Psychic Phenomena.

I lost my hubby to oesophagus cancer on march 26th, he was only 57, i dont feel him i dont dream of him either, why?
I am so in love with him i miss him sooo much, i talk to him every day, but theres nothing, i just want that little sign, i do believe he would come to me if he could, how can i help us to communicate :broken_heart:


Hi @ShaSha1
March 26th is very resent, give it time, I’m sure he will send signs when he is able, maybe it takes time to adjust. Sending hugs of support.

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Oh upu really are very early on on this grief journeyim about 4 weeks ahead and I know exactly how you feel. I prayed to dream about him and it wad about 8 weeks before I did. It was vivid at the time but I cant remember it now. I just know that i broke my heart when I woke because it was just a dream. But I still pray every night to dream of him. The only ones I seem I to remember are the not nice ones. Usually where I’ve lost him and can’t find him, then I wake and realise why.
As for signs, I may have had a few, but it may have been because its what I wanted to believe.
I’m afraid that’s all we’ve got now, the longing for any small comfort even fleeting, and even if it hurts.
You will dream of him I’m sure, and see signs. But not when you’re expecting it

Big hugs

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Hi @ShaSha1

Sorry for your loss :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It does take time for our loved ones to learn to communicate with us as we are different energies now and time for them if totally different to our time. For example we know hours, days weeks ect they dont have a clock if that makes sense, what is a week to us could be a second to them.

Depending how old your husbands soul is will depend on how quickly he can go through the realms and how well equipt he is at commutating with us.

A few things you could do is ask out loud for arkangel Michael to help you communicate with your husband. Write a note to your husband asking for a specific sign and leave on a table for a few days, eg send a white bird into the garden. Before you go to sleep say out loud your husbands name and ask him to come and see you in your dreams for an adventure, also ask him to help you remember your dream. You could also keep a notepad next to you bed to jot down the dreams as they can be forgotten really quickly. Also next to the note on in the table leave a personal item such as a watch or piece of jewellery as this will help anchor them to your message.

Good luck, let us know if it helps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :crossed_fingers:xx

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Thankyou @Katyh

I will certainly try that.
I will let you know if anything happens.
I know it wont necessarily be quick. But I will be trying.

:kissing_heart: x

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Good luck @Liro

I hope it works for you :hugs:

Thank you…
Im definitely going to try this, my hubby was 57 (just) just need something from him, i miss him soooo much :broken_heart:

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Good luck, I hope it works for you. Your husband will definitely be watching over you and in time you’ll be able to feel him and see signs. It just could take a while depending on how experienced he is :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: let us know how you get on. X


Awww…thank you, i really hope he does, i know he would if he could, im just so impatient :grinning:
I will let you know :pray::crossed_fingers:

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I seem to be the opposite, I think that I got signs all the time not long after my mums passing but now I can’t feel her as much, but I was told she’s taken a step back to allow me to get on with my life, although it’s been so hard!

I have not had a convincing dream of her visiting yet and it’s been over a year, I ask every night to see her but always wake up disappointed.

There was something about 2 days after she passed though, I dreamt that I woke up and walked downstairs into my kitchen and was greeted by a man I have never seen or met, I felt at ease around him though and he spoke to me and said “she’s waiting outside” so I went to open my back door and sure enough she was stood waiting, only we couldn’t communicate and she looked frustrated/sad.

I’ve thought a lot about that dream and because it didn’t work out I am questioning it but I do think there’s something to it :thinking: so it could tie into them learning how to navigate the afterlife!

If only we knew for sure, it would make things slightly easier in times of grief that’s for sure!


Hi, I found that for the first few weeks my TV would turn on on its own, the electric fan would turn on & the most of all the end bit of a wooden curtain rail flew across the room !

But after 3 weeks it all stopped, I personally think that he was letting me know he was ok but then had to move onto the next place where he could no longer contact me.


I could honestly write a book with all the signs I recieved near the beginning!

I’ll tell you the most amazing ones! A medium told me to think of 2 symbols, one meaning yes and one meaning no and to ask my Mum questions.

My question was always “are you still around?”, anyway at first, I decided on a white butterfly for yes and a peacock butterfly for no, asked the question and along comes a white butterfly!

Changed my symbols to a robin for yes and a sparrow for no, asked the question and yes along comes a robin.

I think to myself “oh okay these are probably the most common things to see in my area, it’s just a coincidence right” :woman_shrugging:

I end up saying to my Mum in my mind “Right if I ever see a stag, I really will believe”. Ended up laughing about how daft I was being!

Fast forward around a week later, I’m there walking home and quess what comes bolting past me :exploding_head: a flipping stag, in the middle of a random street! I felt a wave of energy as it passed me, was weird!

