Partner of thirty years, unexpected death

Well the ones i am on doing nothing to been on them for 3 weeks .the dr said it been working .then he come see .me in 6 weeks

This is a really bad day. No obvious reason why it is worse than any of the last 8 weeks… it just is. I miss my husband so much .

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So sorry for your loss.i know how you are feeling. I lost my wife 5 months ago and i can not get over it it as though it was last week she went .xx

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I take martazipine they do nothing to lift my mood feel like there is nothing in my life worth living for my two children don’t understand they say I’m lucky because i see a lot of people they don’t seem to get that the only person i want to see is their dad my husband who i will never see again can be in a room full of people and feel lonely


So sorry feel like that i know the feeling go out with the inlaws and i feel like they do not to talk to me
Because i am only the inlaw.not blood family that is hiw i feel xx

These tablets then are a waste of time i have been this one for 3 weeks no difference just feel the same xx

Three weeks is not long enough for them to work it takes a good six weeks i used to be a dispenser in a pharmacy so i know what i’m talking about

Ok that is why the dr wants to see me in 6 weeks.i want them to work since i lost my wife i have not had a full nites sleepn apart when he gave sleeping pills xx

I feel lost today i lost my wife last September i miss her so much even after 38 year’s. I always thought we would might 50 years .i just can not come to terms of my wife has gone.horrible she was my rock. My nurse,my bank manager, but most of all my wife. X even these tablets are not helping x

Goodnight, hope you had a good day.
Shopping is hard isn’t it, I end up crying every time I attempt it, too many things start me off.
Hope you get some sleep xx

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Well i lost my husband last October we had just celebrated fifty years of marriage but I thought we still had years together he was 72 looked fit and healthy. I miss him every single minute of every day it’s lonely i now hate my house that used to be our home now i sit here feeling lonely and sad and i cant ever see it getting any better so i entirely get how your feeling

I need sleep, also this bungalow now has lost the queen i just do feel good in this place as you say it feels empty without shouting at me do this dave just miss it i am feeling so low even after 5 months xx

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Thanks when these tablets kick in i might get a proper sleep. Hope you are doing good xx

We had just celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary in October, a month before he passed away. In june he had turned 50.
I wanted to celebrate our 25th anniversary by going back to Paris for a few days.


Poppet that is so sad that you never got to go to Paris life is so unfair and you have been cheated of many years you should have enjoyed together i am so sorry

Same here so sorry about paris 2026 was going to be our big we were both going to be 70. 40 years married not be xxx

Dave, it can take 3 weeks before they begin to have an effect and 5 to 6 weeks to be fully in your system. It’s tough to deal with that bit and waiting to feel better. Trouble is, you can recover from depression, but not grief.
Hang in there and don’t give up

Morning everyone, how is everyone today, hope we have a better day today.
At the moment I’m sat in bed crying like I do every day.
Let’s see what today brings xxx


Another awful start to your day, I’m so sorry and, sadly, too familiar with what you’re going through and I’m doing the same.
Fridays (the 7th since Jill’s funeral) are always bad; Tuesday (10 since I lost her) are awful, the others aren’t too good either. Basically any day ending in a Y is best avoided.
You will get through today though, you’ve managed to get through every one of them so far, no matter how hard they’ve been. You’re stronger than you know.

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To be honest, the only thing keeping me going is the complaint. I need to finish it for my husband.

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