Still Struggling

Did my first group session last Thursday, I was the youngest there and at the beginning of the journey. I did it alone, but I now know what’s coming down the road and it will keep me busy.

Don’t know how I’m feeling about Myaloma, wether it’s a curse or a blessing. I just don’t know, of course I will do everything to fight it. But like a lot on here if I died tomorrow I would take that too. I was close to mum and yes a part of my life as ended. We can only hope that 1 day we are united with our loved ones. The worst thing for me is being in the flat alone, even though I have music on every day. I could walk into the living room asleep now there just a empty space.

I highly recommend having a pet. I have a cat and a tortoise and caring for them gives me a reason to get out of bed each day. They are also good listeners and do not judge, they show so much love and affection ( not the tortoise, he’s a man’s man!) and most importantly, pet owners never feel alone. Everyday when I come home from work my cat jumps on the windowsill and meadows until I get in. Then once I’m washed and in my pyjamas he jumps up on my lap for cuddles, then I get bitten when I’ve stroked him too much! Animal are so intuitive when it comes to our emotions, when we feel down they find a way to pick us up, much better company than humans. Just don’t tell me you’ve gone and got a big hairy spider….:

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Agree with the 80s theme here, especially the music for me! But also the feeling of safety and the belief that life would always continue the same (and that was nice). I was lucky to have a good family. Now they have all died and I have no siblings, cousins either. But I do appreciate my children and husband. I always feel now that life is so precarious. I have the cat sitting on me right now. She’s a gentle soul (unless you are a mouse or a bird!) Cats are good company. Feeling strange tonight and restless. Even thought earlier I would ring my mum! My mind has regressed to thinking my mum is back in her previous home, even though that was 6 years ago. I can’t quite believe it when I realise she isn’t. Part of me always feared losing my mum, but the other part never even thought that was possible. It seems unbelievable she’s not here. I’m going into work tomorrow as it’s more grounding for me, especially as my husband is away for work right now. I need to get absorbed in something else, I think it does me good, despite moaning about it!

I was born in 1979 making me an 80’s child and I loved it. Woolworths pick n mix, the tv lineup was worth the licence fee and the toys were great. Christmas was magical with the tacky ceiling decorations, the tins of chocolate were huge and most of all the belief in Father Christmas. You just don’t get that excitement as an adult these days. I was a girly girl baking with my mum or her teaching me to knit but I also loved fixing cars with my dad. We’d spend hours with bits of car all over the place then we would put it back together again and end up with washers and nuts left over. My dad would always say we were not to worry as it still started up and ran ok! There was one time I found a grass snake and thought it was so cute I went to show mum, she was on the phone at the time and screamed when she saw it!

I’ve felt really weepy the last few days thinking about mum and how I’ve lost half my family in less than 3 years. Mum would always text me and my sister whilst we were at work. I miss having her to text, we knew she got lonely but it was just nice to text her. It’s my birthday in September, the first milestone after losing her which I am not looking forward to. We have always loved Christmas but I am not looking forward to that this year either . My sister and I don’t see the point in cooking a Christmas dinner for the two of us so we are doing what a lot of people in our area do and order in a Chinese. Loki was very cuddly with me tonight so he must sense I’m not 100%. I got 3 lap cuddles and my sister got none, he’s always been my cat and my sister the play mate.

Hope everyone is doing ok, tomorrow is hump day, I’m in work ok so I will definitely have the hump or maybe give someone a thump. Could that be were I find my excitement in life?!

Not sure if this photo will work. A flashback from the 80’s!!

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Born 68 which made me right age for the 80s. I think the pet would be hard for me at the moment. I got 5 fractures in my back, but it’s a lot better then it was. but now and again I have to rest it

Im birn 66 so an older !

Sorry to hear about your illnesses

Sorry, phone playing up. Was going to say I’m dreading Christmas too also my birthday is in September! Just at work and cant get a proper connection here

It’s ok, life goes on doesn’t it, looks like a warm day today.

Does that mean you are going to boss us about as you are older?! I can’t get a very good connection at work either, I think they’ve done something so the staff can’t get on their mobiles!

Haha maybe our work does that too. I have to go outside to get a signal. Home now. Hopefully I’m not really bossy, I don’t think so. Also, no siblings so I have no experience of sibling rivalry either. But I also miss out on that support too and shared memories. I love the huge tub of Quality Street @Malcolm2. That’s amazing, I know most snacks etc have shrunk in terms of quantity but it just shows by how much. Could do with one of those right now. Creme eggs are definitely smaller. Lots of foods generally. Apparently even the cat food pouches now contain less! Poor cat.

The WiFi in work has been so bad this week. The funny thing is it’s so hard to get connected to the internet on our phone but we can get on to works hand held devices! You dont come across as a bossy person, very calm and down to earth. I don’t think I am bossy, just able to put across what people need to do in a professional manner! Although in work I established early on that I have boundaries and a bite when the need arises :wink:. I agree too that I could do with an 80’s style tin of sweets, I’d probably end up in a sugar induced coma but at least I would get a decent kip. I am off for 3 days now, thank cadburys and all that is diary. We have been given a new task to do each day that involves running around the store correcting gaps on the shelves. The job has already knackered my hips, knees and feet from all the running about, now it’s even worse. I get to the stage on a Wednesday after doing 4 days that I can hardly walk. I have found a job online I want to apply for so that will be my plan for my days off. There’s the washing and hoovering to do too, my life is so exciting I cannot keep up!

Know this all too well, let me know how you go on with online job. I was killing myself for money too. We seem to be forced into it now. We have less time then our parents and probably will have less retirement time too. Not too mention we becoming more of a lonely society and problems are popping up everywhere like weeds in the UK.

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Everywhere just seems so short staffed yet employers add more work on. My sister and I work until 7pm on a Sunday night then we are back in at 5am on a Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday is a repeat of the same pattern. I am physically and mentally worn out on my days off but there are jobs to do at home. The closing date for the job is 4th August but I want to get on with it today. It’s hybrid working which I like the idea of. The first year I was at college was the second year of the pandemic so it was all online, I loved it and thrived because I was in my own safe place. I didn’t have far to travel for a cup of tea either!

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True it might help me too as I can’t say what capacity I will return to Security. I been warned about pip assessments today, but need to go back in to complete tomorrow. I would get help if I was refused anyway. Today was my MRI scan which went ok. But won’t know results for another 2 weeks. Full body scan so took a while. Tomorrow bloods and nurse appointment and then Maggie’s with pip. So yes quite busy this week with the hospital. Came off Universal Credit today because mum’s will has cleared in my bank, which has now put me over what you are aloud too. I got bills and debts and debits and I don’t want to be paying that out my mum’s money. I need to do things with the flat and I might want a holiday after Myaloma. It’s difficult dealing with loss of my mum and Myaloma too. But at leaste Myaloma is giving me something to focus on for now.

Hope your scan results come through ok @Keith68 .
My husband might disagree with you @Malcolm2 about being calm! He is quite calm but I get very agitated quite often, and used to do with mum when she wasn’t looking after herself properly as I worried about her health. She used to sneak to the downstairs loo at night so as not to disturb us with the upstairs bathroom! I told her hundreds of times she might fall down but she still carried on! She wouldn’t always listen about health advice and it made me really stressed. I do get anxious a lot of the time and wish I didn’t.
Good luck with the job. It would be great to have something less stressful than you are currently doing. I really hope you get it.
Hope you are ok too @Ulma and not feeling too down.

@Keith68 keep is all updated as to how you get on. Is there any other kind of job you fancy doing? You could maybe go to college to learn a new skill. I’m up in Scotland where the qualifications are different. Here if you do a HNC or. HND you get your tuition fees paid for and can apply for a student loan and nursery to pay living costs. There are alway call centres that allow working from home. Get I touch with Macmillan and they can put you in touch with a money matters person who can see what financial help you can get. I am still working on my mums estate, her bank hasn’t been in touch yet about realising her funds. Like you my sister and I want to use our inheritance on something important not paying bills.

@Magsclar i can understand your anxiety, I used to get cross with my mum over things. When she was in hospital before we lost her she would complain about the food and refuse to eat it. I would get so annoyed with her because I was scared that if she didn’t eat the chemo wouldn’t work. Little did we know at the time that we were going to lose her anyway. I found the grief hard this week but I am hoping I am lucky with this job and I have something good happen in my life for a change!

I’m sure you are due for some good luck @Malcolm2 and really hope you get this job. All the very best for the application, and let us know how it goes. You deaerve something nice.
We were lucky with dealing with my mum’s estate, it all came through fairly easily.
I know that feeling of panic of trying to get mum to do things that would help her, but it was never so easy to persuade her. Not that she was ever deliberately awkward, she just didn’t think it was important. She was always kind and gentle really, just a bit stubborn sometimes.

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