White feathers, I was finding them all over, but of course me being me thought to myself, “they exist and fall off birds” and I said to my mum “put one in a less obvious place next time”

Gets home from work one day and gets a can of pop out of the fridge, sat on sofa taking sips, picks it up for another drink and a white feather was there waiting for me on the coaster :flushed: no explanation how that got there and even my partner was stumped.

I don’t understand how some of us get signs early on and some get them later on though :thinking:

Obviously now I’m wondering if they were really signs in the first place because like I say they have stopped now but I honestly don’t believe that we are here by accident and can’t imagine our loved ones being truly gone!


Hi @Jess1

That’s amazing all the signs you have had from you mum :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The stag one … Wow bet that was amazing!

I think when your deep in grief you can’t see the signs and our love ones struggle to get through. I also believe that old souls know the “drill” and can communicate more easily then newbies :hugs:

This is definitely not our only life. It’s only this life in this body. Our souls never die! We do meet again when we pass with our soul mate/loved ones and then decide what to do next :heart:

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This is what I don’t understand really because in the early days I was in deep grief and I was sat on the fence with the whole after life thing but I was desperately searching for answers and I was obsessing over it and I do think maybe that’s how she was able to send them.

It’s the very reason I decided to see a medium because I thought I was going mad and I ended up getting really interested in how it all worked and found myself attending a development circle and I was starting to give people messages that didn’t make sense to me but did to them!

I haven’t been for a while now though as I’ve a lot on right now (in the middle of putting my house on the market, it’s been stressful) and obviously with the lack of practice I’ve felt slightly disconnected.

I will be going back at some point hopefully though!


You mum must be an old soul.

I also got in touch with a psychic and found it really comforting because she connected with my Andrew and said things that only he would say to me. She told me to practice my skills as according to her and her cards I’ve got the powers :rofl: I just need to figure it out. I actually bought some books to read and joined some groups on Facebook.

How lovely that you can pass messages on to people, keep it up when you get chance. X

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Omg! I can’t believe it check out the private message I’ve just sent you! I asked if you was a medium or had a strong connection to the spirit realm just before you replied to my message on the thread! Maybe I have still got a bit of a connection after all!

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I had that, too. I had some visits in the early days, dreams, arm around me, holding my hand etc. Then I dreamt he phoned me to say that he had better tell me that he loves me, but he sounded far away. It was like he was on his way to somewhere else. I think he was. Nothing since.

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Hi all. I say goodnight to my gorgeous beautiful wife sue who passed away 1st febuary last year.i was realy down in the dumps last wednesday evening but woke up early hours of the morning because i heard sue calling me and my daughter heard it as well.went back to sleep and i could feel sue stroking my arm like she always did when i was in pain with my right below knee amputation.i feel it was sue telling me that i didnt need to worry about the upcoming surgery on my right knee.ever since then i hear sue saying goodnight i am here for you as i know you are for me .plus she has told me to get checked out for being constantly tired xx


I saw and felt my late husband . He always said he’d let me know if there was something else after death.He didn’t think there was . I always said that’s fine but don’t scare me.
First time I saw him on the stairs standing with others not recognisable and he reached out to touch my fingers through the banister and then said it’s not your time yet and disappeared. I have no idea if I dreamed this or if I did walk to the landing.But there was no fear. Second time I was in bed and I felt the mattress depress as someone got into bed. I froze heart racing in shear panic then his arm came over me and his beard snuggled into my neck and I felt so peaceful and slept so well. I’ve told close family and friends. One wants me to go to a medium but I don’t. The last visit was scary initially and he would know that . I asked him not to scare me just send subtle signs. Are subtle signs coincidence? Feathers favourite music I don’t know.
I gather visitations are the norm in other cultures and religions but as you say people don’t talk about them in our society incase we are thought crazy.
The other thing I read recently was that those who have visitations are slower to move on with their lives. I don’t know how you can judge that. I’ve been reading John Polo “better not bitter widower” and I like to think the cup of love for my husband is always full but that it’s ok to have a second different cup.


I would dearly like to believe in a life after this one, a life where I’ll meet my darling husband again and we’ll be together for eternity, but I just can’t. If I knew I’d see him again then this period without him would be so much more bearable but I’m someone who needs proof or evidence to believe, I can’t just have faith that there’s something else without evidence. I know people talk of feathers and robins but that could easily be coincidence, I saw plenty of both when John was still here, I need something that is indisputable, something that my logical brain can’t put down to chance. I very much envy those people who have belief that they’ve had signs or communications and will continue to hope that they’re right, but at the moment I can’t get beyond this life being all there is.