Still cannot believe it.

Aww bless him your hubby has a nice smiley face , this is my hubby 7 weeks ago for me :broken_heart:we were due to go jersey tomorrow together , my son is coming with with now , it will be strange x


I feel exactly the same .

Big, big hug

Rose xx

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Hi Jane15
I feel your pain - my husband died 5 weeks ago on a Friday, also of a heart attack. The way grief rolls over you in waves when you least expect it - my friends are amazing, but I donā€™t want to burden them.
Just when you are so vulnerable, you have to worry about paperwork and finances. I hope you have a good support system. Much love to you x


@Jane15 my deepest sympathy. It is very early days for you. It was 10 months last Wednesday when the same thing happened to my soul mate. I know how hard it is with a such a sudden shock and loss, I still struggle to believe that he has gone. I would love to say that it gets easier but that is not strictly true. I have days where I think Iā€™m moving forward but then something comes along and it hits me all over again. We all find our own ways of coping and I really hope you have plenty of support, and there is always a listening ear on here


I totally agree with you. To go away to family without him is bad enough. But to actually go on holiday without him is something I know Iā€™ll never be able to do.

Its 13 weeks now since I lost him and its not getting any easier. Sure, Iā€™m coping, but thats not getting over him. I never will

Sending big hugs to you

Liz x


I couldnā€™t even go out for a meal on my own, or the cinema or theatre it just doesnā€™t feel right to me. Maybe I need to get a bit stronger. I would go with friends but not on my ownā€¦i would probably start crying ( which I also think makes you vulnerable to sharks) :frowning:


Yes @penny6
We are very vunerable, and there will always be someone ready to take advantage.
Iā€™m lucky to have friends and family to look out for me, but I canā€™t do things on my own at the moment, and maybe never will


So sorry for your loss. I lost my angel to a sudden heart attack too, 13 months ago and it still hurts so deeply everyday :broken_heart:
Big hugs x


Thank you.
Iā€™ve spent the day with his brother and sister-in-law today. We had lunch to celebrate his birthday, then sorted out some of his clothes. Iā€™ve brought a lot home with me which Iā€™ll offer to his friends and bandmates.
I really donā€™t know what to do with my life now. I canā€™t imagine being with another man, I couldnā€™t go through all that again. But I hate being alone, too.
I learned that his band is playing a gig dedicated to him next weekend, but I donā€™t think I would cope with seeing and hearing their new drummer.


Itā€™s so hard, isnt it? I canā€™t imagine a future, let alone a day with anyone else. Life juat keeps throwing these awful things into the mix. Im trying to take one day at a time. But it just feels like im only existing. No enjoyment or concentration on anything anymore. :hugs:


Couldnā€™t agree more. My sentiments exactly and Iā€™m six weeks in today.


Iā€™m 7 weeks today. Mine is so complicated with secrets and lies. :hugs:


So sorry for youre loss. Big hugs


Oh Iā€™m so sorry, as if life isnā€™t complicated enough. Just try and look after yourself because if you donā€™t, who will?


Big hugs to you too :hugs:

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So sorry.

Sending hugs x

So sorry. Sending hugs x

Youā€™re welcome.
I can resonate with you - I canā€™t imagine being with another man either, what we had was irreplaceable we were so close as one unit through out our lives together so I am prepared to spend the rest of my life alone even though these days I hate loneliness but I am trying to learn to live with it.
I guess all we can do is go with the flow whatever makes us feel comfortable.


So sorry for your loss itā€™s coming up to a year next month my angels been gone Iā€™m sorting my
Garden out and started to plant flowers for my angel he loved the garden especially the sun he was only 51 and most him to suicide he leaves behind 2 daughters and my 2 that werenā€™t his life can be so cruel and I didnā€™t even know he was poorly etc happened so suddenly


How terrible for you, my condolences for youre loss. It must be so terrible to lose someone you love in such a tragic way. You must be asking why and the emotions must be so overwhelming. I lost my husband suddenly 7 weeks and 3 days ago. Mine is complicated by the deceit and lies ive since found out. Ive not managed to process it all yet and i think it will be a long time. Same for you i imagine! I think we can only hope that in time things will get easier as everyone says, only time will help . Big hugs to you xx