.
It took me 3 months to get the appointment.
Will it help, I don’t know, the way I feel at the moment, I don’t think anything will help.
The game me and my wife were playing over a year. I have finished wow i came 2nd i lost by 1token unlucky never mind 2 nd not that bad x
Good luck for tomorrow. Hope everything goes well .i had my 2nd session today which went very well xx
Yes that happened similarly my wifes fav shop.i went in the 2 shop assistants said i have not seen you and your wife for a long time so i told them that my wife has passed both were upset then i started to cry .and then they sorry and look after yourself. That was when they said so sorry and little tear in thereveyes ,xx
I was with my husband just chatting, in bed, when he suddenly died from a heart attack. I couldn’t save him even though I was there. It happened so quickly.