Still Struggling

It’s gold leaf plated cheese so palatable and the gold is good for the joints! I have never been one for the gym, it seems full of skinny women and muscly men, never rough around the edges like me. How is it that there are never people like me there? Is there a secret gym they go to first and when they reach perfection they get a diploma to move on to the real gym?!!! It’s one of life’s big mysteries that I think only the government knows about! I’m putting off the cleaning, got Nutella cheesecake to make first. That is the job application submitted, it’s in the hands of the gods now. It was hard getting to the part where I was asked if I was an unpaid carer. For so long I was and put yes to these things. Another step I’ve had to deal with. Losing dad was incredibly hard, losing mum even worse as I have no parents now and a bit lost not being a carer. Back to work tomorrow which I’m dreading, there a guy on my department that has started to complain about every job he gets given to do, he talks too much and doesn’t do his job properly. He very much likes to pull others up including my sister and I for not doing our jobs properly. The task in fact hasn’t been done properly because our manager is cutting corners. The joys eh?!

Ironing for me today and 80s music, same as yesterday and the day before. Just give me a time machine. I want to go back and re live it all. The music, TV, films, people. The basic simple life, music written from the heart about love. Compassion, care, no cost of living. Feels like I’m living in a Donnie Darko Universe. The World has gone wrong, best thing going back to the 80,s I be re united with mum.

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The best part about the 80’s was Christmas! The tacky decorations and a snifter of a Babycham on Christmas Eve. There were so many brilliant tv programmes back then : Airwolf, the A-Team, Miami Vice, Nightrider. I could go on and on! The toys were so much better than they are now, kids nowadays just haven’t lived! I wish I could go back to the 80’s but I would want to be a lot thinner to pull off the neon pink Lycra leggings and leotard!!!

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I have been pondering this for quite some time.

meaning, we should stop worrying so much as many things are out of our hands? one must be proactive, but perhaps you mean we must allow whatever outcome to be as it shall be.


I agree. The saying “control the controllables” comes to mind. We can’t control what happens to us all we can control is our response.
We have a saying in Glasgow “ what’s for you won’t go by you” meaning what is meant to be will be. The universe is soo big and random and things happen for no apparent reason. Ultimately we have to accept them.

Take Care

I think we have to live we are now or what we are or what we have become. I got a hernia which I can’t do anything about because of Myaloma. But for me so many things wrong today. I miss the simplicity and the decency of the 80s a police officer was approachable and walked the streets, common sense was his weapon. But he knew if he had the people on his side then half his job was done. Now people film the police to gain evidence and protection from them. You could talk to a girl without fear of arrest, I can’t stand today. It feels like I’ve slided into a alternative universe. and I’m stuck here. Sliders was a 80s or 90s show where portals would open up to alternative realitys. They was stuck in that reality to the portal re opened. For me the portal never re opened. It’s hard to exist today!

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Yes I think some people were born looking perfect and just go to the gym to show off about it! We didnt get there yesterday anyway, spent the afternoon in the sunshine putting together a garden bench which my son had kindly bought us. Looks nice after a lot of yelling at it! :smile:
The doctor’s receptionist asked me about being a carer, so like you I had to say I no longer was…
Hope work was ok. Not great when you have miserable characters thete. Fingers crossed for a new job.
As for the 80s, I loved the music and the times. Can often be found watching re-runs of Top of the Pops!

Well I never been to the gym and it just a way to make people feel inferior of their body’s to make money. Some people have a obsession about fitness. Recently having lost my mum and having a hernia and being diagnosed with Myaloma, blood cancer. I don’t care no more, what will be will be. Besides we all perfect in God’s eyes.


I’m sad you didn’t get to go to the gym! Putting up a bench is a much nicer way to spend the day. I’m at work today and it is like key stone cops, the managers don’t know what they are doing. As for me: minimum wage, minimum effort! I’m currently sat in the canteen watching the Olympics, my sister and I watched the gymnastics on last night, my joints hurt watching them! I loved watching it in the 80’s and 90’s when we wiped the socks off everyone else!

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Thanks @Keith68 and @Malcolm2 . You’re right about the gym. Didnt go today either haha. Had a walk out. Felt pretty low today though for various reasons, and felt very depressed. Also put mum’s ashes in a container to take with us, which didn’t help my mood. Spent much of the day feeling angry and low, which I shouldn’t but did. Should have listened to some 80s music but didn’t get round to that either. I did, however, start putting some old family photos in an album. From my mum’s side of the family but I also have lots from my dad’s going back to Edwardian times. I’ve got some old fashioned scrapbook-type albums with the little corners that hold the photos in. Apparently they are better for the photos than plastic sheets and sticky backs. That was soothing anyway.


Sounds like despite everything you are actually getting things done. Well done. It’s soo hard to concentrate but you seem much better at it than me. I’m glad you found some comfort attending to the family photos.
Luv and hugs to you

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Hi Keith

Gyms are EVIL places. I avoid them like the plague. :joy:

I know a fitness instructor but he now moved to Australia. Yea don’t like em, lambs to the slaughter. They look at finding fault to get you to join. Too late for me at 55 with a hernia, you are what you are. Your mum and dad loved you for who you were, why let some stranger convince you for capitol gain you are from perfect

Hi Keith

Too right!!

Thanks @lulujones33 , it was nice looking at my mum in the photos. A whole different era back in the 30s but she looked very happy. I shall continue with my photo albums instead of the gym!

I love looking at photos, I’ll need to get them out when I feel up to it. There’s one of me with an 80’s/90’s spiral perm!

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I had 100 photo albums on the table, I’ve done one. But not felt the strength to finish 2nd. It’s all trivial anyway, 5 fractures is now 7 fractures now. I got a dentist appointment tomorrow, hospital want to start me on bone strengthening drug. But they can’t till I seen a dentist.

I got a fight on my hands

Oh no, sorry to see that. And as far as the dentist goes: good luck!

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Good luck for your appointments

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