Saturday again

I feel the same, the nightmare just keeps going.
Some good days, more bad ones.
Just waiting, and hoping I’ll turn a corner and stop crying and start accepting.
I’ll never ever forget him and he’ll always be here in my heart, but I know I need to move on.
I just don’t know how

Big hugs
X x


Hi @Liro yes you and me both. It is hard trying to move forward though on your own. Take care.x


Hi, I have the same feelings as you. I go into the garden, get busy and wonder why she isn’t helping or asking if I want a cup of tea. I go back indoors and the housr is SO empty. You are not alone, I doubt any of us in this dubious club feel that others really understand it is only us who CAN “get” what it feels like every day. I agree, the knowing they can’t come back is the torture. At least here we all feel the same emotions and know the despair. Just keep going, let every day be a milestone, don’t let it become a millstone. Good luck.


I lost the love of my life three month ago no friends as we worked most of the time.
Maureen made friends with her work customers and was loved by all. But no support for myself and I am finding it very hard with her not being here with me. I just do things about house and garden to help pass the time. as you say another weekend has arrived.


Hi @Nimrod and @Leslie1 it’s so hard. I like what you said Nimrod, about letting everyday be a milestone and not a millstone. Although at the moment it feels like a millstone. I think I need a good shaking to try and get me moving forward. I miss my lovely husband so much. He was everything to me. I think it is hard as I am in my early seventies and now doing things on my own feels alien to me. I hope you both have a peaceful weekend.


It is torture. I had not heard it described like that but it spot on.


Yes another weekend ahead of us. Torture. I do voluntary work which gets me out and I meet people but always my husband is around me telling me to be strong, that keeps me going until having to go home. Key in the door, no one there. It’s incredibly lonely not being able to share your day with your loved one. It will be 3 months on Sunday that my husband passed and I know I’m going to be weeping most of the day. Good to cry and keep talking to him/her, it helps. Stay strong and don’t be to sad. Be kind to yourselves :heart:


Another weekend. Time goes on. But our grief journey doesn’t stop. We’re all grieving and we all understand each others torment.
I just keep wondering how we move forward. What to do to start this new life everybody tells me I’ve got to start. Easy for them to say, not easy to do.
I know I’ll never stop loving or missing him but how do I move forward?
Any ideas?

Take care everyone


No idea at all … i think were all just caught between the devil and the deep blue sea ! Sorry ! So negative today … i not much to be happy about tbh xx


Actually. It helps to talk to your husband)wife, as I said. It helps me. No idea how to move on. Just take each day on the lonely road ahead of us at a time. Stay strong. And if you want to weep even if your shopping do it. I don’t worry what people think I weep even I want. It helps. :heart:


It certainly is … its like being in pergotory x

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Mine has been nearly 5 weeks since he passed and i have no idea what im doing. I just keep crying and then this immense nausea and pain in my stomach takes over me. Im struggling to eat anything. I have my little dog who adored my husband, he keeps waiting at the front door most days and then sits on the arm of the settee waiting for him to come up the drive in his car. He’s not been eating at times, it breaks my heart :broken_heart:


Youre in such early days though …give yourself bit of time … the first bit was awful for us all x


The vet saw one of the cats because I was worried. Her conclusion was he was grieving.


I don’t have weekends,everyday is the same(after retiring).Don’t meant this in a negative way.Take care all x


Me too my old life was fantastic always happy and now the opposite sad a lost .this life I have now is empty lonely sad. 63 years old an so lost x


I know the feeling xx

That is not negative. It is grief and loss of your beloved. I know because I feel exactly the same, it is hard to know who to tell because we know people think you should move on after a certain time but I never know when I am going to just break down and cry and be inconsolably heartbroken missing his physical presence 
I lost my beloved Liam after 25 years in a lovely happy relationship, ten months ago, all we wanted to do was take care of each other. We were together on our own, no children, we both have wider family but I feel so lost and lonely without him, at times like my life will never be the same again. We were each others world 
    For myself I have found some consolation in knowing that their spirit lives on and only the body can die. I talk to my partner every single day. I hear him talking to me in my mind and he gives gives me lots of signs that he is here with me still, including feeling his presence, his touch, things in the flat, there is so much evidence that all except his body is still here
   His love has not gone, his essence has not gone- neither have his personality or sense of humour. He is the love of my love I don’t think of myself as single and I never will, we are as together in spirit as we ever were when he was on the physical plane
There is a lot of proof and a lot more people than myself continuing their relationship with their beloved in spirit when we open ourselves up - we can all experience their ongoing love and care
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Yes I am retired too & every day is the same. My Husband passed away 19 months ago & I feel worse now than when it happened. Family & friends keep asking me out but just cant bring myself to go. Dont drive and waiting for knee ops so most days home alone all day. Keep hoping I will wake up one morning and feel better but it hasn`t happened yet. What a misery I am love to all x


Yes, totally understand.

Rose x