Partner of thirty years, unexpected death

We don’t get enough sun up here as it is, so it seems a shame to waste it. Trouble is, it reduces me to tears as it just seems wrong for the sun to be out. Guess Bill Withers knew what he was singing about…


Everyday is a challenge. I look back at pictures of me and my husband and I don’t recognise myself, I was then the person who was loved and I didn’t know this pain or the life that I’m now having to deal with. My husband was a sun worshipper so it makes me sad to. Love and hugs x

My husband hated the sun, he’s toured the world when he was in the army and would come back whiter than when he left. He would have red arms upto where his sleeves were.
When we would go on holiday, he would stay in the shade or if he went into the sun he would wear a baseball cap.
I used to joke saying he looked like a crab stick.

Cupboard door just fell of and smacked me in the head there is a pic on here

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I hope you are ok, is it bad, did you cut yourself x

Yes my head has a cut on it

I am having a really bad day, I wish there was a cure for losing someone you love, but it seems the more you loved them, the worse the pain is.
I thought the sunshine would cheer me up, but it’s the opposite, I miss him so much. It’s unbearable .


So sorry you are having a bad flints xx

It’s the old cliche Flints, grief is the punishment for love. Im nearly 7 months down the line. I loved my wife with so much passion and vice versa. Neither of us honestly gave death much attention. We both thought we still had 20 years together. So when she died, we still had that magnificent love for each other, which makes my loss and grief even more powerful. I cope one day, not the next. My love doesn’t get any less, neither does my loneliness. I fight on because it’s what she expected me to do and even now I don’t want to let her down. She would of been so disappointed in me if I gave up. And I’m also grateful that she’s not had to go through this.


Flints, it’s true - The deeper the love, the greater the grief. Your current feelings just show how so deep your love is. I say “is” on purpose because our love for our partners will never leave, but in time we will be able to handle the pain and grief better.

With much love. Nigel xxxx :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So, so try Sly!

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Are you ok x

Hard to take pleasure in anything these days. In days past, Jill and I might have had the obligatory bluenose smile at Liverpool losing on Sunday, on my own I just don’t care!
The only photos I look at are the ones I put together for a montage at Jill’s funeral service.


Newcastle murdered us on sunday we were knackered i could see that

Me and Mark never really gave death much attention either, we were too busy living life to worry about death, we thought we had more time together, and the shock of finding him the way I did, was horrendous, I will never forget it.
Mark wouldn’t want me to give in, he would expect me to look after, and guide, our two children, who still live at home. I cant let him down, but it isn’t easy, when you want to be with your loved one so much. sending love to you x


Thank you, you are right, I loved/love Mark deeply.
Hopefully you are right, and the pain will get better.
Love to you too, Nigel xx


Yes, Poppet, I am okay, thank you, just having a really bad day, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
I hope you are okay xx

Ive had a cry but at the moment I’m ok, off to sleep soon xx

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Goodnight, hope you can get a good sleep xx

You too, love to you xxx