Saturday again

No, not a misery, you are grieving.

You are also dealing with medical issues.

That is so much to deal with.

Sending big hugs,

Rose x


Oh that is so Heartbreaking. I have a cat, and she knows the situation has changed in our home. I grieve for you all and wept when I read your posts. So sad. It affects us all bear to us. I live in Gloucester and sue Ryder has a councillng service twice a week that you can visit. I’ve only been once once but may go again. Have any of you tried that. :heart:


I had 10 sessions with sue ryder over 10 weeks. It was really good actually - lovely lady saw xx


I have been 6 times coffee a talking . Not been for a while trying to deal with out .keeping busy through the day but night times are the ones that get me x


I feel exactly the same. Nick passed away on a Saturday, so i hate the day.
Nick and i used to clean the house quickly, walk the dogs then go over the Liverpool. Have lunch then go and see an art exhibition. A few cocktails then come back on the bus. Ive tried going over to Liverpool on my own. Its not the same, unbearable really.
Yes, the sun is shining and it will be worse in the winter.
Its been a month since Nick passed away now and its not getting any easier, infact its getting worse. At least i had a funeral to organise. Now, i feel redundant. Nothing to do. Nobody to do it with. I have friends and family asking to do things with me… ive made excuses so many times. Theyve stopped asking now. Id rather be with Nick anyway.

Im going back to work 3rd june… Monday to Friday. But, still the weekends will be long and lonely.

I feel lost, like ive died :broken_heart: missing Nick so much x


That’s what I had to do Horrid no one to help family we not close me tina kept our selfs to our selfs been 5 months with out tina a guess no family round. I get invited to there but say I’m busy . In my head there nothing stopping coming round or bringing a cooked meal a ho but not. I find shopping for one an the dogs find me self talking to me self x Portsmouth I live there a lot of friends on here will or try to help x take care look after yourself your still here an he want you to be strong


Hi there, know what you mean, its difficult at the weekend the most I feel. I know we all put a brave face on but inside we are struggling, its good to share with others feeling the same, hope you have better days soon xx


Yep. I’m afraid we’re all in the same boat. I’m sitting here Sunday morning looking out over water and thinking what on earth am I going to do today. The sun is shining. When my husband was alive we’d be out now going for coffee lunch ect. But who wants to go on their own. Not me Saturday seems to be worse. I sit watching telly then burst out crying. Grief is a heartbeat away not wanting to live but I’m going to shake myself out of this. My husband wouldn’t want me to be miserable. It’s just so tough. Be kind to yourselves and try and have a nice day. Were alive and that’s what matters.:sparkles::heart:


Just finished my tina garden watching over Ziggy. Bless the other two cameras shy liars lights turned up so here it is just water fountain to go xx think tina be pleased. Xx think Tina would have done the same for me xx it’s hard for us all I no I have no answer just pottering on 63 feel my life at an end xx


Aw … @Martin2 that looks lovely. Your lifes not at an end but i know how you feel :frowning: nearly same age as you and its hard starting over … i like what i had before did you :frowning: it was easy and comfortable snd everything seems so foreign to me now in this new world we are in …x


Yeh we are alive and theyre not but its still bloody hard !! I hate this new life ! Its bloody crap and not what i wanted for myself :frowning: i wanted to be happy and settled at this age - not wondering what the hell tomorrow will bring !! Guess we have to try survive the day at least dont we and then bloody start all over again tomorrow xx


Life with tina was just easy. We did what we want a when got fountain to work complete. Yes very lost now sat texting this crying happy tears I have managed to do your garden babes as we said just so gutted your not here sat in the sun and admiring god I’m lost really lost this what tina sent in November could not tell me said we gone through so much


Aw i know its really tough …but baby steps to re- build our life … we gotta believe we will get there haven’t we ? They would want us to try have some sort of life ya know ! Xx


Yep that is for sure day times ok night are not tv on don’t no what I’m watching just on x


Hi @Martin2
Thats lovely for your wife Tina… lovely garden and doggo.

Whatever you do though, you still feel lost. I know!

Keep plodding on. This morning was terrible for me and i cried loads. But, ive just been out with our 3 dogs and had a lovely walk, cleared my head.
Its up and down all the time :disappointed_relieved:


I do agree with you weekends and evening are hard. I have one of Maureen son’s living with meH mostly keep himself to him self and when he go’s to work for night driving I am alone and the house it quiet and empty.


Thats beautiful @Martin2

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My son is only 22 and out all weekend. In the week he goes to boxing and gym. Its his way of coping, i suppose.
Yes, very quiet house.
Today, me and Nick would be sitting in the garden and id be making him lunch.
Then we would probably take the dogs to the beach about 3ish when its a bit cooler.
Im just sitting here feeling sorry for myself :sob::broken_heart:


I am doing a flower garden for Maureen with her favourite flowers and colours.
As we all say we miss them so so much.


keep looking at photos 54 no age at all
So fit and healthy, running and cycling.
Brain tumour :sob::broken_heart: