Psychic Phenomena.

Hi Jonathan
It is quite fascinating isn’t it. I agree it really does have a lot to do with bereavement because it is a way of letting us know there is more and for some that can bring a lot of comfort although I can understand people not believing if they haven’t experienced things happening to them. It is also can be scary for the people experiencing it so yes I think if people believe then they can become scared of the person who has those abilities and experiences. It is easier for the person involved if they have someone they trust to share their experiences . I too probably wouldn’t have believed as much if I and others in the family hadn’t had their own experiences with like you did with your wife. Your support is something she would have greatly appreciated because some of the experiences can be very difficult to go through especially if someone is psychic and “relives” what others have gone through. Your support and love must have got her through a lot.
I have in the past liked to study it because of my scientific bent, I have a very analytical mind. And eventually I found out about synesthesia and it is the only reason I felt able to talk about some of my experiences I think your wife would also be classed as someone who has synesthesia. There are now many documented types. I could also at times physically feel the waves of music almost as if i could reach out and touch it. I can also feel the energy of the sea and of other places like if constant emotional energy is left in a place by the people who visit it I can sometimes feel that emotional energy even years later. Such as a dungeon I visited with a friend in San juan where we later found out people where tortured but also in different religious places where the love resonates in the place.
I also taught myself to tune my abilities to healing much like rekki. This was before I knew what rekki was I just had migraines (this seems to be common in people with synesthesia) and couldn’t deal with them and it started like that but then I found I could transfer it to others in need. It was a kind of temporary patch but I think it burned out as I can’t do it anymore. Yes I think both the believers and the non believers can put off someone who is genuine . And I think the fakes do a lot of damage to the genuine people too. I have also found people with such abilities are more vulnerable to bullies.
Yes I read about St Francis that is why I tried to feel see if I could feel what birds feel. Because I believe that the way I can feel emotions from people and animals is the way animals communicate with each other and that some of us humans retain that genetic ability. I have noticed some dogs can sense that i can sense them and some love it and some find it scary but even when they find it scary that a human is like them they are also curious. It is much easier to read dogs than humans. They are very open they kind of push their feelings almost like they are talking. Cats on the other hand either like to laze or are always analyzing. Its kind of wonderful that i miss being able to do.
Sorry I went on a bit its nice to be able to find a place to discuss it with people who are open to the ideas or if not open at least they dont want to ridicule. This place is a safe and supportive environment for whatever you experience in connection with your bereavement. i only started to open up about it to strangers as it were because i thought that when people where interested in such phenomena it might give them hope and comfort.
For years while i have tried to use my abilities to help others, i have never told them how I could do it. Unfortunately it is gone now and it scares me because they are senses and you lose senses as dementia starts and the connects break because they are worn. So because of my aunt I am scared that it is an early sign for me. Or it could be because of my own emotions are overwhelmed just now.
Blessing to you too jon and thank you so much your continuing wisdom to me and to many others on this site. Thinking of you all.


Yes I have believed that for a very long time too that there is far more in this world than I can ever know or understand. But i can try in my own way and make my own journey as we all do in our own ways.


Dear Debbie
My heart goes out to you. I am sorry for your loss. I am worried about you and how you feel but remember you said in your post how you have 4 amazing children please reach out to them they must love you very much and I am sure they will support you and give you a reason to go on. Its just everything is so raw for you just now everything happened so quickly and suddenly. Also it hasn’t been very long since you lost your husband and you may still be in shock. Take things slowly and grieve how you need to grieve. Not everyone gets msgs from the other side even if they have gifts. It doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. I see you live in Kilmarnock I also live in Ayrshire. So I wonder if you have heard of our local famous medium Sally Buxton. She lost her own son a few years ago and despite giving so many people across Ayrshire some very accurate readings she opened up and said that she never got to speak to her own son and how she longed for a message for him but it was not the way her gift worked she couldn’t speak to her family. i could feel how distraught she was that night because it was still so raw for her but she had made a commitment to do this show for charity (she does a lot of readings for charity nights) and so she went on and it was a very brave thing to do. Also i watched ghost whisperer and yes while it is complete fiction some parts of the show are very comforting because parts of it are based on the actual experences of two actual mediums or ghost whisperers. The actors said they had so many people coming up to them and thanking them because they had lost loved ones and they found it comforting to watch their show. You may still get a msg one day and you may not its hard to say why some people get these experience s and others dont personally I think its that some people are genetically receptive to it while others aren’t. Then again some people who are genetically recceptive can sometimes share with those who arent so. Again I am sorry for your loss.


