Still Struggling

Cat woman wants me to get savings so I’m under the threshold again. I’m a bit more cautious even though I spent a bit already. Mum was so tight with money it caused a lot of augments and name calling between us we both fire signs. So we did fight, I wasted a lot of my life too out of work. It’s only 6 years ago I realised how easy it was to make money in security. My badge runs out in Jan but like I said I kept in touch with a lot of the companies hmm 1security company, 2 event security companies and another 2 football clubs. I could work for another 1 too oh NVC security too. But I would also like to work from home in trade currency. There’s got to be a way, I bought a used Mac thinking how can I make money without killing myself in security. But I’m working hard at home now, probably more then in security but obviously not 11 hour shifts. Got a call on the 20th about work even though I declared all my savings and getting no financial help what so ever from them.

Glad you are keeping going and refusing to give in. Sounds like your mum was very poorly treated. You also fall into the area where you don’t qualify for help because of finances. Keep on fighting!

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That’s a good idea to go and choose the frames first. I might employ that method when I go later in the year. You always need to be one step ahead in life I think!
Good old Loki. Cats are so nosy. Our cat has inexplicably decided that in this hot weather, her favourite spot to relax and sleep overnight is on top of the fridge! It must surely be even warmer up there. When you go to open the fridge she keeps an eye on what you’re doing and anything interesting that might be in there! At lunchtime she will magically appear at your feet to politely ask for a bit of chicken or other treat.

Ok, so I kind of understand the whole showering thing from your friends perspective. Hear me out! When you have a suppressed immune system showering is important to get rid of any bugs and bacteria on your skin. You are getting injections of chemo so it’s important to keep the injection site clean too as bacteria can get in to the injection holes. I’m an old hat at this from my experience with mum. I’ve said my piece and I won’t say any more! Just consider what I’ve said ok?

I love music too, all kinds! When I needed to study I liked to listen to movie scores such as: Lord of the Rings, Transformers, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Marvel. To cheer me up its a real eclectic mix of a-ha, Five, Royal Blood, AC/DC, it is S Club 7! Just anything that appeals to my soul at the time!

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@Keith68 can you not draw some cash out and stuff it in your mattress?! Working from home in finance sounds interesting! You made a good choice with a Mac, I hate Windows for lots of reasons, Apple has never let me down!

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@Magsclar getting to the opticians early meant they just left me alone to choose. Every pair I tried on my sister kept saying she didn’t like them so I started to panic! Then I tired in the first pair again which I had spied online and she liked them on me!

Loki likes to sleep in the washing basket which we keep on top of the fridge! It has a cut out leaf pattern on it, we like to stick our fingers in the holes and tickle him much to his disgust! When Loki was a kitten the vet gave us a trial size bag of food which is herring and orange, he loved it! We keep a bag of it for him now and give him a few bits a day, he thinks they are treats! It’s been hot the last couple of days and when we give it to him the kitchen stinks of rancid fish!

It’s cloudy today so Heelie won’t be out in the garden today so he will probably be stomping around his house in protest! Tortoises are renowned for pooing on demand, so I’ll probably have that thrown in for good measure. I rescued him when he was 2 years old in 2008, he wasn’t liked after properly so he has deformities in his shell and spine and never does solid poops. He does like the odd head rub and come over to us when we talk to him.

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Bless him, he looks happy!

It’s easy to do that, social workers don’t care as long as everything is covered. Carers was invited to the funeral. But said they couldn’t afford time off work. What a hour or 2 what we talking £20 quid ? Not that I was bothered. But I thought it was the right thing to do and it covered my back too. I will do a outgoing and incomings doc and ring back Macmillian.


Wow! He is gorgeous !!

I’m not closed minded to a shower. I just getting through the important stuff. I’m am having busy days at home. Cleaning kills a lot of time and so does phone calls. Hospital trips too, it all takes time to get through.

I have to have two cups of tea and a shower before I can feel awake enough to get going on any jobs! I’m just about to phone my mum’s bank to find out why they aren’t replying to my emails and have not sent me any kind of update on what is happening and when her funds will be released. It’s been hard being the Executor, I don’t think it’s allowed me to come to terms with what’s happened, it’s never quite felt real.

The sun is out here but there is the treat of rain, as predicted, Heelie is being a Mr Stompy pants. I’ll post a photo of my cat too!

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Lovely photos. Herring and orange, now there’s a thought! Poor Heelie, he sounds contented now though. Good luck with phoning the banks, they were quite good with us but I guess it depends which ones you’re with and who answers the phone!

Mum was with Clydesdale that is now Virgin Money. It took 15 minutes for me to get through and when I said the only correspondence I’ve had from them was 20 June and I’ve not had a response to my emails, they said their in box is pretty chocked, they’d reply eventually!! He went away to check then came back saying they should have sent me a letter by now and they will email it later today with instructions. Basically he didn’t give a :poop: and I was sent on my way. You would think being a bereavement line there would be more compassion. I’m off to hoover, don’t want to but I have to!

I jump out of bed make a tea, go back to bed, back up and take meds and then on it. Had to change bedding down to discharge from nose the other night Thalidomide chemo drug. Felt pain in lower back whilst changing duvet. A job I hate, I’m not out of the woods as of yet.

Sounds like our council, put council tax in hands of a debt collection company. They tell the debt collection company they sent you notifications which you not received. You ring them up about things and your treatment. They don’t give a toss, they just fob off to the DWP. It’s like it’s too much hassle for them even to pick up the phone in the first place.

Lovely baby xx

I haven’t jumped out of bed in about 40 years! These days it more of an ooze! Sounds like your chemo is causing many problems like my mum had, your body will learn to adjust. How long will your treatment plan go on for?

@lulujones33 he is a lovely baby but has been chewing on my sister and I because we had the audacity to sit on the floor!

Well not literally jump out of bed figure of speech. I had one or two problems with Thalidomide, the Myeloma nurses are aware of it. If I had the same problems last night I was to leave off for the weekend. But I was ok, it is strange but yes causing me problems especially with bedding. I got enough stuff to do in the flat without more work.