Hi Net
I have had some signs very similar to you, too numerous to mention. His favourite radio came on twice in the middle of the night. It certainly wasn’t on when I went to bed. I never use it anyway, don’t know how to. I was talking about him and his photo literally jumped off the coffee table on the other side of the room, this has happened twice. I’ve also had one of his paitings fall of the wall for no apparent reason but it was in the middle of the night and in our bedroom and it nearly gave me a heart attack.
Wow Pattidot
I am so glad I am not the only one.I have written all mine down I will look back and read them all when I feel I can do it. It is definitely them coming through to us What else if not would it be ? I wonder if anyone else on here has had signs ?
Seychelles & Pattidot
Thank you for sharing your signs, it’s good to be able to share them as it’s hard to find people who have had similar experiences. I write a lot of my signs down & it really helps reading them back when I’m having a bad day. I think I would have nearly had heart attack too Pat if a picture fell down in my bedroom in the night.
Big hugs
Net xx
Hi I hope the signs keep coming
Hi Seychelles and Net65
A coule of years ago a topic was started called PSYCHIC PHENONEMEM and there was a lot of interest in it and other members coming forward with their experiences. It can still be found on the forum (I have checked) it might be worth you having a look at it. There is more happenening than we might admit to as some peope might have no interest in the subject. I didn’t until I lost my husband and now I have no doubts at all.
Hi Emz.
I get a strong smell of perfume when i go into mums old bedroom. Sometimes i feel someone touching my hand , i believe they are signs from my mum . Hope you get some signs soon . Even a favourite song playing on the radio is a sign , butterflies etc .
Take care xx
Thank you so very much guys for sharing & my apologies for not being on but have had so much to sort out I haven’t had time.
I read the best time to ask for a signs (especially in a dream) is when you are feeling tired just before you fall asleep so last Saturday I did, it was just before 3am & I fell asleep, I was dreaming my partner was coming on top of my body & hugging me, the next minute I was awake and still feeling it so I tried to say I love you but I couldn’t get it out (think I was in shock at what was happening) then I could feel her getting back off me, I wear an eye mask to sleep & was going to pull it off but had a feeling not too for some reason. I have slept on the sofa since she died & I have a heavy blanket on me, in the morning I pull it back & did the morning after, the place where it happened I found a white feather & it hadn’t blown away when I pulled the blanket back it was just there!!
@seychelles , my husband has been gone nearly 2yrs now
The 1st sign I had was when I found my original wedding ring that I had lost 11 yrs ago we searched high and low for it for weeks and I was heart broken.Found it in the gravel at the front of the house, I know we did look there at the time but no joy.
Another time shortly after he had died I had a melt down just before I got into bed the bed side light was flickering
I did check the bulb the following day andit was fine didnt need replacing checked the electrics fine.
When I was really down our song came on the radio a few times.
I did go and see a medium who is very good 18 months after I had lost him,I have seen her before and believe me she is spot on. When I asked her if he had visted me she told me that I have been sleeping with one foot in the bed and one foot out of the bed and he had been trying to put that foot in the bed and cover me up,no one else knew this
When I got back to the car I had left the window open it was a hot day no breeze and I found a white feather on the car mat.
It blew me away,since I have seen medium which was 6 months ago it had been quiet
,Pat thank you I will try to find it now as I am really a believer in signs X
Hi Emz yes that’s a sign for sure.I love white feathers.
Wow that’s fantastic I am so glad other people are seeing white feathers in strange places bec I think I am going nuts as they are appearing in odd places
Deborah x
Can you tell me how to find it as I have tried thanks
Deborah x
Yes it works
I never knew about white feathers until now but it just reminded me that a couple of months ago I got on the bus and the gentleman sitting behind me said “excuse me but you’ve got a feather on the back of your head”. When I took it off it was white!
Wow John that must have been amazing for you.
I strongly believe in the power of a white feather especially when I find them in peculiar places. I have found one on the carpet when I have used the cleaner a couple of hours earlier and it certainly wasn’t there then. I also had one on my doorstep and it never moved throughout gail force winds. It eventually found itself indoors and it is still there. I have never thought to move it.
thanks i will try it now
Hi Johnch,
So glad you had a white feather Really believe in them and they say its a message from a loved one. They are especially found by you in odd places sometimes not always though
Wow amazing
Deborah x
Thanks all, I’ve only thought about it now after reading some of the replies. At the time I said where would this have come from? But now maybe I know. It was only small but I will look out for them now.
Hi Emz
Found the page and what can i say but wow. I loved reading the posts and havent finished all of them yet. I found them so interesting. Like me some had found feathers and had problems with electrical things . There has to be something more to all the signs we have. I know mine have all been to do with bulbs or lights and i know its my mam . 100% its her. I also read that its best not to keep asking as signs will appear when you least expect them. I havent had a sign for a few days now but my son has. My mum had a money box and she was collecting 50p pieces. My son emptied teh box last night and there was one shiny one that drew his eye and when he picked it up it was different to the rest It had a cat on it with the name Tom on it. My mum had a cat called To who my son was very close to . How strange was that. I know she would have put it in the moneybox but what are the chances of him spotting it before all the others ???