Hi. Meebee. Churches are places where I feel so much peace. Not because of the services for I am not religious in the orthodox sense, but because of the centuries of prayer that has soaked into the walls. So many have sat there in their grief and have felt as we all do. Many have sat there in happy times too. A church can really be seen as the embodiment of life with all its ups and downs. Christenings, weddings, funerals all happen there. Moments of real happiness and moments of real sorrow. It’s what us humans take on when we are born.
Sign of dementia? Now Meebee, don’t go down that road because it is so untrue. Psychic people often lose their gift for a time, but it is never lost. You have been through a bad time and emotions get jangled. No genuine psychic person can ever lose that gift. Many have had it and denied it and so have subdued it and appear to have lost it. Mainly because of ridicule and upsetting remarks. Especially children. They are thought to be in some way ‘weird’, so they repress their feelings. Autistic kids often can see far beyond most of us and so often have this gift. But instead of encouraging them and trying to understand they are told not be ‘silly’ How many psychic people were locked away in asylums because they were thought ‘odd’.
I feel we have to be careful here because although I know you understand, some might say, well, this is a bereavement website not a psychic one. I do understand that, although I would suggest it is all about what happens after death. But it’s one of those ‘take it or leave it’ issues.
A hug and Blessings. John.


Hi Jonathan,
I totally agree with you about churches and other buildings that they can absorb repeated emotional resonance. I feel it too. Oh the dementia worry is more because of my aunt and that I have had similar medical ailments to her. She had migraines all her life and nose bleeds and so did i and she got Parkinson’s and dementia. She also had a little of the family gift but suppressed it because it scared her. The thing is that I don’t see my abilities as a psychic gift but as synesthesia which is extra senses . And senses degenerate over time and the connections can be burnt out. I do find that if you already have it and one connection does get burned out then your brain can do a good job of rewiring itself. when you are young. Yes it ia sad that many of us genuine people hide away or as you say in the past been put in asylums. I think though because you have created a psychic post then it allows people who are bereaved to take a look and as you say take it or leave it. But it may give someone here some comfort to view this when they have lost someone or to think oh yes that happened to me I am not crazy after all. Actually I have had couple of people private msg me to ask me questions and to share what has happened to them. So I think your topic does have relevance to the bereaved. Especially since we are looking at it from a different standpoint as people who are bereaved too and not as con people looking for money, sorry I have a thing about those websites. Bereaved people are vunerable and don’t need to be conned. However people are looking for comfort and for some people your post may give them that.


I do love reading about people’s experiences it gives me a lot of comfort. To think one day I will be with my mum forever!!! That she is happy and with her dad my lovely grandad. I went to a medium who said that the day before mum died her dad visited her and told her he would help her transition and she needn’t be afraid. That he was waiting for her. My mum has been terrified of death all her life so this gave me enormous comfort to think that she was being looked after. And her dad easing her fear and loneliness


I lost my mum too and I am sorry for your loss but am glad that some of our musings brings you some comfort in your sadness. Someone always comes for you its just what happens. Even if you think that you have nobody to come for you there will be someone for you. Take care. Thinking of you.


Beautiful, and in my opinion sent for you. X


Hello i’m new to the site, i’m going through the grieving process myself i just learned my mum has terminal cancer.
But i thought i’d like to weigh in the topic and share some of my experiences.
When i was about oh 25 or so, i had a near death experience or out of body or something i don’t know what, i was in my bed just woken up, but i felt weightless and couldn’t feel myself breathing, i started to panic, all sorts of thoughts going through my mind i thought i was dying, my vision was blurry but i could see my room and the very bright light almost blinding, in the light i could just make out figures, i thought who is that, is it God or Jesus an Angel, I reached out to the figure and made contact, all my fears gone in an instant, the feeling i got was indescribable, there was so much love and warmth it was like a bolt of pure love, i shot out of bed rejuvenated and with a new love of life, perhaps it was just a dream who knows, all i can say is if it was a real experience then death is not the end and we and our loved ones go to a much better place.
I’ve had other experiences too, like seeing my recently deceased friend at the foot of my bed, i could go on and on but i’ll stop here.
God bless you all.


Hi VeiledDruid,

I am so sorry to hear about your mom. You are in the right place for support. Most people have already lost a loved one.
My dad passed suddenly last year which is why I am here.
I do not have any experience with illnesses but other people on here do and can offer guidance as you navigate.

Thank you for sharing.

I have had many experiences. I dont mind sharing here or IRL to people who bring it up. They are just experiences and observations. That is science - observing and analyzing.
I had one out of body experience when I was 25. I encountered no one else during it. I was awake. Laying on the couch after a hard workout. I rose to the ceiling and was looking forward to flying around and then I got scared for an instant and it was over. Rushed back to my body with a force.
I encountered god another time but that was drug induced so its always suspicious.
Seen several ghosts and tons of dream experiences.
I can go months and years with none of that excitement happening.
I have no clue what any of it means. I was hoping someone on here knew!

What happened when your friend visited you?


Hi there. Welcome. Thank you so much for that insight. I have heard of so many remarkable events such as you describe so well. Out of body experiences are not as uncommon as one may think. There are may recorded instances of people on an operating table looking down at their bodies being operated on. They maybe near death, and the overwhelming opinion after is that they didn’t want to come back to earth. It was so peaceful and quiet where they were. I doubt your experience was a dream. There is a space between sleeping and waking up. It’s called an hypnagogic state. It’s neither a dream state or realty but something in between. It’s when a window may open into another dimension, another world, only to close again when the conscious mind clicks in. By feeling fear and panic you may have shut off a further experience. Fear increases our inability to see beyond our noses, Most people may have had your experience and been so afraid they become anxious in case it happens again. There are also many recorded events such as you describe, where someone appears to the observer who has so called ‘died’. If you read my original post you will see that my wife did often. Many Christian Saints and Buddhist monks have had such experiences, and the Christian ones have been condemned for telling anyone, and often put to death. Thank God we live in a more enlightened age. Thanks for that. Blessings. John.


The time my friend visited me, again i’d just woken from sleep and there he was, sat crossed legged floating at the foot of my bed smiling down at me, but the look on his face told me everything i needed to know, he was happy and content, at peace with everything and he was moving on to the next level of existence, whatever that might be, then he slowly faded away.


Hi jonathan123, Your right about the fear aspect of the experience, at first it was confusion panic fear, i could feel myself slipping away, so many thoughts going through my mind at once, but then a calm descended on me as i began to just accept the experience and go with it, it’s hard to explain in words, it was just very profound and an experience i’ll never forget.


Yes, you are right. Fear of the unknown causes so much pain and heartache. Only by understanding and knowledge can we begin to see what is happening. Years before my wife died I was very sceptical of such things and would try to find a scientific explanation for such ‘strange’ events. It doesn’t work that way. Logic and common sense do not apply to this phenomena. By applying earthly concepts we lose the message.
At first In bereavement we become mentally isolated and grief takes over and fills our day. But as time passes and our minds clear a little, we may well realise that there is so much we don’t know about death. and what happens after.
Thanks again for your very interesting posts. John.

