Both of them were awful
Both obviously guessing then trying to elaborate on any correct guesses.
Neither of them picked up that it was my partner that I’d lost. Easier guesses are parents or grandparents.
The first one asked to reschedule after twenty minutes of wrong guesses because she’d had a day of heavy readings and wasn’t seeing things as clearly as she would have liked but by that point I’d corrected her on so much she knew my life story anyway so had a refund.
The second one asked to switch to tarot cards after about 15 minutes of wrong guesses. I broke down during the second one because I realised I wasn’t going to connect with my OH any time soon and lost all hope tbh
As soon as I told her it was my partner who had died she sent her guides off to get him and suddenly he appeared She said loads of vague generic stuff that applies to most grieving people, memory bears, memorial jewellery, rose bushes with his ashes, he knows I’m not eating, sleeping, he knows I’m looking into life after death, obviously I am or I wouldn’t be visiting a medium I kept clothes of his etc… all very general stuff. Told me he sits on the end of my bed, asked if I had a cat or a dog, said yes a cat. Oh he’s showing me a black and white cat, ours is tabby, oh the cat sees him. Truthfully I’m not even sure she’s noticed he’s gone.
Mentioned keys, a glass angel ornament, decorating, I know most of the stuff she said to me is said to other people too
I haven’t given up on finding a genuine one yet though
Interesting that you mention DL, I actually looked into her last night and found her very interesting. She apparently helps the police with cold cases too but her waiting list is sooo long!
One thing I noticed about both the readings I had was they both claimed to have waiting lists, the first one apparently has a 5byear waiting list but offers express readings so I waited about a month I think for that one.
The second one has a waiting list of three months apparently but I got my reading just over a week later. Cancellation apparantly but it made me think everyone would want to be on her Cancellation list. Nobody wants to wait months for a reading so does she really have a waiting list or do some of them just say that so it sounds like they are in demand?
Yes difficult to decide , the Diane Lazarus medium is a local girl , I live near Swansea her book is for sale in the counselling place I go to and she works from there sometimes . I also have watched some Long Island medium , maybe I’m naive ( or vulnerable ) but she cones over very well and people seem to get some relief from meeting her , I do believe there is something else I’ve been at a good few deaths due to being a nurse , but not just that , why are we here with so so much love for other people , when they die that can’t be it !! Love is a massive energy that’s why grief is so bloody awful . What’s the point of this world without something else ?? I hate this world at the moment but a few years ago when I was with mart and we were healthy I loved it xx there just has to be more to it !!
Plus I saw my Nana once but asked her to go cos I was a pathetic 18 year old . My mum saw her grandad who showed her how to pour water into a glass when she was young but he’s died before she was born but she remembers it 100 % . She showed my Nana in a photo tears ago thats he met that man !!!
I’ve got a couple more readings booked before I give up
I feel so downhearted at the minute it’s unreal. I’m from Merthyr Tydfil but I’d never heard of DL before or hadn’t taken much notice. I had no real interest in the afterlife until I lost my partner and now it’s all I can think about
Please don’t let this drive you crazy and take over your life. Would your late husband really want all this going ? I know it tough and know it’s hard we’ve all been there. If you get a reading that gives you comfort then fine but don’t let it take over all your waking moments. We would all like to think we could speak to our loved ones or get a message from them but as you’ve experienced it’s hardly likely.
I wish you well but try focusing on something else even for a short period for I fear all this energy into one quest will make you ill.
It is making me ill tbh. I just can’t help it. I just wish I knew where he was. Is he nowhere? Is he somewhere? I just really need to know
I always thought there was nothing after, dead is dead but all the things people say have happened to them gets into your head and you start to hope it’s true. All these fraudulent mediums don’t help either.
If there is anything after death then we’d probably be more likely to believe if all the mediums around were the genuine ones.
You are posting the same comments over and over asking the same questions that people on here can’t answer for you. You have upset someone on here who has messaged me to say because of you they are not in a good place. That’s not acceptable. I have suggested that person raise it with Sue Ryder.
Not everyone needs answers from a medium to believe in an afterlife but your constant questioning people is not only having a negative affect but it’s quite worrying. Maybe a counsellor would be able to help with this obsession? Or a family member or friend?
I know I upset the girl who recommended the second medium to me because the medium said a lot of the same things to me as she did to her. I wasn’t lying, I was telling the truth and sent her my reading. It’s not me she should be upset with. It’s the medium who told us both exactly the same things. What did I do wrong? Was I meant to say nothing?
The afterlife might be real or it may not be. I don’t know. I told her all the things that she said to me that she also said to her and I’m sorry if that makes me a bad person.
@LostLil I have so much guilt and really trying hard not to blame myself. I really think that it has been a distraction for me to mask the horrible reality that I will never see my handsome husband again. I do wonder if your obsession with the afterlife is a distraction for you. It is so unfair what we are going through. Sending lots of love Xx
I think questioning where they are is normal in grief. We just want to know they are safe. I sort a medium out and will see what happens but I know I won’t keep pursuing one till I get the answer I want.
We are all different and have different needs, but we do need to respect each other at the end of the day.
We are all easy to upset because so lost in this grief , what upsets one person dosent upset another , please please don’t blame each other , we are all just trying to cope xx no one goes out to hurt another person xx we all need each other xx
She actually messaged me on Facebook to ask how my reading went. I wasn’t going to lie. I recorded my reading thankfully so I gave her an honest answer.
I do question it and maybe I always will because I’m desperate to believe he’s out theresomewhere. I don’t mind if people think I’m losing my marbles because in all honesty I probably am
I won’t give up my search for a decent medium though
@LostLil @Ali29 is right . You do what you need to do and don’t worry about it. As we are all in deep grief we have to follow our hearts. It may not be the right thing for us but we won’t know unless we try.
I hope you find what you are looking for and you keep on updating us, we want to hear about it. xx
Well I have a few more readings coming up so I’ll keep you updated
To be fair I only put my experiences on here because people asked how it went or messaged me privately to ask. People like to know how they go just like I like to know how other people’s readings go. I guess we’re all looking for a decent one who can convince us.
Maybe it’s not right for me but let’s be fair this life isn’t right for me right now My life has literally fallen apart and a few people thinking I’m going crazy obsessing over it doesn’t bother me. Jeez if my neighbours could hear me around the house ranting to myself and God in the early days they would have seriously thought I was losing my marbles