Dear VeiledDruid,
i have had some similar experiences. Hope that your experiences will bring you some comfort as your are going through a difficult time. I found when my dad died I held onto my experiences like holding a comforting blanket around me. I too have often in the past seen figures I used to call them cloud people, they looked like the wooden artists dummies but instead of wood they were like clouds. I now think they were dead people that hadn’t shown me who they were. I too only saw them in the state you describe. So you aren’t alone in experiencing this. I have also experienced being touched by angel there where two of them and I was totally awake and in the street and my mum was there and she felt them and saw them too (well we both saw and felt them with our minds eye. I hadn’t really believed in angels before this kinda liked the idea of them but thought it was more like a fairytale This only happened after I had been going to see a local angel woman it was as if it opened up things… This happened to us both when my dad was very sick. Its werid but I never used to talk about this stuff incase people thought I was crazy but its kind of freeing to be able to talk about it here. The only other place I had felt ok to begin to share things was the angel group but unfortunately the woman lost the space and the group disbanded but it was a good place.
Take care of yourself. Thinking of you

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Hey Jonathan
I hope you are doing okay just now. You are always so wise when you post. I just go quiet, take a moment and listen. I had forgotten this state was called hypnagogic. Thank you so much, I have for years been calling it “the tween” but i knew it had another proper name.
Take care of yourself. Thinking of you.

Tried to edit my last post but it wouldn’t let me so here it is posted again but kinda adjusted. :slightly_smiling_face:
Hey Jonathan
I hope you are doing okay just now. You are always so wise when you post. I just go quiet, take a moment and listen. I had forgotten this state was called hypnagogic. Thank you so much, I have for years been calling it “the tween” but i knew it had another proper name. I too applied science and logic to what was happening to me and I kinda still do but i just believe that the science part hasn’t caught up yet. Its just stuff we don’t know yet. After all at one time people thought the world was flat. But yes i too learned to accept that there is so much we don’t know yet and i learned that thats okay too. I too experienced a lot of fear during some of my early experiences but each time you begin to understand a little more and you grow less scared and more open. I haven’t had these experiences for awhile now sometimes I am glad and sometimes I miss them. But having had them once means I believe that there is more and that comforts me.

Mind you in Science I always think of that ENERGY CAN NEITHER BE CREATED NOR DESTROYED IT MERELY CHANGES FORM. (Or something alone those lines) AND LIFE IS CONSCIOUS ENERGY (Our Souls) SO THEY CAN NEITHER BE CREATED NOR DESTROYED EITHER. i have believed this for a very long time since I learned it in school and for me it is where science and religion (whichever anyone chooses) meet.

Take care of yourself. Thinking of you.

Dear Janet T,
I am so sorry for your loss. it must have been such a shock for you. But yes what you say is too coincidental and unusual not to have been a sign. i mean here in the UK black swans are so rare (and so very beautiful) and to occur just then when he knew what they meant to the two of you. Its a lovely kind of romantic gesture in a way isn’t it just to let you know he was okay.
Hope your doing okay relatively speaking of course. This website is great for people like us whichever post you are on. Its a really supportive little community who sadly wish they didn’t have to be here but are glad of the comfort that others on here can bring at what is a very difficult time for us all. Take care

Dear Meebee,
Yes my experience does give me some comfort at this difficult time, even though the memory has dulled with the passage of time, i haven’t forget how it made me feel, i would have happily gone with the cloud figures but it wasn’t my time i guess, and that’s exactly what they looked like, cloud people just as you described, just a coincidence of course that two people that have never met have had similar experiences Hmmm how very odd :thinking: :thinking:
Anyway take care and all the best to you

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Yes Meebee. The laws of physics which are demonstrated in every day life, and are immutable. Energy can never die but only be converted Into something else. And there we have it. Our bodies are energy, so where does that energy go when we die? Nothing is obvious is it? I have spoken to many nurses who, sadly make it part of their job to comfort the dying. Some say they actually see the Spirit leave the body like a soft cloud that drifts upwards. I am at a disadvantage in that I am not psychic, but many independently have told me this. Nurses are usually intelligent people, and why would they lie? It’s the total Independence of each story that gives it credence.
What is there to fear? To me now I regard it all as perfectly natural and all part of the living/dying experience.
See you later and take care.

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